<br /> �
<br /> . _. . ._ _
<br /> . That the Mortqagor Will pay thc indebted�neqs as hereinM:•P�.r�• ,prrnni<ied..
<br /> � �� � � That the INortgagor is the �� Awner af aaid � prope.r .ty in Cee ei�ple� � and has Ko�d aight and. lawful authority tq. swll nnd� : �. . . •
<br /> convey Che same and' that the��aartre ie �frre an�l� elear of any lirn or encumb.rance: �end that ]VlorlgaRoe will warramt an�f dPfend the .-
<br /> title� ta� aAid p�emi5es against t}�e �IsiR�x of al'1 pvr.vnn4 wYi�m?e��ever.
<br /> To pay' immediaYely;�when due ,and. �peyable all .general taxes, specsaF taxes, :Sper.ial asces.sment?, waFcr cha�rges, aewer scrv-
<br /> ; ice charges: and othet texea�end chargea aRelnst said �propee2y, a'nd� alF �taxea Icvied on UMe drht sNcu.rezl. hrceby, and�. ko�. Curnish.Chz .
<br /> Mortgs�ee, � upon., itequest, with the �original or � dqplieate� reeeipts ihiri'efor. � The 1Nortgaqo.r . a�rees t.hat there aba11 be aaa�a to
<br /> eaefi monthly payment requ�.ire�1��� hereunder air unde.r the evidence� of de64 qecu�rrd herehy en amc�u�nt rstimated by thr MortqaRee
<br /> to be su@'icien�t Ro e�able the IvtortKagee tu pay, aa 2hey br.eome due, all taxrrs, a:.srs.s.me�m:Cx, and cimilar charges upon !he prem-�
<br /> ises subjeet lhereto; .a�Yy deficiency becau.ge ot the ins��(firiency of� auch additinnal . payment4 sh�li !xr (orChwith depnsited by thv . .
<br /> � Murtqagor with ;thq Moc6gegee urion. - �demaxid Mx the �4'ortFa�c�. Any def»ul��t under Fh�x U�ra�eaph shall Fk:� xlcrmed� a vefault- i.n �
<br /> ' � � payment -�irf taxrs, �asaessmi.nta, nr simifar chargwa required herrun�ler. � � �
<br /> � � ThP MorFRaRor �aqrees� ihat fhere aha❑ also k>e� addeci ta each munthl,y paymenC o[ ryrinciryel and interext r�rqui�red here-
<br /> un�lcr an am�ynt estimate�l Fry the� M�rt�agee tv he suflicFent tn enable il,r- M�rtgaKe¢ W {��:r: , as i.t tre!runu•a rfue, the ir�.ucance
<br /> premium on an,y ineurane�e pulicy del�iwewed 4o thr IvloMgagee. Any �ieficien�y Iwcauv�- of thr in.9�tfficienC} n( such a�ditional pay-
<br /> menta sha�ll be fc�rChwiCh dery«citeci hy thp :ktortgagor with thr INorLgagee ufmn dc•rriand hy the Mortqag�. Any default unJer th�is
<br /> paragraph. ahall kre deemecl a defaull in the payment nf insuranca rre�miurns. ff thr poiicy c>r policie� rlep�isit�l are such aa. Frt�mP-
<br /> � owneis ar � all � risk ' �lia-ies,. emci tha �eposits axe insufficicn:G to pay the rntire p�nernium, the Morlqagee may aprly fhe de�wsit. t�
<br /> � pay premiums on riske requ.ired to t��c irr�urcd hy thi� m�rtRegc.
<br /> Pavmvn�ts ttiarfe tiy the MurtRagc+r unde�r the a�buvw rHit]�CA�lIl9 tnay, at f:he• i�pficrn of iF�e• MortFagee, be helel - by it gnd
<br /> ctirominlKled. with nlher� .euch funds or itc awn haneiti tur the pnyment nf cuck� ita�rns. and until so a{�rylie�i. sucN peyments. are herehw�
<br /> pledRed es securi.ty (or [lie unpaid bala�ncn �.f thr m�rt�;a�e inrlebEpdnesv .
<br /> To p�roaure, drli�ver M�, and axai�ntain for the benal.�fi¢ o[ thr Mc�rtga.ge�• durin�; che IiEe of R.hia mcart�.gaRe original policies and �
<br /> renkwals thereof�, deliver`�xS �t leasC ten d,ays Frefr�re thr Nxpira�l.iun af any sueh ��IaCiec, ingu�ring aKainst firrz anei olher insurahl'r_
<br /> Itewrda, casualt'aea, and contingencies as Che Mortgagee� may tequire, in an amouttt eqaal to the ind.ebtedr�c�s secured b.V thia
<br /> Murtgage, and in cum�panies accepfist>le t�� the Mr�rtgagee�, +vith Ic:.s Nayafile c6�ui;e rn favor nf emd in form acce:�fabl:e to �ihe MnrtZca-
<br /> �
<br /> gee. In the event any (xrlicy ts nc.'t renewrll ��n or bufore te�n .lKys of iCs exµiratic�n. thK Mortga�ec mny prxure insura�nce� un tha
<br /> impsovennents, pay the premium theretar, and s��u��:h sum Ffzall become immPcliately due nnd payablr with. in.trxest at the reCe set -
<br /> furth im sa�id note uatil paid and s4�a11 !x� .�cured Uy 4his m��,rtgaK�"� F'ailure on the parR uf th» Mcrrtga�nr t� furnlsh vuch re�newals
<br /> as gre hprwin nequired or Sail� re tc� pa,v any cums ad�vancerl trrreunder chall , at the �ption �( tbe Mortgagee, ce�na4itute a �Irfaul�t
<br /> under thc tertns ot Chis motkRagc�. The delivr. ty �[ �!ich P<.� iries shall , in tlae event nf de[aulf, ccnstitute an assiRnmrnk af tMte an-
<br /> earned premi�um_
<br /> � � A,n,v suma receive� hy the MortE�K� bY reaxon uf los� e�r da�m�age insured aga:i�nst may be reta�ined Ay the MorPRaqee �
<br /> . snd epplir.d toward� tlwe paytnent of t.he debl hereby secured, ��r, at 4he uptian <�f the 'vltirlgagee, sueh sum. eithrr wholly ur in �
<br /> � part may be paid over tn the Mo�tgagor tm tbe usecl Er� repair xu�eh buit�li�ngs or to bui1J ' new buildings in thF+i�r place eir (or any
<br /> �other pur{mse �.r object sa�tisfactory to the MurtK�aee withou�i afY�wctink th� lien �>n the mortKaee for the full atnount wecured here-
<br /> . by Ifefure such payment evet toak plece.
