<br />�: ,
<br />�:
<br /> � �
<br /> ��' That � the MortgaRnr wi1�4 �ay the �ihdebkedhe�+s en Mrreiolx�fore prcrvided. - - � � � �
<br /> Thai the"Mortga,gm� is [he � 'dwner of �:naid pwperty in fee s+mple ; end hae- g+und right und� luwfi�l authorify to sell aqtl � . . .
<br /> .
<br /> . �� - � � � convey !he same and�thatr the��semria ,E;ee and �clear of 'any licn or'� enCum6iance: "anil that Mortgagbr wi.11� wprrent and detend thr`- ' �. �
<br /> Yifle to aaid pre[nises against the aiHims oC all prrsorw whomeoever. � �
<br /> To pap immerliatelyl�when ilu�,and� payable ,al4 �.RenerAl `taxes, '�epeaiat taxe�, special assessmen49, waGer charges.; sewer �se�rv�-�
<br /> ice cherges; and o�her faxes, aad chargea egainst said _ }�roperty, and all •taxea levir�l on the det�t aecu�.red herelry, and �to f�tw'niah �Lhe : �� - . , .
<br /> Mortgage�..- upoti teguest, v+ith the . �qriginal �ar duplic8te receipkq � ther�fpr: Thr Mort�agor �gree� thaC tMe�re shall he �adel.era �to - �
<br /> eaah monpFily payment reyuired hereunder �r Under� #he evidenca of� d�fit securtcl hPreby an arrm..unb eaCimated by the MortgaRee �
<br /> ta br su8'icirnt � to . en6#�le !he 'NCortga�ee fp •pay, �� as they k�et•otne . due: all Caxe�a, aisse�mentc, and � sim'ilar char�es upon tfir prnm- � �
<br /> ieea subject', thereEo;..any de,ficiency 'because uf . the ine�uffic�erxy af . such adclitional payme�n4v ahall }�c forCMwiRh deposiSrd by. the . _ . _ . ..
<br /> Mortgegar ��with _tFie�.� MoKgagee � upon,`;,,demend by t.he MorCgagee. A�ny default undnr th:ix rya�agra�;h e.hail l�e dPemrrl a �JetaulC in '
<br /> � ��:payment �ot tazr.s, asnessments, n�� sim�ilar� cha.xgas reyuired� Leaeunclec � � � � - � � � � � � � � ���
<br /> � � � � � � The � MortgaRor agreec � that 'tt�ere shall alao� be added to each. monthty payment o/ principal anrl indrrest required here��
<br /> � undea en amuunt� esUlnated. byYhe Mnrtgagee to be suf�icient to enable t}�e Mortgagee to pay, as iR becomee due . thP insurance -
<br /> premi�um wn. any itanurance pulicy delivered to thc Mortgsgee. A.ny de6ciency t�ecau.w� nt . Che� insuffiriency uf surh addi.Y.ional pey-
<br /> ments !+hall hr. tarth.witki de��asi�.trd by t.he Mortgugor with tFre Mortgeg�ee upun demnnd. by the M�wtKaRPe. Any rlefawlt une3er this
<br /> "� paragraph Nhall be� cleemrd a r,fefault in ihe payment o[ incucance premiums. ff the {wlicy <.r pol.i�ies d�•positFd a-nEr nuch �as Tnrme-
<br /> owners �or a11 risk policies, e�n.d the dep+.isits ate ihsuf!'icicnt. tu pay thr enk.ite prem.ium , fhe Mo�rtgaRer may ap�r-ly thp deposit to�
<br /> nay premiums on risks requircd to he insured bv fhi. mo-tR�aRe. �
<br /> Yayment4 made by the MurtK�Bor undpr f.k�c: above peragraph� may, at Rhe opfion of t.he !�IMortgagee, he held ' by iC and
<br /> comming(eci with nther such funds ��r ita nwn funds for thc payment of snach items, r�n�1 r� ntil sa applied, such payments a:re hrreby �
<br /> plevlqrd us security [or the un�aaid belance of thm mortKage i.ndebtedness. � . . �
<br /> Tu p-rocuee, c9el.i.ver to, and mainEa�in for the benefit nt thP MortKagcr_ during the lif,e mf this mmrtRage rxriginNl ryoli<�ie= and
<br /> renewals thereof, delivered at IeaSt ten days lset�re the ex{�irHtion ot any SpCF1 (lUI1fIP¢. insuring againat fire ancl other i.nsurable �
<br /> hazaxde, casualt9en�,. arid rnnCingpncies ss thr� Mortgagee mny requirn.,. .'n an emount equal tw the indebTedneee secu�red by lhie �
<br /> IWlort�age, aRd in eompanirs ar:ccptable ta the MartRagee, with loss pav�al�1e clause in fa^+or of gnd� in� f�irm aceeptablEr ta the vLprtga-
<br /> qee. In k�he event �ny policy is not renewerl on ur twfore trn days ��f ifw exp�raEirin, the Morfgagee may ��rocuee i�nsurancr on the �
<br /> improvementa, pey lhe prrmium therefor, anrl such sum. sha11 heco.me imme�ia�tely due and payab'le with i�nterest at [he rate srt . .
<br /> (arRh in 8aid not�� until psirl and shatl be seeu:red hq� this morlgaK�'- Faiture oh the pert of the ]No�rt�agor to� furnixh such renewale
<br /> as are 6en:in rec�uitred, or f:�ilure to pay an.V fiums. adva.nreci herrunc3��r �hall, at tNe� option of the Martqagee�, cnnstitute a cle(ault � �. .
