, (— �.
<br /> 78--. �020F1 .
<br /> The �UITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States
<br /> ' �:,
<br /> ' ' THIS MOR'I'GACiE, da'Eed u af the:.... lbt�......,..day oF .. .,..February ....,..., 19...�.8.between " , i
<br /> " ; � G. WiTliam Robb and Dorothy M. Robb, his wi.£e, ?. �"
<br /> ` Doni,phaa Nebraska
<br /> � �� post OB1C4 aaa�� ,s .....:. ......:: . .... ... ...... . . .....,... . ........ ........ ........ ............ .
<br /> i hereinsfder ull,e� "Mart�aRor 'and THE EQUITA9LE T:iFT ASSiJitANC£SOG[ETY"QF THE CTNITED 5TATES, a New York
<br /> ca�rpontion,having its pr�napal o6ce and post o(fica address at 1283 Avenue of the hma�eps;1Vew Yark,IVew York 100t9,heceinafkrr �
<br /> ca1(ed^MartgageY';
<br /> ,,
<br /> ' � . . . T'hree Hundsed Thousand and na/7:U0 --
<br /> D7HEREA$ the Mortgagor is�asdy indebte�to thc Mongagee 1n the sum of. .... . ........ ........ ,.._....
<br /> � .. .............
<br /> ' � •:..:... ....::... ».:.... ..:.:... -Doltars (i..,3Q9aV44 UQ...............) with interest all as set forth m 6is certain�mmissory note :
<br /> i (��2iotd') oF even date herewith maturing.....2fdF��1. 7.a................_........._...........,19..��.
<br /> � NOW,'T'HLREFORE,T'H1S TiORTGAGE WI'INESS$1'Fi,that,tn secure tht payment of the piineipal of and ipt�rat oe rhe 1Vocc
<br /> and the peefortYwrtee of the covenanCs therein and hetein c�ntained,and in considerakion of the premises,df�e Mortgagor by these presCnts
<br /> doea grant,bargain, xll, convry, transfer, assign, mortgaAc, pledge,wamank and confirm unto the Mortgagee a14 the propertiy ("!be
<br /> MoRgaged Praprrty"') hereinafter described, Co•wit:
<br /> ` I. 1he followia dcscnbed real property lcxxtc�'in the County of .................Aalll
<br /> �� g ............................................................................. ,:
<br /> State of. . ........�T�iAi;S:6l�XS.a......... .............to-xvit: �
<br /> ' The Northwest Quarter (NW�) ancl the West Half of the Northeast
<br /> � Quarter (W'�NE�a, arrd the NortheasC Quarter o� Che SouthwesC
<br /> � Quarter (NE�SW'�), and the West Half of the NarCheast Quarter c
<br /> o,f the Northeast Quartex (W�NE'�.NE�), alT in $ection One (1),
<br /> ` Township Nine- �9) Narth, Range Ten (I0) West of the 6th F,.M.,
<br /> Hail County, Nebraska, subject to easements of record and subject
<br /> to a reservation o� VerTa R. Crockett, Doznthy K. Newby, and ;
<br /> � Hel.ene K. Figy of one-half t1�e oil, gas and. other minerai rights �
<br /> for a pesiod of twenty (20) years f�om Decemb.er 2U, 1973. k
<br /> ` �
<br /> � �
<br /> .
<br /> T.
<br /> t.
<br /> � Default bq the mortgagor under anq other instrument securing the debt hereby secured shall
<br /> oonstitute a default under this instrument.
<br /> •� � � � t ��
<br /> II. Thc Mortgagor's inte[at as lessor in all leica (induding but not limited to,oil,gas and minenl leases) tww or heteafter
<br /> � aHeRing the above-dcscribcd real property or any part thcrrnF. j
<br /> TOGE!'HER WITH the rents, issua, and profitx thereof, rcserving,however, (vnleu otherwise provided herein or in z scpaate
<br /> �' instrument of assignmmt), mto the Mortgagor the riKht, hrior to aay dcfault i� the paymrnt of the Note or in performanee of any
<br /> { a�eement heteunder,ro collect and retain such rrnts, issues,and profits as they baome due and payable,and togethet:lw witla all u�d �
<br /> � s�ngulu the tenertxnts,hereditammts,and appurtenances thereunto belonging,mcluding irrigation,dninage,and water rights of every
<br /> kind and desviption.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee,its succasors and assigns, fore��er.