<br /> . To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any huildinK4 � r improvements now ur hrrea[ter on the premiaes which may be-
<br /> � come damaged or destroyed: to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free [rom any mechanic's lien or other lien or
<br /> � daim of lien not exprecaly xubordinated to the lirn hereof: not to suftrr or permit any unlawful use uf or any nuisence to exist on
<br /> aaid property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the property heraby conveyed shall bemme
<br /> lese valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or omiscion to act : to comply with all requirements of law with respect
<br /> to the morlgaged premises and the use thereof. �
<br /> That should the premises or any part thrreof be taken or damaged by reasun of any public improvement or condemnation
<br /> � proceeding, or under t}ie right of eminent domain , ur in any other manner, the Mortgagee chull be entitled to all rnmpensations.
<br /> � awards, and any other payment or relief theretor, and shall be entitled. at its uption, to commence, appear in and prosecute in its
<br /> � own name any aMion ur proceedinK. ur to make any cumpromise or �etU�+ment in connection with such taking or damnge. All such
<br /> compensation, awards, damages, right of actiun and pro.:eeds are hereby asaigned to the Mortgagee, who may, after deducting
<br /> Lherefrom all its espensee, release any moneys so received by it or apply tt�e same on any indebtedneav secured hereby. The Mort-
<br /> � gegor agrees to execute such forther assignmentc ot any compenxation . awards. damages, and right�c of action and rroceeds a9 the
<br /> MortgaKee may require.
<br /> � That . in casr of failure to prrfurm any of the covenant� herein, thr Mortgagre may do on the Mortgagor's t�ehal[ everything
<br /> . so covenented ; Lhat the MurtRage¢ may also do any act it may deem necessary tu prolecl the lien thereof; lhat the Mortgagor wi11
<br /> repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursrd by the MortRa�ce for any of the above purposes, and such moneyx togetfier with
<br /> intereat thereon at the rate prwided in said note shall become so much additional indebtednesa hereby secured and may !w in-
<br /> cluded in any decree toreclosing this mortgaRe and be paid out of the renis or proceedn of salr of said premises if not othenvise
<br /> ' paid; `that it chall not be �obligatory upon the Morigagee to inquire inM the validity ot any lien, encumbrences, or elaim in ad-
<br /> vancing moneys as ebove authorized, but nothing herein contained shall br construed as requirinq the Mortgagee tu advance any
<br /> moneys for any such purpoxe nor to do any act hereunder; and thwt Mortqagee shall not incur any personal liability Mecauxe of any-
<br /> � thing it may do or umit to do hereunder.
<br /> . In the event o( the default by Mortgagor in the payment of any installment , as cequired by the Note secured hereby, or
<br /> �� in the pedormar�ce of - the obligation in this mortgage or in the note eecured thereby, the Mortgagee shatl be entitled t� declare the
<br /> � debt secured hereby due and .payable without noLim, and the Mortgagee ahall be entitled at its opLion, without natice, either by ifaelf
<br /> or by a ree,�eiver to be appoinled by the Court thereof. and without ngacYl to the adequncy o( nny security for th� indFbt�dnecc ev-
<br /> . cured� hereby, . to enter upon and take . pos.kess�ion� of lhe � mortgaged premines, and W collect and receive the rents, issuea and profitc
<br /> . theseoE, and .apply the same, �.leas costs oF ufxration and collection_ upon the indebtedness :recured hy this. murtgaKr, aafJ rents,
<br /> � is�ues and profits being. hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as (urtNer securlty Jor the payment of all indebtednes_s secvrefi hereby. .
<br /> � - � � The �Mortgegec shall have �thepowento appoint any �agent or � agenb it may desire for the purpoae o[ repairing �seid � prem- ' � .
<br /> �� . iees; renting th� neme: collecting the renb, revenues and iocome, and it may pay ont of xeid income all expenses inrurred in reat- � �
<br /> � � � ing and managing lhe eame and of collecting the rentsls therefrom. The balance remaining, if any. shall Iu- applied toward the
<br /> diecharge �ot tha mottgage indebtedneaa This asBignment in to tezminate and become null and void upon release o[ this mortgage.
<br />