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_: � � <br />� �i� , <br /> _ ::- -� .� .f.�.-t <_�� --. ,,._ _ - � <br /> _. .� < �., <br /> _ �,�-,� w __ : _ . <br /> _ '�'�'���� ���., REAL EST/1TE MORTGAGE ___ Forrr� F��_zoe Re��i-�� E� <br />,`_" ( - <br />! � j ' +; � <br /> �ata__Marc,h 30. 1978 <br /> f� i <br />� La'Vern L. 5untyeh and Rosalee D, SunGych (also known as Rosa,lie Dell Suntyeh , 1 �. ; <br /> �.. . � 4 : : , -, <br />; � . . ,. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . '1 �:. ,.�. , : ' •�. <br />� husband and wife ,_ �, <br />� nortgagors. �� " <br />� Sa11 N'e�bra�slca� � s; <br /> i nf �� . . . . .. ... Cotlt7tY. _ ... , iit ¢on�,sideT'atioil 4# �i c�., <br /> F �� �. tfle aQvanee ot tpe prlriclyal sum�recSteG Sn the noce here�lnatfer descrl.DeA,recetPt of whieh is scknowl.eslged, beraby� '! �� � � �`,' '~ �. <br /> i � <br />' 1�,, moTtgege and convey to . t r. - <br /> ( THE FEDFRAL LAND BANK OF OMANA, a Goeooration, �tf � <br /> li� of Omaha, Qaug9as County, NebraskaK whose address � � <br /> fj Fs Farm �redit 8ui1d'rng, Dmaha, Nebraaka 681Q0, � <br /> ��, Mort ee svb,�enc to oii, � " <br /> 6!!B ( a �as,, an� m3neral rights nwned Dy parLles oCher than MortgElgors; easements of Yf <br /> record; reserve,tions in United States and State�atents;an4 t.he rights a2 the pvCllc Sn All highw�ys), the T411ow1ng- <br /> �j� described rea1�, astat,e S.n Ha,11 �o�tY N�b�taska� ,` <br /> �; <br /> �'1 SEC. 7MW. R6. ( + ' <br /> �� W�NGl3t; and NE-'�LNFT'-y; and NFT3yt�7��•,' and. E'�gNE� (excegCing `� � <br /> ( ! <br /> �1 and exc,ludiag tlierefrom [hat po�t3on of said ��NE'ti + ,� <br /> of said SeCtion 6, lying southerly from the meander <br /> line of the South Loup ftive� and sach ex!ciuded y <br /> � � poztion containing 38.5 acres, mc�re or less) - � - - - - - 6 12N 32 W b�h P.M. <br /> � � 6 �,. h <br /> � �f t�. v+ # <br /> �� � . . . ( F. � � <br /> � }" <br /> { ti'' <br /> � � f �� y� <br /> � � � i <br /> +1 ! l <br /> }" t ,�� <br /> i "`' �. <br /> � � jz �� �; <br /> . � �� �' - ��'�. <br />. . . �� $. �'� <br /> 3 . <br /> F. I <br /> �t ��' � S.'., <br /> �contatning 182 acres, more or less, together wlth all oS the rlght, tltle, and lnterest � �� <br />� (now ownedorhereafter acquired) of the Mortgagors in said propercy, SncluAing all buildings, improvements, fixtures, ?�� °'� <br /> { ,or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed thereon; all water, irrigation, and drainage rlghts• the tenements, � d��� <br /> � hereQltements, and aDpurtenances theref.o nnd the rents, issues, crops, and profits arSsing from said lands• and {lf � f�• s �� <br /> the nortgagars� rights in the publlc domaln are required by Horcpagee Sor securlty purposes) all leases,�peimits, <br />. licenses, orprlvileges, sypurtenant or nonappurtenant to said mortgageA premises,now or hereafter issueG, extended. �� �� <br /> or renewed to the Mortgagors by che United Staces or the state in which the aDove-aescribed property Ss locateC or ;'1f j,.�, s <br /> . any Cepartment, bvreau, oc agency thereoS. " 3�; <br /> TI11s mortgage 'is given to secure a romisso 4 � <br /> p ry note of even Aate herewlth, executed by Mortgagors to Nortgagee. Sn �4 �'� r;; <br /> � LhC pt'SilClp81 sWR Of �TRTRRN �rcinrTc eun NTNR. HT7Nf]RFn ANII Nn�l n0 - - - - - - - - - - - ..pp��Rs� ,t ; <br />- pqyable with lnterest nccordinES to the terms of sa1Q note. Lhe f1na1 payment being due antl yays�le on the flrst day �� i�� <br /> of�_11j?� ��998 . 9hls conveyance shall be void u0oa the pttyment of sald Dromissory note. 1� ' <br /> Thi�s mortgage Ss sub�ect to the provlsions oI THE FARH C9EDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental jf !