, 'j � .. .. ..._ .. .. . . . . .. ._.... _ . . . � . . . .. . i , � �
<br /> _�..�.�..����L _ _ _. _- ---.. .__ �
<br /> :_� ._ _�__._�,. ___ _ _._:._ _�_ �__._._ . . _�, _ _ _ ..
<br /> _ _ _ � _ - - . . . .. . .���__.
<br /> � 57-A—REAL�E�STATE MORTGAG:E—(With Tax Clause) (Rev�ud 1962) 'Cha HuH.mn GnNril 6upply Hpue,i.fucoln,Nenr_ .
<br /> . ..�. . . . .. . � -. - . . �.._.._._.._.----. ."--�-5'---." �
<br /> . . . . . .. . .. . . . � . .
<br /> �' HNOW ALL MEN �Y THESE PRESENTS: That M S G InvestmenCs, A Partnership, !
<br /> � ' ot �� H8J;1 � �ounty.and Sts[e a[ Nebx'asks----`_,_...__.._____..___�rnnsideration ot tho aum oE� �• �
<br /> SIX THOUSAND AND NOI100------------------ �- _-�OLLx1RS s I
<br /> �� �.. in harrd 4:
<br /> paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto The First Idational Bank bf Grand Island,.
<br /> e;
<br /> of Hall C��inty, State oF NebraSka the fctlowing descrfbcd premisea situeted � �;
<br /> in 1iaT1 County. and StatC of NHbraska .tu-wi't: �,
<br /> � Lot F3ve (5) , in BToc.k T'ert (10), Windolgh Addit�on to I�
<br /> the City, of Grand Island, Hal]. County, Nebraska. ��
<br /> � $S
<br /> ii ;
<br /> � ��
<br /> j ��
<br /> 19 ?1
<br /> t# �'
<br /> �� ' � #�
<br /> �� To �orrect martgage dated MarCh 28, 1978, entered as DocumeaC �i77-Ob1737 � �j
<br /> �� oP the 12egisCer of Deed;s, FIall Gaun'tg, Nebxaska. �
<br /> lt
<br /> �� ,,
<br /> �i? Thr: intention be�inH tn c�:naey hPrR:by an ahsolute title in fre simple, ine.ludang all the riK.hts of homes4ead and dower.. �1
<br /> � TO HAVE :3ND'1'O HOLD tYie pra�.mises alwve dc•scr�fied, wi.da all ihe nFe�>tartenanecs thereunto belonging,unt� Rhe said � +t
<br /> � m�rtgagee(s) �nd tn his, her or their heirs and ass�igns forever, provi�ed al�wnys., and the� I�reaenta arc uNon thp expresa�� �F
<br /> �i crondition that ;(�tl�e snid mortgas�tr(a), his, hPr or their heirs, execuQ�rs, t�dministtaS.nta or assil;ns bha(i p�ay or cauae to be. �f
<br /> #
<br /> { . paid tu:Uie sai3`nortgagee(s�, his, her or t�heir hei�.rs,executo:rs, adrninistrntors or asaig�u,the principal sum�f 5 6,000,00 ;�
<br /> ;+, � peyabl,e ea[ollowe.,.to xvit;
<br /> V
<br /> �i Payable in 72 monthly installments of prinCipal and interest �
<br /> � in the amount �sf One Hurndred Elevett and 16l100 Dollars (,S311.]:6)� 'y
<br /> � commencing on the l�t day of May, 1978, with €inal payment of `i
<br /> princi�al and intereat due and payable an April 1, 1984. (�
<br /> • ;i
<br /> i
<br /> t ,E
<br /> with intemst according to the tenor and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these presenta (i
<br /> � snd shall pay all taxes and asnessmenfs levied upon said real estate,and all other taxes,levies and asses.gments levied upon thia � � � �
<br /> �mortgage or the note'which this mortgage is given to sec.�ure, before the same becomes delinquent,and keep [he buildings on �
<br /> said premiges insured tor the sum of$ 6,000.00 , loss,if any, payable to the said mortgagee,then these preaente �!
