� �
<br /> . STATE OF' NEf3ItASKA, Cqunty of .. ...........................................:
<br /> E'iled for recond an ................: ... ....., 19........a.t............................ a'clock ........................ M.
<br /> � ,;.
<br /> and recor.ded in Lhe Deed Record ................................. Page .............,.........».,.. ,
<br /> .,.,_,.., ........_ ..,._.... ........ . .................. By .......,.. ......... ...,................... .....,.................,..,. `'
<br /> Ssg�ter of Deeds Deput3 Register of Deede �
<br /> ROBERT' J. �EI:ER a.nd NANCF L. WffEEI.ER, �ivaband aad �!i�e, eacla in l�ia and ]asr
<br /> uwn r3gLt and aa spouse ot' eacY� ntber, hereia aalled the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consicieration of SEVENTEEN 1'HOUSAND F`=VE FI01JDFtED AND I`i0/1UOTS5 DOLI,AR.S
<br /> f�CT7.5oo.00)
<br /> reaeived trom grantees, daes grant, ba,rgAin, $ell convey and cqnfiri¢ untn RSCFIARD C, HAHN aad
<br /> PATR�GIA U. HAFiN� Husband and W3fe
<br /> as joint tenents witih right of enrvivorship, and not as tenants in common, Lhe fo]lowing deearibed rea!
<br /> praperty in .................... $all.............................. County,1vTebraska: � '
<br /> Lot S3:s (6), B1ook Fpnr (4), ia R.�plat oS
<br /> Riverside Acrea, an Addi.tion to tl�e City crf
<br /> Grand =elancl, Ha11 County, Nebraslca.
<br /> h!EEF2ASKA �CGUMENlARY �.
<br /> STA6J1�TAX
<br /> �t .r�-��� raL'{� "1 ' IJ�� _
<br /> S"�4'��,��CK ° g�9=EY!��S.r�'-"' ',
<br /> To have and to hold the above deseribed premises together with all tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> and appnrtenances Lhereto belonging nnto the grantees and to their sasigns, or to the Leirs and assigns
<br /> o£the enrvivor of them forever.
<br /> gnd grsntor does hereby covenant with the granteea and with their assigns and with the heira
<br /> and sesigna of the aurvivor of them that grantor is Iawfully seiaed of said premiaes;that they are free from
<br /> encnmbrance esoept easements aad restrictions o2' raoord
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful nuthority to convey the same; and that grantor warranta and will
<br /> defend tl�e title to said premises against the Iawful claims of ull persons wLomsoevea
<br /> It is the intention of all pnrties fiereto that in the event of the death of either of the grsnteea,
<br /> the entire fee title to this real property shall �•est in the survicing grantee.
<br /> Dated 19 7g '
<br /> ..._......��°•'•�'`1�...__.y............................................... ....... �........... ... . ............. ...........
<br /> rt ' w� eie
<br /> .............................._..................................................... .. . .. .. ...._..... �. :
<br /> a�aq��. eel��
<br /> STATEOF ......_...NEBRASgA......................... County of .....................11.... ..........._....._......_: ` , ''
<br /> Before me,a notary public qnalified For said county, peraonally came ROBERT J. .i�ISEELER
<br /> aad NANCY L. WHEELER� Huabaad and Wife, eacti ia l�is aad Ler own
<br /> '- " rigbt"aad as spouse of eaob ot'her `
<br /> }.
<br /> ::�own`;to me to be the.-identical.person or persons who signed the foregoing instrament and ac�owledged µ� ^ �. J'.
<br /> ?,he esecution thereof to be his,l�er or their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> � ;µ �
<br /> � : � . J �
<br /> .:
<br /> .... D
<br /> ,., . Witne'as my hand aad notarisl e�'al on ........_��........y........................., 19.7�...... rc
<br /> `;.�Y �� �GENEAbI BOi�RY-SUts ef Nebnskr l.C:.rci 1/r�....�,. lJ"�� x �/
<br /> .,- ................................ . ........................_. . ............ Notary Pnblic
<br /> . VERiVIEY 4�COUCH � � . r � ��
<br /> My Comm.ExP.Juna 3.1881� � �•;„�ip�;4•..
<br /> My commission eapires .......�:;^�:4-......:3................ 19.��.......
<br /> Fcrrm 42 To b� nnnroved bv :'ebraska State Bsr Aceocistion lvton t Wdf Oo.,Lamin.NeEn
<br /> �
<br />