� �
<br />� 4.1�—SWRYIWORSHIF WARRANTY UEED I=.IRen G Wol#Com.panr.Lincoln,Nebn . � �
<br /> � , '`,
<br /> John T'. Laws and N. Kay Lawsi husband and wife, each in his or her erwn riqht
<br /> at�d as spouse of the othe-r , herein cailed tl�e grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in oonsideration o't Fourty-one thousand ancl ���lOQ's ��41,0�!�.00)
<br /> receiv.ed from grantees, doea grant, bargain, sell convey aud can£irm nnto
<br /> Micha2l Van Dyk� and 8`h.aron L. Van Dyke, husband arr.d wife
<br /> a» joint tenantes w[th right of au;rvivor�hip, a-nd not as tenants in common, the foilowing daecr'abed real
<br /> properCy ia ..: ..............Hd�.].. ......... ......._. G'onnty,iVebraska: The N�rth Twenty-ane feet (21')
<br /> af Lot Five (5), in Blocic TMirteen (13) in West Park Addition ta the City cf Gr�nd
<br /> Tsland, Nebxaska, and a Trar,t af iand abutting thereon and described aa faliowsz
<br /> 9egi,nning at the N,axthwest �orrier aE Lot Five (5?, Plock fihirteen (13), West Fark
<br /> Adc3ition to the City of Grand Zsland, [�e.braska, thence running East on the North N
<br /> Line of saxd Lot Five (5)for a distance of one Hu.r�dre�3 Nine and Twenty-Fi•✓e
<br /> One-Hundredths feet (109.2�') to the Northeast Corner 6f sai� Lot Five (5),
<br /> t,hence running North on a prolongation of the East Line af said Lat five (5) ,
<br /> for a dist�ance of Thirty-six (36'} thence running West Paralle2 �c� the. North Li�e
<br /> bf said Lat Five (5) One Hundred Ialine and Twenty-five Qne-Hundredths £eet (109.�5') .
<br /> to a paint on the 4Vesterly Line of Such Lot Five (5) if the sarne were extended
<br /> to the North, Thertce Sou�h Thirt�-six feet (36') oo the IJorthwest corner of said"
<br /> Lot �'xve (5)5 su�h tract being � part of what fcrmerly was Wast Eleventh Street
<br /> .:";:
<br /> in the City of Grand T_siandi Nebraska, vacated by Ordinance No. 2921. 'r
<br /> To have and ta hnld the above deacribed Premiaes t�ge2her wiYh ell tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and uppnrte¢ances Lhereto belotiging nnto ttie gran'tees und to their assigns, ar to the beite and assigns
<br /> of the surv3vor of them faepven
<br /> .pnd grantor does hereby covensnt with the grantees and wiCh their a�aigns aad with the heirs
<br /> and aesigns of the sumvoa nf them that gruntior is Ia�vfuTly seieed of said premises; that thep are free from
<br /> eneumbrance
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the eame; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> defead the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all pereona whomeoever.
<br /> It ie the intention of all purties h ereLo that in the event of the death of either o£ the granteea,
<br /> the entire fee simple title to the real eatste shall veat in the survi�•ing grantee.
<br /> Dated (/yy-�/ `� 19 Ja
<br /> l� '
<br /> ; '�
<br /> ..... ................. ..:_;�-....�........��..�....
<br /> NEBRASKA DOCUMEN��'����. .�................ ......... .
<br /> STAMP TAX John T Laws
<br /> ..... .......... .....
<br /> ... A�r�..i.i..-T�.f$............. .................. ..........................._............................._........................_.
<br /> .' '$..�.�...i••f..3'�"".�... .... ..�................... ._ .,I�.i.....� ../.���u.-:�_../_........................_.
<br /> H. Kay L s
<br /> ...................._...............................................••-............ ........_..�............_......................._.....__........_..............._ ,
<br /> STATE OE� ..................�.Ps.�'i���........................ County of .........._.......HS_��............»..»..........»._:
<br /> Before me,a notary pnblic qnalified for said county, pereonally came
<br /> Jotwi T. Laws and H� Kay Laws, husband and wife, each in his or her own
<br /> right and as spouse of the other � e
<br /> ; w :,
<br /> i
<br /> � � ` - f:�:
<br /> known to me to be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrnment and acknowledged � =�'1
<br /> a
<br /> the ezecntion thereot to be his, bor or their volnntary act and deed. � � ,
<br />, , . ,�� ��' /� .
<br /> Witneae my hand sad aotarial seal oa;�I�::`Lr..L.C/.............................. .._.......... 19��I........... �
<br /> Y '�
<br /> �_. C!A`�F. ' � :. n.': .....w
<br /> �
<br /> S
<br /> •<. CH�tRLES D.-[Ut t r,t ii'-f ...�.�`� . ..................._... Notary Publia � �,, ,
<br /> GENERAL NO :", ....... .. ......... �
<br /> ,�57we of t o� �j �
<br /> �-� -%-, Plrbrasku , �y commieaion espirea ._.�.R , !
<br /> . ........................._.. 19./••./..........
<br /> ASY Commission Ezp.O+c. 8, 1979 �
<br />