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<br /> � �- �UO2 � 05
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<br /> 'I'het th� Mortgagor will �aay 4he indebCei9ness as herein�fxf�re Prrnridrri , . �
<br /> That. the Moctgagor is. the otvnen pf said� proper4y in fee timple abd ha`a goad 'tigh[ at�li. Isw[ul au[hotity tn sell and - �
<br />� convey thr aame and �that the �prtfe is f[ee and clear oF any lipn or eacumbrance; end� khat Mortgdqoc will warrent an�l defend fhc . �� -
<br /> LitCe to seid premises aquinst �}He claims of a11 ryerauns wharr�soever. �
<br /> Tu pay immediately , when dua and payatile� al) general taxes; apecial ta�xey, �pe�i�al acsessments, watr�r c•harges, sewer serv-
<br /> ice eharges; rxnd� �ther fsxea eni1� charges'sgainst said propert,y,. and all taxex� levied on the deht seaured herekx}�, and to fucnish the
<br /> Mortgagee, �ipon requeat, witly dhe origina! o,r �duplicate receipta� ffietefor. Thr Martgagor agroes that there shall be� a�ded� to
<br /> each month�y paytner�t � rey��i�ced herrun�Jer or vnder Che� r�viaienc�� �f debt secured hPrehy am. amnunt eatimateal bv the M��rRgaRee
<br /> ta be sufBcicnf �to ,rnable the Morlgsgee ;o . pay, as qhey bpCome elur. all 4axrs, asaessments, anJ ai.milar chargea �apon� the� pmm•
<br /> ises subject thereto; any deflciepsy becaupe ut the insuiTioie�ncy r.f such addiAic;nal Naymentv shall k�.e fo�rih.+�ith �lc•posi�ted by t}��. __.
<br /> IWnrtRagor ws.ih the 'IKc�rlga�cee� upon demand by t:he MortRaFpe. Any default undec Rhis para:grnph vhall be deem��i a rlefault in ; � �
<br /> � p8yinent i:f taxes,. a4seesments, ��nr a�milar Charges rec(qired hereunder. � � � � � � � � � � � �
<br /> � The INartRagor agtecy� t�hat there sha11 also L�e� added tn esch n�innthly paymextC of prinei �al anal intere�t aeq�w.irecl here-
<br /> � � Under en Amcs�ant estimafed by lhe Mortgagr.e tn be stllfrittient to enable the Morts-agre to Faay, as� it becomec �lue, Chr_ inau�ranee
<br /> premium on aany inuurenx pnlicy deliwered to� Zhe Mortgager. Any defic+ency 1xr�rau.sn af f:hr irusutficieacy o6 gurh aJdiLional� Pay�-
<br /> meniv shsll bP forthwith clepositr.d by the Murtgagor wit.h the Mar4gagee up�nr deman�l by the MortEtag-re. Any �1ePaulk under this
<br /> paragraph sh�ll be d�eemed a defa�ult im lhe ��a�yment uf inxura.ncu promiu�ms. If Rhr �iicy rrr twlieies de�posi�eecl� are suck� ax hume-
<br /> ownen o� all risk p+iJ�icies, and ihe depusitv are insu(firient tca p:iy the entir�• ��remi�m , the Mr�riSaRee mav apply t}�e �7e�:�ourt to
<br /> pay Pmmiums� un riska req�.uired Ia be ins� r.ri hy thi.s m<irtkaKe.. -
<br /> Paymentc ma�le k�y the Mr.rrtgagar under the ahova� paragra.�hs may, aY the oniion oE the Mcrrtgagee, tu� hc•Iri � by it and
<br /> eummingled wifh ulhre such funcls eor if..q. �wn Funcls fos the Cray�ment oE tiuch ilems, anJ anYil ce� a�plied, 4uch paqm�nts are he.reby
<br /> pledged as securily for the un�ipid halance r�C Yhe morYRa.�e �ndrbtedne�s. � .
<br /> "I'o �nuune, cleliver 40, and rr�aintain fUe the F�enefit af the Mnrtqagee clur�ng the I.i(e of fMis morhgaKe siri.gi�nHt �y�dieies and ,
<br /> renewals tBereof, delivere�l at 4casr len d�uys Fief�re LNe cs{iirat�'run of any sur{� puGciec, insuaring �.g�ainKt fire and other ir4aurable
<br /> � hazardn, caeualt'tpa, and. contingencies as the Mortqagee ma�y reyurre., in an arr�ount equel to� !he indebtednees secured by thitq
<br /> INosYgage, and, in�. companivs acaeplable to the lYi�rt�agee, with loss payable cdause in favo�r o[ and in fo�m aetevtable w the Mo�rtga-
<br /> gcw. 7n the event eny pr�licy is� n�t reniw�erl un�. ur befote ten r7ay» o( ifw cxpiration. thc^ Mo�rTg��:me may ��roeurR insuranCr on the .
