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� <br /> � � <br /> 7s, ,�+D 2.1�2 <br /> IWORTCAGE <br /> �' Tt31s uvnEt�M'vx.E. chie ��----a°y ar Aori 1 _.____._--._. 19_?$., ny az,d becWee� � <br /> LARRY L. BERNEY AMU SONDRA L. BERNEY, Husband and Wife, each in his and her own riqht <br /> ----- --�. .,, ,— - .��� <br /> , dnd as spo`use of tbe other, <br /> - --_---__.�------- --.�_.,—.�----._ _— ___._._----_— <br /> . of--_ �d�� ._, mtirCgagor�__,.end Grand Tsland Truat Compeny nf Grend telend. a cmrEwration . <br /> . organized�end eziaCin�under the lews of Nebruake with ita principal office snd place of bµsineas at Grend Islend,I.Iebteska.,aa mortgagee: � � <br /> . 4VITNESSETH: The,t eaid morGgagor 5�_._....for and in conaideraeion af the sum oC..�..—:.._.._. . ..—�._.. . . <br /> #st _,__----=— . 'Y -`— -�IC'� �� ���tF15 .� - . . . . . �.� _ . <br /> ___ Ei�ht Thousand One Hundred__Fort_Fqur_a___(u____ ** ������ _____� <br /> the t'eceipC of which u hereby ac&noWledgeJ,do these preeenta moK�ege and werretu untaedt2°�w�.�it y u�__-a d sssigna, . � � <br /> He11 . ° <br /> torever,all the fbllowfng deiseribed reHl eetaEe,eituaCed in Ghe County uf___._._ ._,_,__,.__, - , . . <br /> and Stete�af Nebravku.Lo•wit: . . .-- -�-�— � � <br /> A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A PAf�T 0� TME WE5T ONE-MALF �F TWE tJORTH�AST QU•ARTER OF 7HE <br /> NORTH EAST QUARTER (1;F�NE;NE�;,) OF 5E.CTION TWO (2) TUWNSM i P TEN (i 0) lYORTH, RAMGE TEN (1(J) <br /> WEST OF TWE SIXTN F.M. , NALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA; M(1RE PARTYCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS: <br /> BEGINNING AT THE NORTMWESI' CORNER Of SAIU WEST (1NE HALF �� THE N,ORTHEAST QUARTER UF THE <br /> NURTHEAST QWARTER (Ws�hJE;NE,y,); THENCE ALONG THE NOR'fMERLY LINE 0'F SAID WEST O.NE-�iALF <br /> OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TWE NORTHEAST �UARTER (VIsfME�SPa'E�) l� DIS"1"ANC€ OF THREE <br /> MUNDREQ THIRTY AND TMI.R7Y-ONE HU'NDREDTH5 (330.31) FEET; THEMCE 50UTHERLY AND PARALtEL <br /> TO TME WESTERLY LINE OF $ATD, WEST ONE-NALF OF THE N�RTMEAS7 QUARtER QF THE NORTHEAS7 � <br /> QUARTER (MI�NE;NE3aj A DIS�ANCE OF SIX HUNORED F6UR AND T41�J TEM7HS (504.2) FEET; THENCE <br /> WESTERLX ANO RARALL.EL TO TW� NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID kIEST ONE-HAIF OF THE NORTHEAST <br /> QUARTER OF 7ME NOR'i'HEAST QUARTER (41�NE4NE;) A DISTA��C� AF THREE HUI`JbRED THIRTY AN'D <br /> THIR7Y-Q1VE HUND.REpTHS (330.�1) FEET TO A ROI"�T (�N TPtE NESTERLY �.IME OF SAIb WEST ONE- <br /> MALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST OUART�R (W'�NE4NE;) THENCE NORTHERLY AL�NG <br /> ANU UPUN THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID WEST OME-HALF OF TME -NORTHEAST QUARTER QF TWE NOR7HEAST <br /> QUi4RTER (W�NE�aNE4) A DISTANC,E OF SIX HIJtI�REL� FOU'R AND TtJO TENT{15 (6�J4.2) FEE'T T� THE <br /> PUIN7 UF .BEGINMIN� AND CONTAINING 4.58Z ACRES MO'RE OR tE'SS. <br /> � �1'ageCher with all heeting.;etr eoaditibning,lighting,eud plu;mbing equipment end fixtures, it�cluding screens.,awnings,�Wrm windowa and � � <br /> doora,and window ahNdes or b4nda,used on or in connectidn with said property,whether the same are naw located on said praperr;y or hereefter � . <br /> plebed�4heceon, � � . . � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all end singuler the tenements, hereditaatents end appurtenances thereunto be• . � � <br /> longing, or in enywise appertaining, forever, and warrant tbe tide to Che same. Said morgagor_�_hereby covenant—with said � � . �. <br /> moKgagee that—x hes dl"e _,et the delivery hereof,the lewful ownexty._of the prnmises above conveyed and described, � � � . <br /> and a re saized of e good and indeteaaible estate of inheritence therein, free and clear of all encumbrances,and thac.L.he�Lwill �� � � <br /> wsrcent end defend the tide thereto forever