<br /> to be void, otherwiee to be and remain in fuli force. !{ �
<br />- IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the eaid mortgagor ehall fail to pay such farzea or procure such inaurance, tkze �!f , .
<br /> said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurunce; and the sum so advenced, with internst at 11� per f; '
<br /> cent,shall be re aid b ! . . .
<br /> p y said mortgagor,snd this mortgage ahall stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any ��
<br /> ( of eaid money, eit6er principel or intereet, when the same becomea due, or a failure to rnmp2y with eny of the foregoiag �j ; -
<br /> 4 sgreemenfs, shall caux the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the ��
<br /> .r mortgagee. ;� . .
<br /> g Siqned this 28th day of March , 19 78 . M 5 C Investments, A Partnership, ;
<br /> ff� ,O � � � �; ��
<br /> � In presence of .. ....---�•-�•4•.^°G:.../�-- �.LwC�+u '(
<br /> � .....-, .�`°�-..._ .-••Earlson.;-...Partner i
<br /> ........................•--��---�--............................................. ..........._ ..............,..._ G q ��,� e
<br /> .._....... •-- --�-
<br /> , � �� � ... e "i'""""70'Ca'� so'"n';�F"a"'.
<br /> •--
<br /> ..............._............._................_............................��������iy��%f'7f12/.
<br /> .... !
<br /> ,
<br /> ..... ... .... .. � .
<br /> . .. . ........._.. ..�.
<br /> - �t
<br /> �E 'UP'Llqr ebiaSkz...................•---...._..... CountY ot.. ......_Hall......---........----.....: j
<br /> ���,.�pEiYyp s"eg, tary pvblic quali&ed tor said county, peraonally csme Gene R. Carlson; Geraldine J. �I
<br /> G Car�s�a�,'' ohn H. Mohr, and Sharon R. Mohr, Partners, ��
<br /> „�cs� lo�be e identical person or persons who eign�ed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the ezecution � .
<br /> ;�hen���.. or their voluntary act and deed. �. / / � .
<br /> .; , . . �. , �j�y y . . . �
<br /> * �t�y'� Is and notarial eeal on.__..._....... ............. ,
<br /> '30��P •---..... 4!: .. ..._�?.� �`,_,-.. �
<br /> '� *r •, . •• December 30 80... , � -rc--• '� ��'
<br /> ..
<br /> � ires ._.... •----.. 19... . . _ .:. _ . .-- -- -...Notary Public. . ,
<br /> �,. �.. � . "---......--• ---.................
<br /> ; ._ . . � � ��. � ���
<br /> '�TA�F £��raska � � � � 6`
<br /> „.,., . ...-l� . Entered on numerical indes end ffied for record � ,� A .. �.
<br /> S:�iOIIL�y ...� .,�,�„y -� . �� s J in the Regieter of Deedn Office of said County the
<br /> � ��.
<br /> �i. ....o- � a � �� � � .O�OC�[ S71[�..__..."'"' ' � +.
<br /> '..w.. -••.._�..r. ay oE ...._�. � ��� . 19.... ..... at........••--•--•--•- ..................
<br /> �
<br /> . . , . . ....._.._ ......------......minutea . ...M_, i x .
<br /> �-'�: ��'"atid��recozded�in.Bool�._---"-�. ..� � � � ----_at i� � ........,: .y>� ;
<br /> ' ..._....__�.__..--°f•-----•-•-^--^----__...---•-- Page..__...---•--••---
<br /> . . . .. . . -----.__..--------• �i � � .
<br /> . . . . . � , ..._.._-------•-__..._____......_.._.._.....__ --------------Reg. of Deeds� ii .
<br /> -•'-'------'
<br /> 1
<br /> By""" •_- -... ... ....._ .._...DePuty
<br /> � _� _.. _ �
<br /> �
<br /> _____� __-------... --- _. _ _
<br /> -__�----------__ _ _ -----
<br />.:�����-- � . . i :;
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