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<br /> 7g" i�021 �� MORTGAGE
<br /> ' - THI3 INDENI'URE. mpde thie lOtih day of_— �lRri1 .�_.._�_. 18_Z$_. by and beCwean � ; `
<br /> Elh,3n E.. Ha11 an�Evelvn D. Hall� husband and wife, eac.h in his and her own r3¢ht and as , •
<br /> s�.ouse of the othe.��.—,_ `;
<br /> Y. ..._.._,_ .. �ny oE G�—...�_ . . .—.— , . r
<br /> of__ Hall _„_Count Nebreelaa.ep mur4gagor.s. and�'irend Ialend Truet Cam �---rend��I'sland. e cocpnracioq :.
<br /> r� . �� . � � � � . ... . , �,.
<br /> • ; organued�end eantipg uader the Ihwe of NPbreska with.ihe prindpel o�ee and place of buainess at Gnand Tslend,Nebcaska,as mor�tgsgee; � �� � „
<br /> :.� W T.TNESSEI`H,: T4at eard morCgagor s.....,for and in coaaideretian ot the aam at. .—._._...�._..�: � . .. . ; � � � �.:���.
<br /> Three Thous-and Ten and no/lOU - - - - - - -_-W= -
<br /> . � _; _._-.--�._ .�Dot�eis{s:^__ 3.010.00 �_�.
<br /> ' fhe rece' t of which ie hereb acknowled � .�.. .� ,...�rtgagee.ita euteeeeors and a9siRns. � .
<br /> •p y ged,do_._by theae presen4s mortgage end we=ra:yt unto said aw ,
<br /> . .-� . to:evzr.ell the fallawing deaeribed ieal eatate.eirueted in the CounGY of....—....._._._._...—._._. Hall ,--„----._.._. .� .; ... � .. �.<,
<br /> . �aci State o[Nebrei+lce.,t,o•wit: �.
<br /> LOt Twenty-One (21) in B1oCk One (1) in Meves �irsC Addition to the City of
<br /> G=and Island, Hall County, Nebz'aska..
<br /> ✓.,
<br /> �'::
<br /> 3
<br /> �
<br /> ,:I::
<br /> i� Together w5th�all��heeting,.air condiGioning,ligAtin and. lumb' ui meat md tucturea, inolud' � gs,aWrm windows and � � ' ��-. � ;.
<br /> �. . � S. P �8 89 R �a6 sereenq,ew�nin
<br /> � daors,end window ahedee oa blinds,aaed on or�in conaeetion wirb said pcoperty,whethe�the same are now lorated on.seid�property or hereafter � ��'�'
<br /> plaeed thereon. . . . �
<br /> � . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TFIE SAME,Wgether with ell and aingulaz the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenancex thereunto be-
<br /> .�:� �.�longing, or in anywiae appertaining, forever, and warrant tbe title to the seme. Said morgagor�_hereby covenant—with seid � � ��
<br /> ; ��mortgagee that_i.hEy a*'P .,et the delivery hereot,the lawful owner_s—.of the peemises above coaveyed nnd describad, . � � . �
<br /> . wd are seized of a good and indefeesble estate of inheritence therein,free and dear of all eneumbrances,and tAat�he�Lwill �� � �
<br /> warranL aod defmd the tiWe thezeto forever against the claime aad demande of ell persona whomsoever. �
<br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS,end thin iastrument is e�cecuted and detivered W aecure the payment of the sum ot � �� .
<br /> Three Thousand Ten and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -����$ 3.010.00
<br /> 1.
<br /> ..$ �with intereet thereoa,together wit6 euch chargee and advances as mey be due end peyable to said mortgagce undu the terms and conditions �� � � :
<br /> ` . o[the promieaory note of evea date herewith and aecured hernby, executed 6y said mortgagor S to said mortgagee,payable as e�cpresaed � � � �
<br /> ��� ia eaid note,and to eecure the perFormence of all the terms and conditions contained therein.The terms of said aote are hereby iocorporated ' � ��
<br /> '€ herein by thie ref�ecce. � . . � .
<br /> f
<br /> �..� It in t6e intention md egreement of the parties herd.o thnt this mortgage ahell alao eecure any future advnnees made W eaid mortgegor..3_ � � � �
<br /> �� by eaid mortgagee,and my and all indebtednese in addition to the amount above stated whic}.eaid mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to . � �
<br /> �id mortgegee,however evidet�ced,whether by note,book accouat or otherwise.This mortgage ehall rnmain in fiill force and effect between � � -
<br /> the partiee hereto and 4heir heira,pecaona!representatives, suxeesors and asaigns,until all emwata secuced hereunda,including future � .
<br /> advanoea.are psid in fuII with intereat.
<br /> ' t � The mortgagor___S_hereby msi�_to said mortgagee all rente and income arining at any and all times fmm said property and � �
<br /> ��,�t� 6ereby authoriza eaid mortgagce or ita egent, et iW option,upon default,to teke eharge of seid property and colleet all rents and income �� .� _ -
<br /> ��? �����therefrom�end apply the sna�e to�the peyment of intarret. Principel. ineurance pxemiums. t�ee. aeaea,+meats. repairs or improvements - .
<br /> fneceaesry to keep aald peoparty in Lenanteble condition,or W other chargea or peytneate provided for herein or in the note heieby secured.This � . � �
<br /> rent aeaignmmtt ahall continue in fotte until the unpaid balenee of said note ia hilly paid.The tsking o[posseseion h�eunder shall in no maz�ner
<br /> ��� �..pravent or.refard.�aeid moregpgee.in.the collection of aaid aums by foreetosure or ocherwiee. . . ,.. � ..: � . .
<br /> ,� Tbe fallure of the mortgagee W aeeert any of ita righte 6ereuader at any time shall not be conetrued as e waiver of its zight to assert the �
<br /> ';}
<br /> aame at sny later time,e�Lo ineint upoa end enforce strict compliance with all the terme and provinions of said aote and of this mortgage. � �
<br /> If aaid morCgagor..S ahell cauae W be paid W eaid mortgagce the entire amount due it hereunder,and under the terms and provisions �- � �
<br /> of said note he�sby exuxed,including fuwre advancea. nnd any eztemiona or renewals thereof in axordance with the terms and provisions
<br /> �:� � theeof,and if said�mortgagor 8 ebs11 comp4y with aL t6e peovisiona of seid aote and of Lhis mortgage,thea theae presents ahaL be void: -� � � .
<br /> ..`.k. �otheswiee�tn romem in tnll force and effect.end aald mortgagee ehell be eaLitled to t6e poaseeeion of all of mid ProP�Y.and may.aL ita option. . �
<br /> :..:# . .deelaee�tbe whole of esid note and atl indebtedneae repreeented.thereby W be immediately due end payable�and may foreclose this mortgage . „�;.._�,�
<br /> 'F �or�take eny oEher legd actioa W pioT,ect ita'rig6t.Appreieement wnivbd. . ,.,c—""".:
<br /> � .. , . .. � r�
<br /> ' Thia�nortgage ehall be b3nding upon and ehell enure,to the beneflt of Lhe heira,BxecuWre,admixSntrators,sucoeaeoro and esaigns of the , y
<br /> �esPecttva Perties heroto. � �,� �
<br /> t'' ,
<br /> �`�V,�" � -�IN WITNES3 WHE2tEOF.eaid Mortgagor�hsy�_hereunto aet . . � hand�_Lhe d�ay and yeer first above � ��r+'.
<br /> ,.
<br /> svriCten. . � _. �� -.. . .� _ ���'��(/�i�. R;
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