againat the daims and demands ot ell persons whomsoever. � . � <br /> � PROVIDED ALW AYS.and thu instrument is executed end delivered W secu�the payment ot the sum of � � � <br /> i 't'tEiaht Thousarid flne'_..Huridred Forty-Four and 78/100ths** Dou,�is 8.144.78 i, <br /> with intereet thereon,together with such cherges and edvences as mey be due and peyable to said mortgegee under the terms and cronditions . � � . <br /> of the promiseory note of even date herewith and secured hereby,executed by said mortgegor 5 to said mortgagee,payable as expresaed � � <br /> ' in eaid�te,and to eecure the performance of all the terme and conditions contained thereia. The terau of said note are heteby incorporated � . � � <br /> hereia by thie referenee. . � <br /> IC is the intention and agreemeat of the parties hereto thet thia mortgage ahell also secure any future advances mede to said mortgegor_S � � . ._ - <br /> by said mortgagee,a�d my end all indebtednese in addition to the emount above atated whicF,said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to � . <br /> � seid mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by note,book eccount or otherwise. Thin mortgage ahall rnmain in fult force and effeci between � <br /> . y the pertiea hereW and thefr heira, persoml repreeencacivee,succesaors and asaigns,until all amounta secured hereunder, including futurn � � � <br /> advancea,are peid in fuL'with interest. � � <br /> T6e mortgagoz�_hereby essign_to eaid mortgegce ell renta end ineome arising at any and all times trom said proporty and � � <br /> �, � heceby authorize said mortgagee or ite agent,et ita option,upon default,to teke cherge of seid property and collect all rents and ixomr. � <br /> theeefrom and apply the aame to the payment of intereet, principel, i�saurance premiums, texea, assesamenW, repairs or improvements <br /> � neeeasary to keep said ploperty in tenantable condition,or to other cherges or paymente provided for herein or in the note hereby aocured.This � � � <br /> ' rent aeaignmeat ehall continue in force until t6e unpaid balance of aeid note u fully paid.The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner �� � <br /> -�peevent or retezd said mortgagee m the eolleetion of eaid eume by forecloeura or ot6erwiae. . . . . <br /> ;, p <br /> ' The failure oF the mortgagee to a9eert any of its righta hereunder at any time a6a11 not be construed es a walver of its right to asaert the � � � � <br /> e <br /> ���t eame at my later time,�snd to insiet upon and enforce atrict complience with all Lhe terms and provisions of said note aad oi this mortgage. � � <br /> �, If eaid mottgagor5 ahsll ceuae to be paid to ssid mortgegee the entire amount due it hereunder,and uader the terms and provisions � � � <br /> of esid�wte hereby eeeured,including tuture advances,and any ex[enaione or renewels thereof in eccozdance�w-ith the terms and provisions <br /> - thereof,end if eaid moitgagor�_ahell comply with all the peovieions of eeid note and of thia mortgage,�then thex preaents shall be void: � y � � <br /> ' otherwiee W ramain in fiill force ead effect,end said mortgagee ahall be entitled W t6s poeaeasioa of all of said properCy,and may,at ita opcion. � � <br /> i � decisre the whole ot edd note and aD iadebtednees reprenented thereby to be immediately due and payable,and may foreclose this mortgage � .'.`�,,.�� <br /> : or take any ot6er Iegal action to protect ite right.Apprainemeat waived. � v .- �s <br /> ' Thle mo ehell be bSn � <br /> rtBaBe dingupon a�shell mure W t6e bene6t of the 6eira,ezecuton,adminiatraWrs,succeanors and aseigas of the <br /> „'� reepectiva partiee.}aereW. � . _ �, � - L ., <br /> J <br /> IIV WITNE33 WHEREOF, eaid Mortgagor�_ha��hereunto eet their haad�_t2�e dey and yeer first above <br /> written. . . . .. ,,,�Y <br /> . . . . . , . _. �_ . <br /> on ra . rney :� , <br /> � � <br /> L <br /> f' <br />