<br /> PROVIDED, ALWAYS, that if the Mortgagor. his hein, representatives,successors ot assigns, shall pay unto the MoRgagee,its
<br /> sueeasors or usigns,the said sum of money mrntroned in the Note and the interest rhereo�at the times and place and in the manner
<br /> speeified in the Note,and all other sums thxt may become due and owing to the hfortgagee pursuant to any of the terms,mvmants md
<br /> '� • conditions 6ercof,and perform all the conditions and covrnants mntained in this mortgage("lNartg.rge"),then theu presents and the
<br /> � estate hcreby granted shall cease,determine and be void,otherwise to remain in full focce and efiect.
<br /> i AND SUBJECT to the covmants and conditions hereinafter set forth.
<br /> FIRST: The Mortgagor heceby covenants and agrees, to the extent permitted by law, u follows: (a) to pay prompdy whrn due
<br /> the princip�1 and intemt and other sums of money provided for in the Note and in th�s Mortgage,or either,(b) topap alt taxes,useu-
<br /> meah and other chazges(including ditch,canal,reservoiq oc other�vater charges,taxes or assessments) impc�sed bq law upon the Mort-
<br /> gaged Propetty, the Mortgagec's intettst therein,ot upon thc Mottgagc or the Note; provided howc.•er,that, in the avent of the pas-
<br /> sage oF any law changing the laws for the taxation oF mortgages or debts secured by mortgage so as to affect this Mot[gage,the entire
<br /> 7 indebtedneg secured hercby shall,at the option oF the Mortgagee,becvme due and payablr, (cj to keep rhe Mortga�ed Property and im-
<br /> � provements ehereon in good condition and repair and nM to commit or suffer waste therevf,and except as authonzed in any schedule
<br /> aooexed hereto and formtng a part heteof,neithet to cemove nor permit the nmoval of any timber,bwldings,oil,gu, minecals,stone,
<br /> rocic,clay,Fertiliur,gravel or top soit without the prior writtm mnsent of the Mortgagec; (d) to maintxin and deliver ro the Mortgagee ,
<br /> policies of insurance against such hazzrds on thrbuildings now or hereafter located on the Mortgaged Property u the Mortgagee auy
<br /> reqstire,in such rnmpan�es and amounts and with such loss payable dauses as shall be satisfactory to the Mortgagee;that in the evmt of '� n
<br /> loss the Mosegagee u expressty authoeized to settle or compromise claims under said policies and the proceeds shall be paid to the MoR- ,�,>
<br /> ,�geEwho may;apply same or any part thcreof on the indebtedneu secvred hereby or trnvards the rcconstrudion or rcpaar of sa:d build- ...4--
<br /> or.releax same to the Mortgagoz;(e) to pay any 1ien,c6iim.or charge against the Mortgaged Property ah:ch might take pcecedmm �'
<br /> ovet the lim hereof:(f)to pay on deaund a(!legat expenses;titk searches,or attomcy fecs reasonably incvrred or paid by the Iv[ortgagee � ,,
<br /> to`o411ectttx Note or Forectou or:pcaRect the iirn of the Mortga$e; (g) that in the event he shall fait to comply with thr provisions of � v 4
<br /> (a'�thiougTa`(�above,the Mottgagee may take suc�h.action as is aeeessary to remedy such Failnm and al!svms paid by the Mortgagee g lf,`
<br /> pa�uari!htreto wi@W intttest at the catrhereinafter provided shall constitutc a lien upon the Mortgaged Property,shall Ix secured by , c
<br /> ehis Moitgage,and shall be immediatelq due aad repsyable to the Mo�tgagee- (h) not co sell thc premises ur any portion thcreof, or, a 9
<br /> if,e3ie Moctgagoi;is a corpontion,not more than'....�jb of its corporate stock shall be sold,traded or dispox.l of to pec�ns otfter tlun _'� ? '
<br /> N�e'present ownen ptior to the time eLe indebtedness aecvred hereby s3�a11 have been reduced (occlusive of prepaymcna not permitted - ' '�
<br /> �
<br />