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_ _ � �' ': <br /> �$"" U02104 MO'RTGAGE <br /> THIS'INDENTtJRE. made th4 8t� .. day of Ap3i1 _. 15,78. by aad berween <br /> I � � F':TERf��;':.�T� 'G'ZA�ICZC A1Qb�'��RO T;'�GZ-AIYNT['R #„e,,A�fe} �$aa vi.fe earh in j�g g�A j1pr. ... � �'. <br /> � own right and' as apouae of the other, ' <br /> ,� -----.--------— —�.�,._ r <br /> _�. �� ^� <br /> � �, �., H8�11 .. . _ Goucty.Nebteska.�ae.mortgagor.�.8._��and Gra.nd.Islend�T�uat Company of Gtand Iela.nd.��r-�,corporatinn .�� �,: .,. <br /> � orgenized�d�eziatiog under the�lewa of Nebrneka with ite principal oftice and plsce of buein«rsa at Grand Ta�..NebtOe&a,aa motGgag,ee: . <br /> ,-. � .VY1TNiES3�TFI: .�Tlutaaid�moetgsgorg:..--.forandinCoaei+deraUon�ufthe�oum,of�-_�:—.: .�. _ . . . ... . � �� .:. . ���� �� ''�: <br /> ' **Seven Thonsaad Two Huadred Fiftp-Three and,03 lObths *�---�-�x-�� �- ' �. <br /> �� the reeeip!af which ia,tiezeby aclmowledged,do� by Lheae preeep4e montgage and warrant untQqjd�qlqst�9lappitx euc rs nd ensigne, �� , �. '�.� <br /> . forever.all the follow ".,y r � -,^�...•.�,M ^,-.�.n��� _.—. <br /> it�fg deecribed.rea!eetete,aituated in the Councy at_-. �].1. .. . .. <br /> and 3tate of Nebraske.,to-wit: � � � � <br /> � <br /> LOT 3�UUR (4) IN BLCIGK ON£ pUNDRED "L`i7FNTF-FOUR (124j, IN UNZON PACIPZC <br /> � RAILWAY COMPlkNY'S' SEGOND Ap�LTZQN TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISI.AIVD, HALL , <br /> CO[JNTY, NEBRASRA. <br /> ,: <br /> � <br /> a. <br /> i ; ; ; ; ; <br /> j .Toget�er wiL,h�alL,heeCing:air conditioniag:.GShtin$:end plumbing equipmeat end. Cixtures.ineludin8�vareena„awninga..eWrm windowA�and .. , , ; ; ', <br /> 1 . , .doons.and window shedes or bliads,.used on or in�oonnectioa wiUh said property.whekher the seme are now�iqcated t�n.eaid pmperkY or henaaftnr �� � �� � �, i <br /> 7 <br /> � plaeed ther�on. y' <br /> {� � , �� TO HAVE�AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Wgather with ell and singular t6e unemenEs,hereditamenW and appurtenences thereunto be- �s� <br /> ��' ��l�ging, or in anywiee appartaining, forever, amd warrant t¢e title to the same. Said morgagor_s-hereby covenant_with said %� <br /> ��� � ��.mortgagee thet_t-he 3r 8T0 ,et the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�_of the premsaes ebwe conveyed and dascribed. <br /> � f�:� and� 81e eeized of a good and indefeasible eetate of inheritenee therein,free and eleer of all eacumbraneea,end thet�he.�wiU <br /> warrant and defead the title thereW forever egainst t6e claims end demands of ell persons whomsoever. � <br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS.end this instrumeat is auecuted and delivered to seeure the payment of the sum ot <br /> } . **Sevea Thousand 'hio Hundred Fiftv-Three and 03/lOOth�lers�a�,25�_n9 �, <br /> 4� �with interest thereon,together with such chergea nnd advmcee ae may be due and pnyable to eaid mortgagee under the termn and condiLions . � . <br /> � ot�the prominaory no[e of even date herewith and secured hereby,executed by eaid mortgegor�_to eaid mortgagee,payable as eapressed , . � <br /> � ! ia eaid note..aad W aeeure the par(ormaace of aU tfie terms and wnditione contained ttaereia.The terme of eeid aote are hereby incorporated � � <br /> heeein by thie ref�enee. � . . .. <br /> It fa Lhe iateeWa and egeeement of the partiee bereto t6at