�-� <br /> �. thereto. The proceeQs of the loan secured hereby wlli be used ior the purposes specified Sn the Mortgagors� app11- �( <br /> cation for sa1C loen and authorl2eQ Dy sa1Q Act. ' - <br /> �flie Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby werrent that they ara fee owners of the mort a ed real � <br /> �� g g property; thet they ,+ <br /> will�deiend the tltle against all claimants whomsoever, and that sald praperty is free from all encumbrances; Lhat �� i.��. <br /> �� they:will keep all tha Smprovements, 1lxtures, and aDPurtenances occuDied and in gooG repair and permlt no acts a2 <br /> as Sollows:they will rellnquish all r3ghts af homestead Sn sa1C Dremises,and covenant and agree with Lhe Mortgagee, j� <br /> � <br /> (i)�: That tney will DaY �en due ali taxes, 11ens, � !� <br /> �udgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed against � <br /> the property herein mortgaged. �� <br /> � �.(2)���That�they w111 lnsure and kee➢�insurea bulidings or other improvements now on or whlch may het-eafter be placed � <br /> ��on said premises to Lhe�satisfaction of the Mortgagee,such Snsurance policy shall be endorseG with a mortgage clause ;O ;��� <br /> � aith the-loss tEereunder to be yayable to tne Mortgagee. qqy sums received�may be useG to pay for reconstruction `� <br /> �. of�the QestroyeQ ImDrovements; or, lf not so apyiled, may, ac the option of the Mortgagee, be aDDlied in payment of <br /> , �.as�y SnQebtedness.,� matureG or unmatureC, secured by LAis mortgage. ti <br /> t . <br /> �, (3�����To pay all rents,�tees, or charges now due or to become due under tIIe terms of each lease, permlt, 1lcenae, or :� .",'r# <br /> � prlvl3ege on�Lhe�Dublic aomaSn�whlch is appurtenant or nonappurtenant Lo the mortgaged premises, which has been ' <br /> �1ssuBC,�.e�ctendeC,or reneveed by�the Un2teQ StaCes or the state Sn which Lrie above-descriDetl property is located; aad �� ��� <br /> ���-Lo yerform and observe every act, covensnt, conditlon, and stlpulation necessary to keep each oi the same Sn gooG .;� +� <br /> �sLaAding; apG,to take�eveiy necessary atep Co secure the.relssue, renewal, or extenslon of.each of the same; and to� �� <br /> `asslgn�,���wslve�,�pleCge, or� Hortgagee each 3ease, Dermlt, license, or privilege if nortgagors� rights ¢4 -���r=^'.c" �`� <br /> �in publlc domnin-are reqaireQ.Dy riortgagee for securlty D�'Doses. � � �i ;,; <br /> �•(4) That ln the�.event the ttortgagee Ss.a�party W any litlgation affecting the security or the lien of Sts mort- fi �� �� <br /> • �gage, inciaGing ar�y,auit���by the�Mortgagee toforeclose thls mortgage or aay suit�in which the Mortgagee may De named =. <br /> a party tlefendant in whSch it is'obligatey to yrotect its rights or 11en,� incluClr� condemnatlon and bankruptcy '' .;z; <br /> px�oceed2ngs, the-Hortgagee may incurcexpenses����and�aQvance.pqyment for abstract Iees, attorney fees (except�to the� f <br /> �extent prohiDiEed'.�Dy Iaw), costs, �,exyenses; anG�other charges.. �� . j; � � <br /> �: d <br /> .(�5} They in,the�evenE the Hortgagors fail Eo��ysy�Wlien Cue any taxes,.liens, �uGgments, or assessments, or fail to � �•' <br /> ' malntaln•�insurance es herelnDefore �rovi6ed,� or ieil to�pay rents, tees, or chxrges under the terms of any lease, ,y . � <br /> - .pernllt,�llcense;�-�Or'privilege;�or Hortgagee is repulred to incur exDenses for abstract iees, attorney Sees. costs, � <br /> e]cQenses�,aaQother cLax�ges In connectlon.wlth liLlgaGlon. HorLgagee may make such payment oryrovitle such iasurance, � . � � <br /> `or Sncur-;such opllgaLion�;-anQ the���amounts �DalA�tl�ereior shall�Decome�e part of the inQebteMess secured hereby Que ( �i � � <br /> and yqyable Smoediate]y,�anC�ail��bear�iatereat�.irom�.the.Qate of pqyment at the same rate as provlded Sor defeult � � �� � <br /> .�in'the�note. . . . . . . . ... . � . ', � <br /> I; <br /> � — - ---�._.__.�.._. ____..._ ..-- - _ " <br /> __ � <br />