_ _ � �
<br /> �^^, ,�-,,� . '
<br /> 21. Future Adv�ces. Upan requcst of �vrcower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br /> Mortgage, may xnake Fnbure Advanee:� to Borrawer. .SucN Future Advances, wiCh intetest thereqn, shall
<br /> be secured by thi4 1MorCgage when evi'denced by promisso�y notes stating tha,t a�id aates are aecurerl hereby
<br /> except that 'the inteieat rate on the entire un�aid baYance and the term of the original loan, to the extent '
<br /> permitted bv law, may be adjusted as the parties hereto'ma. y agree. At no #ime shall the prineipal amount ; •
<br />; oF the indebtedness secured by thia Mortgage, nat inaludfi�tg sums advaneed in accordance herewntli to pra- ' :
<br />? tecC the security of' this Mortgsge, exc:eed the ori�inal amount of bi�e Note pins US' $... 6 , SQ0 , Q0.___.___ _ „ ,;
<br /> PROVIDED, HOWEV$R, that prepaynnents of principal, as �mvided for in paeagsaph 22 that fallows are t'
<br />� . returneci to Borrower or ace made absolute non•withdzaw�jble princi:pal �repayments prior to advaaaing
<br />;
<br /> svms as permitted within this paragraph.
<br /> Z2. Sc.rixigs Fnnd. Borxpwe,r may make prepgynrent6 oT principal i�n any installment due date or
<br />' immediately preceding said date to be eflective oa the due date follawing an�i prep�yment Rhsll be applied �'
<br /> to installtnents :last to become due nnder t}tis mortga�e. LTpon requeat of the undersigned or eitfier o!
<br /> Chem, provided a defsult daes not �xist and they are the owners of Che mortgaged property, the len�er
<br /> agrees tci f.ur�ish to the exndersigned l0U % of such principal' prepaymenks, unless advancement is prohibiEed �''
<br /> by the regulationa of r,hartering and supervisory autharities then in e8ect. All such advanceknents shall be
<br /> seeure .d by this mortgage in the same mannex and e8ect as if no prepayments had been made.
<br /> 23, Release. Upon payment of all sums secvre.d by this Nlortgage, Lender shall disaharge this
<br /> Nlortgage, wdthaut charge to Bo,raower. Sonower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any.
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<br /> 1rr WITNESS WHEHEOF� the $arrowez has execute� this 1Vlortgage, u ••`' "
<br /> ���C� �� � �
<br /> . .... .. .. . ...... _._... ... .... .. ......_.. . . . ....--- - . .,.. ..._ .... . ..
<br /> , :.�.... David � W Watte�rs� -- - • --- Borrower , ^.
<br /> � ...�O.�t.� . � /�'�...._..__._ . _ ..-•---...--- x, � ,j
<br /> ...... ... . .. ..--- -----•---- ------- ----�--•- ----........--- - ..........._ _ . - „,.
<br /> � � Carol A , atters —Borrower
<br /> Property Address . ........ .... ------••--•---dood River ,---Nebraska 68883 i .,;
<br /> ; +
<br /> � . STATS OF I�TEBRASI{A ................ NllC1S01.�.8 g: � `�'`
<br /> . ..""""'..."" '..."'..... _...."".COUIIty 38: ,,. , .
<br /> 4.: ;,r
<br /> . � . . p � _ �, �j
<br /> On this ...._l�h......._ _ day of --••-•---- -Ap=21.........:.. ..... 19. . .7.g---, before me, the undersigned, a Notary `
<br /> P�bli� in �nd f4r sai€1 County, personally came _.._��d �ni . Watters and Carol _ A... Watters r__.. _,. _ _ y
<br /> .... . --� --- -•--• - • - •- ---. . ... . ,
<br /> us an and wi e------------------------------ -------------- ------- ; . :;
<br /> --------•_._._...__.......... ...........••----....._. ....._.._•---- -��----... ._ _...----•----- -��---. ... _. ...---- �--•---...•-••--- ---•-••-------•----- •--_.....--------..... ....----•
<br /> personally known to me to be the identical peraons whose names are affixed to the above and foregoing °
<br /> instrument, sa mortgagozs, and each aclrnowledged said instrument to be his or her voluntary act and deed. '
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at ...__._�RF�A'�..Os}...N�b�,3sk�.... ...._._.._ the date last above written. � ''
<br /> My Comm:�ion eX�Sices: $�28 80 °
<br /> . ........ .... .... . . . ..
<br /> - • - •... _...-- -•
<br /> �auutfstYr- aaa�www otary Public '- �
<br /> oeo. �. wrurn�r. rR. ',
<br />. ...__ ...... r�_Mt�Fi!P.!!u�2s: ,eeo _ ........... .......... ... .......�----......._... _........... _ i . . � . - .;;
<br /> STATE OF ... ................ •---•--....._....._ _. .
<br /> •---.,. ._ ...__ ,
<br /> County ...--•-•---------------•-••--.......-----...---••-- -- -......�ss_ - , "
<br /> Entered on avmerical indea and filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br /> •--...:... ........ day of _...--------••--••--------••----..._ _.., 19.._ ....., at ---.......----...... o'ciock aad -----•-.__.... minutes .----....._:M_, . .. ;,j
<br /> � and recorded � in Book ---••�-- ......:-•-• �--.._... of Mortgages at page ..---......-•-.._ _...., as Inatrument No. ...... ........ ....... . � ` �,'`I
<br /> ... .__.:.......--.................. ._....-•-•-•------- - .......-----.......--••- yr
<br /> _.....-•-•---.
<br /> Reg. of Deeds
<br /> By ....................._ _...---...._............_..--•-. ...___Deputy -: > ;;.
<br /> . .."_....... . . . ....:q:7--�::� ;%C^,.
<br /> . . . . . � . . _ .. . � . . . . � . . ,
<br /> When recorded to be returned to tl�e I i
<br /> '�r
<br /> � . . �. StrNt' Addnss _ . . . � � .. � . . Matlfn2Addrou . . . Phone . . pf'* .. �
<br />.. . . . . �.'[] �135� No:�CotnerBlvd..�•Uncoln . �. .: .. . . . . . . . P.O:- �Box� 5204. Lineoin. Ne. 68505 . . . . . 475•0521 � � . . '°,�''�"'.; '�''�'" "
<br /> ' � , ,,,❑ 2101 So. 42nd,,St„ Omaha_. �� . � - P.O. Boz �6273, Omaha, . Ne. . 68306 554-8000 � �
<br /> p 1811 . West 2nd�.SL, Grand :lsland � -�.�� 1812 West 2nd St., Grand Island, Ne. 68801 3g•{.q433 � � �
<br /> . �❑ . . . . . .— . . .
<br /> . . , . � _ � . � � J .
<br />