thie mortgsge ehall also eecuee eny future advaneea made to sa3d mortgagor_� � � <br /> # .. by esid mortgagee,and any and all indebtedneea in addition to the emount above etated w6icF.said mortgagors,or eny of them, mey owe w � - � � � <br /> �. aaid mortgngee,however evidm�d,whether by note,book aewunt or otherwise.This mortgage ahaU remaln in full force and effect between . � , . <br /> ��i the partiee hmeto aad their heirn,peraonal representatives,suxessora end easigne,until ell amounte aaculed heceunder, including futurc <br /> , ' ... � edvantm.are paid in fu1:with interest. � .. <br /> ^ The m r�_here aeei [o eaid mort el!rente and income ariain at an and ell times from said ro rt and � � <br /> mY$a6o �' 8a— 888� 8 Y P Pe Y . , <br /> '� � hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent,at its optioa, upon default,to take charge of eaid ptoperty and rnllect all rents and income � ' � <br /> � ��.� ,. 'tlfaeeCrom'and�'ePP�Y"'the eamtr'to the'pqyment of��fatereet. Priacipal.� fneura�e premiuma.tazee.�aeeesementa:�repaire�or�'uaprovea�mnta� .. . <br /> neeeseery W keep eaid pmperty in teoantabte eoadition,or Co other chargea or payments provided for herein or in t6e note hereby aecured.This . <br /> ''��,��� rent aesignmmt ehsll continue ia toroe until tAe unpaid batence of aaid note in fully peid.1'he teking of poeeeaeton 6ereunder shell in no manner _ . � . . <br /> � � �.;::pee�cm6or rdmd s�,the..eolleetion of eaid sume by torevosuce or oehecwiee. . .� .. ... .�.. �. . ... <br /> ;� The failuce��of the mortgagee W aeaert any of iTa righW hereunder at eoy time shell aot be construed as e weiver of iW rig6t co easert the _� <br /> ..{ . eame nt acty Lter time.'�and to faeiet upon end enforce atrid compliance with all the terme and provisions�af seid note and of thia mortga8e. . .. . <br /> �� #��� � If esid aoortgsgor--g ehsll cuiae to be pnid to eaid mortgagee W�e entire amount due it hereunder,and�under the terme and provisiona � . : �� <br /> ae <br /> �� of aaid mte heroby eecared,inctuding tuturo edvnnces,and any eztensione or renewals theceof im aecordance with the terms and provieions � <br /> � t thereof.and if ssid moitgegor�_a6w11 oomply with all the proviebns ot eaid aote and of�thia mortgage,thea Wese presants ahall be void: �' � . . �;: <br /> /.i otbsewise W remain ia fuD foroe amd eHeet,md said mortgegee.ahsll ba entitleii to the:poeameion of ell of eaid pioperty.ead mey:at ita option. . � � . <br /> � deelare tha wbole of esid�te dnd all iadebtedneee zepresented thereby w be immedietaly due md peyable,end msy foreclose this mortgage `y,� ' <br /> '�,�...,. or teke sny oChei:legal ect3oa to proteet its�t3ght.Appraieement.waived:� . r:i � _ � . . `"*�c""�< <br /> �Thb mortgaga e6ell�be ble�agvpon a�eLall enure to the bane[ft o!t6e heirs,exeeutors,sdminietralora,enceeseors and aesigne of the � <br /> '�� . �°P�e v��, ;� �; , � . - �' � (� � ��'��� � <br /> t , `IN WITNES9 WHEREOF,esid Moetgegor�_'ha_7iChueanto�set thQi= � 6and�:t}�e day and yeer.£ust above '� <br /> n� ..�,. - ��;, <br /> � <br /> � _ ,. ���„� <br /> �,� <br /> +'.s� rome-= aTai " � ,,.,t <br /> � ._ Y - <br /> �,.} .. • <br /> �2,�:� ,��,. -'Q: ��..��,.�n.G) <br /> - Saadra:J_ Czarai <br /> , <br /> , <br /> � �,;,.; t ,� u <br /> �, ,. � �. , :�� , �.>- <,. ,,�; ���� <br /> .,_ . . <br /> s. .... :.. . .. , ., ., .. .,. , � <br /> t_' <br />