, � � _ �
<br /> .-�8--,_�i02-(3;��-. . . - ,_ : _ , _ _ .
<br /> ' � 706B—�Conporatlon 8urvlvonhip Wa��anty Deed (Revfsed 7861) '�'na Huttm.n oenwt 9apyts Aau.e,Lincofn.Nepr. � ; � - �
<br /> -'i.-._}-_—,.._...�_.,_._�.._— -..._.._.__. ...,_.._._._ ._...._._ _..._.._. ..._......___........ .._. .. ......... __ _..._. __... .. .. . .__ .___... ...t __.._._ . � . . �
<br /> r 4, , a corporaCion organazed and eaisstirig nndar und by virtue of the 1awK o,f the S�tate of Nebraslc3, � `.;'
<br />� }i '
<br /> a , � �
<br /> 1,! � ? �
<br /> }f in coueideraCion of FOLTR THOUSAND TWO FNNDE2ED BOLLP�RS ($4,2 00.0 0')
<br /> i; �
<br /> t received from griwtee, duea grnnt, barg»in, seli, convey And confirm untv ( ;
<br /> �" { DAVI,D FI. WATTERS and CARQI, A. WF,TTERS, husban$ and wife,
<br /> ,� i';i
<br /> '' � ua joint tenants wit3i ri�'ht of aurvivorship, and nnt as tehants ia common.,the follae�ing deacribed xeal prorerty in � ;
<br /> �f � HaIZ Goanty, • �
<br /> !F � I.ot One (1), in B1ock One (1) , West North Lawn Second �
<br /> ' � Addition to the City of Woad River, Hal1 County, �
<br /> � �
<br /> IJebraslsa, as surveyeei, platted and recorded. I
<br /> ; �
<br /> j� � N�BRASk;;4 DU�UR�EfVTAFtY � �
<br /> ` i �P��EO STu�ir iAX i
<br /> ` �?, °� �,�k 1 j ;�1?� i
<br /> � ����E��
<br /> � _�z-�-_B�r��. i
<br /> ,, , ; ,
<br /> ', ; To ha��e and. to hold the above descrihed Premisrs t��;ether�aiCh ail tcqements, hcreditnmentR and uppur- ` ` ,'_
<br /> ; $ tenaneee�thereio belun�ing unta the �+rantees��xd tu their assi�iu, or tp C2�w heirs and aisa'x�ns �f bhe aurvivor of �
<br /> `, � them forever. �
<br /> And grantor for itelf xnd its successors cioes hrreby-covr.naut�sith[Le�rantees and witli their a�si{tns aud �
<br /> wrGh the heirr; and assigns of t6e sur�•ivor of them that�rarttnr is lawfulTy seised �f said premises, that tLey are �
<br /> .� � free frc,m�nc�unbrance; that they are conveyed subject to easements of record forl
<br /> , the location, construotion arrd mai_ntenanee of publi.c service utiliti,es• !
<br /> p! � thflt grantor has �ood right and lawful authority to co�ivey the same;nnd that grantor wsrFants snd wili defend �
<br /> i� f the title to said premises against the lawfui clxims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> i� � It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,the entire �
<br /> j fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. t0 be
<br /> �) It witneas whereof, grantor has hereunto eaused af7}�f��L46��2�WcNdc�y7E3�ilt�i78 these presents�igned !
<br /> �f by its President. WOOD RIVER SOUSING AND INDUS 1RZAL
<br /> ��
<br /> �' Dated ����� � �9�8 . 1978• DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION j
<br /> i3 ........... .. ............ � �
<br /> �} !
<br /> , 13y .. . . . ... ..........President j
<br /> F ao�F. elen) ` � ��
<br /> j� STATE OF... ......NebXdSkci..., County of.......Ha.11........... : j
<br /> r{
<br /> Before me,a notary public qualified in said county, personallp came !
<br /> j� ' LCO F� Theleni Presidentof ,
<br /> �� Wood River Housing aad Industrial Development Corporation � ,
<br /> ?� ,a corporation
<br /> (i known to me to be the President and identical person who si�ned the foregoing inatrument, and ackno�vledged the
<br /> �.t ezecution thereof to be hia voluntary act and deed as such oificer and the��oluntary act and deed of said corpo- ;
<br /> tr, ration. �q�,g.
<br /> �� !
<br /> 1y. i e�l� seal on..../�i�i�It...�..�178.............19.7,8.__. � ,
<br /> {� �GIIWtt�B Et1QElri MO'M�1 �/�� �a j,�� �
<br /> � �hCswia E�a.s�w 4�97a .......��!q'!�!!�..C-�i,Y�r,,.'.,i!!"�R'....Notarp Public. I ::
<br /> 0 � ��p
<br /> # My commission eapires.._.....9.B J./........ ...... 19...... � ; �
<br /> STATE OF.. ...._................... 1 � r
<br /> ...�.-- yd'.:
<br /> . }ss. � ,
<br /> ... Go'anty ....:-: ................... J ; ", ��
<br /> Entered on aumericsl indea and £iled for reeord iu the Register of Deeds Office of ssid County the � �t �
<br />, . � .` � ; �
<br /> ....:....._iday of......................19..... .,at...........o'clock snd...........miuutes ....... _...M., j � , ;;
<br /> ..._.... f.�':... ; ...:
<br /> and recorded in Book_...................of...._...............atpage_......_. ; z �,�. ;
<br /> �� ' _ �
<br /> �� I ............................ ... . . .._..... �
<br /> . .. ... . . ,
<br /> ..........Reg.of Deeds ;
<br /> By......... ...... ............Deputy ;
<br />�___ �.�..�._��.�_ w__.�._._.� } :- �
<br /> s�
<br />