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<br /> �a-- u�2116 R�AL ESTATE N10RTGAGE
<br /> FtOGER A. GApE /��D i;AREN A. GApF, tiusband -dnd w i fe, each i n h i s and Fri�r �wn riqht ann as
<br /> snnucP �nf tMr+ n'thPr . . . . .. � . � ,. ��. .
<br /> of tihe Couaty of Ma(I and'State q� �lebraska heretnattcr caIled the RarEy of the �rst part,�n
<br /> epnsidendioa aL TH I R7Y FOUR THOUSlW D AtdD id0/i GG--- _�-------------- ----�------
<br /> _,._.�w_,�._DOLLARS.
<br /> j fp hand paid,. do hereby graat,bargain,aell aad coaveq unt.o the Home Federat Saving�&Loaa Aseoctetiun of Grand Island, '
<br /> Gspnd Ialand; Nebraska,and its auccessors and asaigm,the Sollowing real eatate.sitaaled+r Ha 1 1
<br /> Gounty.State o* N z b ra s ka ,,� towlt:
<br /> ' LOT TW��JTY-TWQ (221,. I'N dLOCK TWC3 (2), Cf�NT I NFhJTAL CiARDEN�, AN ADD I T f Oi4 Tb THE C t TY dF
<br /> Together wiih,all the appurlenances thereunto bclonging, and all covenants in a11 the tttle deeds ruitming w3th aaid seal eatate, ;
<br /> and all'tLe renfs,iasues and profits arising therefrom aftcr defaulY iQ performance ot any eovenaat or eondltlon here�n con- ;;
<br /> tained;ahd warrants the Utle thereto pertect aud clear except for this mortga8e.
<br /> Dw�ing tLe time thls mortgage is in fonce the mnrtgagon agree:
<br /> FIist. To pay all tsxes aad apecisl assessm2nts �evied agaihst said premIses, including all taxes and assessments le¢ied
<br /> npoa thia moatga8e',Rr fhe debt secured bY�s mortgage•
<br /> Secand. To keeg all buildings thexeon iasused against lass by�ire, 19ghtning and tarnudo in sotne company,to be ap�
<br /> graved bp the said Home Federai Savings&Loan A5sxlation of Gsend Ts'land in the sum of$ , �nsiiraF:1 a ua i;�a�_,� fQr
<br /> tlie benefit ot LLe sald Associatioa,apd it5 successqxs or sssigns; aad to deposit said poltcies wIth said Associatinn,and shall ntit
<br /> commit ar auffer any waste oa Said premises, and shall put and keep said seal estate bu�dings and improvements in guad
<br /> order, -
<br /> � Tlilrd_ To pay or canse Lo be pa'ad to the Home Fedenal Savings Qc I.oan AssociaYion of Grand 7sland, Its successoes or
<br /> I RT'Y F�UR THOIiSAtJn AtJ.r, 'VO/I u0--�------------------------------ ` ,:
<br /> � aseigos:the sum of� TH ' DOLI.AIiS,
<br /> payable 8e follows:
<br /> $34,0OO.OQ DUE APRIL I , 1479 �
<br /> �.i �� �
<br /> wlth interest thereon payable,accordIng to the tenor and effect of the one certatn first mortgage note of saId mortgagora,
<br /> bearing even date with these presents. After maturity said bond draws interest at the rate of nine per ceat per aannm.
<br /> If said•tases and assesameate are not paid whea due, or if the buildings on said prnmises are not imured as above pro- —
<br /> vided,or if any M said Interest is not pald when due,t6en said whole debt ahaII become due immediately,at tLe opHoa of the �
<br /> said Aasociatlon,and sLall thereafter draw iaterest at the aate of nine per cent per annnm.
<br /> T6e mortgagor� hereby �gig�_ to said mortgagee all reats and iacome arlsing at any and all times from said
<br /> property and hereby suthorize said mortgagee or its ageat, at Its optioa, upon defavlt, to take cbarge of sald property and �
<br /> collect'all rente and i�ome therefrom and apply the aeme to f]ie payment of interest, princlpal, insurance premlums, taxes,
<br /> a�meats, repalra or improvements necassary to keep said property In tenantable condition, or to other charges or pay-
<br /> ments provided for hereln or fn the note hereby secured. Thia rr.nt assigoment shall continue ia toare nntil the nnpafd bal-
<br /> ance of saId note is fully paid The taMag of possession hereunder shall in no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in
<br /> � the collectioa of affid aums bp foreclasure or otherwise.
<br /> Whether said debt becomea due by lapse o! time, or by reaaon of the failure of tl�e patty of the first part ta comply
<br /> with aay coadition herein, the sald Some Federal SavIngs & Loaa AssociaUoa of Graad 7sland, the successors aad assIgns,
<br /> shall'have the rIght to begin the foreclosure of thts mortgaSe at once on the whole debt hereby secured, aad to inelude
<br /> therein all taxes, assessments, ina�sance p�minms and costa, paid bq 3t or them; or said Assodatlon, its successorn ar
<br /> : ansigns,may foreclose oaly as to the sum paat due, wlthout in3ury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairmeat
<br /> of the llen thexeof. �
<br /> And the sa[d 8rst pazty and tLe malcers of sald note, especially agree and declare tLat the separate estate of eacL and
<br /> every one of LLem, including both Lhat aow owaed and ihat hr.neafter acquired, 3s pledged and bound for the payment of
<br /> � the debt herebY;eecured•
<br /> After the commencement oi any suit in foreclosure the plaintiff therein shall be entitled to tlu immediate possession of !
<br /> �4 said premises sad the appointment of a receiver therefor, notwttLstanding they may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br /> � _notwithstanding the psrliea ltable for the debt may be aolveat, aad the fiist party hereby consents to the appointment of a _ �";''
<br /> ""Receiver npon,the productioa ot ttds'indeatux+e,without other evidence. � �Y;,
<br /> � The foregoing coadlttons and a�eements, a11 and singular,being fully pertormed,this conveyaace sLall be void, other- � �� "
<br /> �:. . ' w3ee to be•and remaia in,tull force aad effecL `;
<br /> t.h�. . . . � . d.:
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