<br /> imprcrvem,ents, pag the premium therefor, and such sum shall become immr�3iaCr. ly due a.nd payahle w•�ith intercst at the ra�Ae srt �
<br /> forth in said noQe m�n�t:il paid� anJ sfiall 1�rr srcurrd hy ihis mortgage, Fail.ut� on �the part .�( the Murt�agor to fumish such renewals �
<br /> as arn herein required ur failure to pay any sums a�vanercl hereu-ncler shall, at the o�l��ot� uf the Mortgagre, constituRe a default �
<br /> under Che termx of lhis mcrrlRa�e. The delive:ry �uf sue:�h. py�liciKs sha�ll, in. the evcnR of rlefault, co�stitute am acsi:Rnmrnt uf the un-
<br /> rarned premeum�.
<br /> Any� sum.4 recriwrd !>y tNe M��rlga�ee by rea�r>n c>f loss or damage incurrd against mFtv he relaitree! by t�he Mc+rlgagee
<br /> and applicd ioward t:he Payment ut Che deht herrby secured, or, at the aption of the Martqagee, such sums. ei�t:her w6ally c�r in . �
<br /> part mey br- paid over to the Muttg-agar bo bc uced tn rapa:ir �uch builriings or Re� F�uild ' n«w buildinga in their �lace or tor any �
<br /> other pur� or object satisfaclury 10 the yfc�rtqa�ee wilh�ut aRecting the lien nn the smaetgage for the� full amount secure�l he�re. � .
<br /> by I�efu,ce suc}� paymant ever t�ok place.
<br /> To prumptly tepair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvemenLS now ur hereafter on lhe premises whiCh may be•
<br /> come damaged or destroyed ; to keep said premises in qood conditiun and repxir and free from any mechenic� lien or oiher lien or
<br /> claim of lien not eYpresely aubordinated to the lien he�eo[: not to suRer or permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on �
<br /> said property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shall hecome
<br /> leas valuable. nor to diminiah or impair ita value by any act or omission to act : to cnmP�>' with all requiremenis of law with respect
<br /> to the mortgaged premises and the use thereo(.
<br /> That should the premises or any part thereof be taken or damaged by rea�n of any public improvement or condemnation
<br /> proceeding, or under the right of eminent domain, nr in any other manneq the Atortgagee shall be entitled to all compensatinns. �
<br /> awards, end any other payment or reliet there[or, and shall be entitled, at its uptiun, W cumrnence, uppear in and pn�aute in its
<br /> own name nny action or procreding, ur W make any compromise ur setUement in conneelion with such takin�C or damage. All sueh
<br /> compensetion, ewards, damaKes• riRht ot action and proceeds are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, who may, after dedueting
<br /> therefrom all its expenses, release any moneys so received by it or apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mort•
<br /> gagor agrees to e�cecute such further asaignments n[ any compennation, awarda, damagrs, and righL9 ot actiun and nroceeds ac the
<br /> Mortqegee may require.
<br /> That in caxe ot faiture to prrform any of thr covenants herein, the Mor[gaRee may do on the Mortgagor's behalf every[hing --. �
<br /> so covenanted ; that the Moztgagee may also do any act it may deem nec�-ssary te> protect the lien thereof: that the Mortgaqor will � �
<br /> repay upon demand any moneya paid or divbursed by the Mortgagee for nny of the above purposex, and such monrys toRPt6er with � ,
<br /> interest thereon at the rate provided in said note shall becume sn much ndditional inrlrbte�dness hereby aecured and may be in-
<br /> cluded in any decree foreclosing this marlRage and be paid out o [ the rents or proceeds o[ �cale of said premises if not otherwise - . �
<br /> � paidC that it shall not be obligatory upon the Mortqagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances. or claim in ad- �� - �
<br /> vancing moneys as above authorized, 6ut nothing herein contained shall kx� construed es requiring the Mortgagee t<� advance any '�..�
<br /> - moneye tor any nuch purpose nor to do any act hereunder, and that MortgaRee shall nnt incur any persunal liability hrcausr of any-
<br /> thinq it may do or omit to do hereunder. � � � �
<br /> � In the event o[ the default by MortRegor in the payment of any installmen[, as requirrd by the Note secured hereby, or
<br /> � in the perfornaance of the obligation in this mortgaqe or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled k> declare the
<br /> debt secured fiereby d�e and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at itc option. without notica�, either by itaelf
<br /> or by e receiver to be appointeci by the court thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any secvrity for the indebtedneas se-
<br /> cured hereby, to enter upon. and take. pou9ession� of . the � mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive the rentx, issurs and profits
<br /> �thereot, and . apply the, same, lese .costs o[ operation and mtlection, upon lhe indebtednea,v srcured by this mortgage: said renta,
<br /> . � iasues,and profi�e being� hereby sssigne�l to the Mortgagee as further security for the paym�nt o( all indebtedness sirurevl hereby.
<br /> '. �" - ' TFu� � Mortgagei! ahall �have .the power to appoint any' agent or agentrs it may desire for the purpowe of repairing said pzem- - . . .-.,
<br /> � ines; renting the aame; rnllectiag the renta, revenues and income, and it may pay out of uaid income all expenses incurred in renb � �" � - � �' ��
<br /> ing and managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaininq, if any, sha❑ be applied toward thp �""�
<br /> � diacharge of the: morLgage indebtedness. This aseignment ie to terminate and 6ecome null and void upon release o[ this mortgaRe. � , � � � : �.� �
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