<br /> under the terrna of thie morEgnge. 1'he tfeFivery ce( such {x��licie5 shall , in the event of defa.ult, conslStule a-n assi�qnmrnt af the un• �
<br /> ea�rnecl pcemium. � � � ' . � �
<br /> Any sutrta rrceived hy tkxe Murlga�ee by reason of luse or da.magr insured against may lre reWined by the Murtqagee �
<br /> pitd �applied Yowar� the paymen�t ut t.ht xlebt hrreby secare�l, i�t. a�t the �pii�n �rf th� 1Vlorfg�gFe, such sums FiEher wholly c�r in, �
<br /> pae! may be� �paid over to 4he Mortgag�ir to kre used to repair suck bu.il�linge, or t� Fauild ' new build�ings in their nia�r ur f.xr any � -
<br /> other pur�mse or nbjecC satisfechaty ln the Mc,rtqag�+e witho�ut a�H'ec�E�nK ihe lien .�n the m�rtgaqe for Ihe full anaownt secured here- -
<br /> by befure� aurh payment ever t�k place.
<br /> Tu prompUy repaiq restore or rrbuild any buildinRs or improvements now ur hereafter on the premiaes which may be�
<br /> come demaged or destroyed ; to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free from any me.chanic's lien or other lien or �
<br /> claim o[ lien not expresaly aubordinated to the lien hereof; not to sufter or permit any unlawful use uf or any nuisance to ekist on
<br /> � aaid pmpeNy nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any other act whrreby the property hereby conveyed sha11 bernme � �
<br /> lens valuable, nor to diminiah or impair Sts value by any act or omiscion to act ; to camply with all requircmrnts uf law with respect �
<br /> to the mortgaged premises and the use thereof. �
<br /> � That ahould the premixea or any part thereot be taken or damageci by rea:u�n of any public improvemrnt or condemnation
<br /> proceeding, or under the right of eminent domain, ur in any other manner. the Mortgagee ahall be entitted to all compensations, .
<br /> awards, and any othei payment or reli¢f therefor, and shall be entitted, at its option, to commence, appear in and �rosecute in its
<br /> own name any aMion or proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage. All such
<br /> compensation. awardv, damaR�. right of action and proceeds are hereby assiKnsvl to the Mortqagee, who may, after deducting �
<br /> therefrom all its expenses. release any moneys so received by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mort-
<br /> � gagor 'agreea to execute such further assignments of any compensation, awards, damages, and ri�hLs of action and nroceeds ar the
<br /> Mort6aR� may reqvire.
<br /> . , That in case ot tailure to perform any o( thr covenaniv herein, thr Mortgap,ee may do on the Mortgagor's behalf everything
<br /> so covenante[1; thst the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary tu Protect the lirn thereof. that ihe Mortgagor wi11
<br /> repay upon demand any moneys paid or dicbuised by the MortRaRPe tor any of the above purposes. and such moneys toget6er with
<br /> � iatemat thereon at the rate provided in aeid note ahall becume so much additional indebtedne� hereby secured and may be in-
<br /> � cluded in any decree lorecloaing this mortqage and be paid out of the rents or procer.ds of sale of said premi:ies if not otherwise
<br /> paid; that it � aMall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity o[ any lien, encumbrances, �r claim in ad-
<br /> vancing moneys aa above authorized, but nothinq herein rnntained shnll be constrned as requiring the Mortgngre to advance any
<br /> - moneya for any such purpoee nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgaqee shall not incur any nPIYupBI IIAh1IlIY FA'CAUCP of any-
<br /> � thing� il ��may do or omit to do hereunder_
<br /> �� � � � In the event of the default by Martgagor in the payment ot any inatallment, ea requireci by the Note aecured hereby. or .
<br /> - in� the performance -of the obligation in thia mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the MorLgagee shall be rntiUed to declare the
<br /> debt sec�ired hereby due aud payable without natice, and the Mortgagee shall be en[illed at iLa option. without notice_ either by itselt
<br /> � or by a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof, and witho� t regard to the adequacy of any securily for the indebtedness se-
<br /> � cuced hereby, to eater upon und take pos5ession' �of the - mortgaqed premises, and tc� collect and receive the rrnts, i�sues and profits
<br /> � � . thereo[, and apply, the. saine, .lesa costs of operation and collection, u{mn the indebtcdnesK aecured by thi.. mortgage: s:�id rents,
<br /> �� � iesuea and proSta being�hereby asaignec! to the Mortgagee aa� furlher security for the payment of all . indebtedness securetl . hereby, . �
<br /> � � � . �. . �. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . � �
<br /> �. � � + � �- � � The ��Mortgasee ehall have�� the power to appoint eny �agent. or agenta it may� desire (or the purpase ot repainng said prem- .
<br /> . � � � iaes; �renting the same: collecting the rents, mvenuea and income, and it may pay out of said income atl exprnses incurred in renb _. . __. ._ ,.... � ' " � ,»�`..
<br /> ing and managing Lhe same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shall be applied toward the � � _�� ;,�' �
<br /> discharge of ihe � .mortgage. .indebtedneas. This aesignment is to . terminate and become null and void upon releave uC this mortgage. 'r '
<br /> L' _ �
<br /> :a�.
<br /> ����
<br /> . , �:,
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