<br /> 9) � . .: �
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<br /> ___ _ _.__.._____�.�_..__:_:�__ . . _-: . _._. _ _ .. ... .=.---.-= __.__ _ _� _
<br /> - �._,_._
<br /> 52-A—REAI.E3TATE MORTGAGE—(WJth Tax Clause) (RevfYed 1962) �tLe HuIIwan Go.wni 8upplq Hwse,Liacotn, Nebc.. �, .
<br /> �' .:.�� ..,.. _ . .. ._. . � .. �.�_... .. . __ i.�..�_
<br /> T{NUW ALL M£N HY TH�SE PftESENT3: That James M. $enneCC and Sharon A. Bennett, Husband ��
<br /> and Wife, each iadividually in his and hex own right and as spouse. of the qthe.r, ,E
<br />� , of � Flall Gounty,and Stete af Nebraska ,in conaideration of the aum of {
<br /> , SIXTY THOUSAND TWENTY�-FIVE AND NO/IOQ---------'-------------------------^--�-----I)C)LLAftS i? Y ,''
<br /> � in hand peid, do 6ereby SELL und CONVE� unto The First Natianal Sank aE Grand Island, {
<br /> � �p
<br /> i�� of� � H�1 C•ounty, :SYate of NebTaSk� the following deacribed premiscs s"xtua£ed � ��
<br /> in Ha11 Coruitv.and State�f Nebra9ka ,to-w'tt: � r�
<br /> Ij
<br /> Lat Fouz (k), Blocle One (1) in Southe-rn Acres Addition :
<br /> ta the City o£ �rand Island, Hall Cp�.tnCy, N.�braska, . � k;
<br /> ` � '6
<br /> � (;
<br /> �� � ,
<br /> ��
<br /> 1 '
<br /> ��
<br /> i � If
<br /> I�� � `'
<br /> !� �;
<br /> �# � ,�
<br /> ;� � � tf
<br /> � �
<br /> I � 1'he intrntivn i+eing ta cr,nvey hKeek�+y ru.absvlute ti,tle in fee simple,including al{ ihe rights of� homestead and �owe:r. �?
<br /> TO HAVF. AND TO HULI7 the prrmises ab!�xve deacrihed, wiCh al'1 thc�epN�lYtenances thereunto belon�ing, unto the said if ��'.
<br /> ��, murtgygee(ej an�d to his, hrr or theit heira aad ms.4i;ms Lurrver, provided nlways, nnd thesr. presents� are upat� the eYpread �' 'i„
<br /> condiUoa that if thr, sa�d mort�agor(»), his,her�r their heirs, exerutnrs. ad�minintratcirs �r assigns shuli pay ar� cause W� be j!
<br /> peid to 4he sa'td mortgu�ee(s), his, her or t.h.eir heirs,exec��ttora, adminietraWrs or a.g.cigns;thr.prinuipal'.su�of$ 6�sb25.��0 ��
<br /> payable aa(oll�ws,to w7t: !
<br /> � $6d,025.Op principal, plus accrued interest a£ $2,943.02 on (� ?+;
<br /> the lOth,:day of October, 1978. � �!� +�
<br /> . ,� . � f s*;'.
<br /> �
<br /> • � �'h
<br /> . with interest according to the tenor and effect of the mortgagors wriften promisaory note bearing even date with these preaents�
<br /> and ahall pay all taxes and assesamenis levied upon said real estate,and all other taxea,levies nnd ea�essments levied upon this �=:w
<br />. . mortgage or the note'which this mort�age is given to secure, be[ore the same becomea delinquent,and keep the buildings on
<br /> � eaid premisea insured for the sum of$ 60 025.00 . loss,if any, payable to the said mortgagee,then these preaents
<br /> . to be void,otherwise to be and remain in fuil force. _
<br /> � IT IS FURTFiER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor ahall faII to pay such tazes or procure such ineurance,�the
<br />� said mortgagee may pay such taxes and Procure such insurance: and the svm so advanced, with interest at llZ PeS
<br /> �cent,shall be repaid by said mortgagor,and this mortgage sha11 etand as security tor the same. (2) That a failure to pay ax�y
<br />� � �of�said money, either principel or intereet, when the same becomee due, oz a failure to comply wilh any of the toregoiug
<br />� �agreements,shall cause the whole sum of money herein aecured to become due and collectible at once at the option ot tbe
<br /> mortgagee. � �, �
<br /> ::
<br /> Signed this llth day of April , 19 �
<br /> In presence of ........ � :t,::.Y..!:�P!.L..._._/l�..� _ . ..__ _..__.. .. r {;
<br /> .ames•T3: "�Be nett-"
<br /> .: _.:.._-.........................�--.-........----.............---..................._.......... I
<br /> ... .......................... ......Q. ..... . . . �'
<br /> _. .. ._.
<br /> •--------
<br /> Sharon A- Bennett _
<br /> ..----•................._................................. ...---...... .. ... .........._. �
<br /> .......... ............ .......... .........................._........... .....__ � :
<br /> a Hall . � ;.
<br /> . ST ��.s.....,.--� ......................'------•. Countv of.. . I! .
<br /> �� . .............................__....._......._........
<br /> � oa�<Ine aR�ti�� lic qualified tor said county, personaLycame James M. Beanett and � �. �
<br /> � � NfJTARY� = Shaton A. Bennett �1 .
<br /> 1,- ������e�i ' pereon or peraons who signed the [omgoing inatrument and acknowledged tlie execution
<br /> ,r . f 7jO b��ro o�tbe vol�xntary act and deed. ,
<br /> .' E - D „ g � - � � �� � .:�
<br /> -„ i E otariai eesl on.:...............•.April 11 _ 9_..8__.... �� ,t s
<br /> ` �O�u�a� �............... ... .. - - i
<br /> .. ..... ..
<br /> �y�p r�: �:� •-- ._...:..lv���o............. 1 .0..--- --• --....._---.. _. _..___---- - _.___.......__...___..___.Notary Public. -
<br /> _ �
<br /> '� j'`���'�F '•••`�b�� � � ..1}� Entered on numerical indez and filed for record i�.' "�
<br /> }, .f��,..� .,^ �H87:I.._...» ....-•-�: _��..._.._......J 9e. � � � .. in the�Regieter of Deeds Office of eaid CounLY the �. � �"* :
<br /> , r . ,::a r� � . .:. �.<
<br /> ;a ,'";� ........:�_.....day;'oE... ` 19 at - � �� LL '
<br /> _.............._....o'clock axrd...•-_••-----...._..........m�nutea--•---.....--�---..M., ,
<br /> a�7 recorded ia Boo1c_._:..._ ._.�.W_�._. oL ..___.:�'
<br /> ....at pege..._...---�•-----• .rG!�r,
<br /> __---- •--------• •----•_--.......... ��
<br /> ,;
<br /> , .,.. . . . . . . � --..____....__._..._..._•-•_--••-•---•---•-----......__................Reg. of Deeds � . . � .
<br /> r
<br />. �. . . .. . � � . � . - � . .
<br /> .�, � .. . . . . . . BY-.._..._�...........---......------'.......-".......-•---......_.............._...Deputy i� � �
<br /> .� .,.�: . :.._-: :.: . :.... ..... .i _...__ �_._._--. _..__._._--` ----,.--.�_:__-�._._....:__:��_�_ ._:.':_. _ ,::-;. _.._.,.:_. ...:.:;-<:_ s�.:-::-�. � �.
<br />. . . . . . . . � . � � .; �
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