� �
<br /> 7s- �102077 ,
<br /> That �the MortKaBor will paq the indebtedneps as hereinHe.fur� �p�ovided. . . . . . - . . . . . . . -
<br />�.� � , . , : � , � . - . _ . �
<br /> � . That the' 1Kottgagor ie the dwner t�C.,said ProDenty in !'ee� :simple-, and hae ;good ��-�righR an�l �aw[i�l aqthc.tity tio. uett and �„ � �r � �
<br />� - rnnvey the� same and �'�hat th�:�naroe �.ia tree and'�ctear� o( any� lien or e'ncumbrancr': and` that Mn'irtgagar wili. warrant enci dPfend tbr �� � '
<br /> title Co aeid p�reinises against' lhe; cieimx of a11 perspns whomsoevec . � � � �
<br /> � To� pay imme�ieQelp when due-and paysbie sli g�nerat taxes, speciSi tax��, s�ecia3 asu•ssments, water charges, see+:rr serv- �
<br /> ice charges; an.i ather taxPe an,iT cha �� " � �
<br /> , r�es� againat.�said property, and�`.all taxes �levi.e�i on the debt xacured he:ret�y, � an!J to Lurniah the
<br /> MontgaR�, . upon. requeaQ with ' the.-.original br � duplicate ,receiptg � :there�for.: The Mt�rtRa�or - ag�r�es that thFre shall. he added to �� � .
<br /> Pach montfily payment requirrd he. reuhder �e qnder th� evirfence of dQbl secure�ci hereby an � emownt asfimaRed hy the Mortgagea :
<br /> 2o be sa�.eient to e�nable th¢ Mort�aRee to� pey..� as �Rhey,. beepmr due, � all taxes, ascessmenla anJ similaF charges up .nn Khe {irem�- �
<br /> 'tseN aub�ect:. th�retv.;. . any deficiency breause of the iusufficie�ncy. �f� such a�clitional pay'men�tx s6all . hc furth��ith drposi;4ec1 F�y� the . � .
<br /> . Mottgagor �wyth Ui'r MOrt8a8ee" upon - dememd� by the A�1ortGaQeo.. Any default under this .Paregr�:T�h nhall be deemed �a default 'sa :� �
<br /> � paYment of"-�taxev. ,a-4+essmerttei. �r simi,lar cha�Kes requiro� hereunder. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . .. . ... . ._ . . . .
<br /> The Mortgsgor agrees thall therr shall al,�ro be adtleJ to each munthly payment of �>rinei�pa( and i:ntrrnHt � requPmil 6tre- -
<br /> unrler an �amount estimated� by the Mortgaqee tu be ��JCicirnt to enable the Morkg+�gce to . pey, es it becomes due, the. 'fnsuran.ce
<br /> �tremiu�m an anq insucante policy dolive•�red tu thr M�rtgagee. .1ny deficiency k�ceuae n( .� thr. invuf�'icioncy �f quch uddit.ional pa�y-
<br /> ment�r shall be fnrthwith dc�ws.ited by t}�e Mcr�rtgagur with thr Mortqager a�n rJenr.an�l Ir�y th�^ Ytortga�Nc•. Any d�fu�:ult under Ihis �
<br /> paregra�ih shsll be ci¢emed a� �lefault in bhe pavment u[ insura�nce vrumi��ims. If tl�c• F,..�lie;y un Y��I�cirs depc�.vited are. suc�h� as. Fnrme-
<br /> owners qr all risk pul7ci�s, and the� �epositti are insuffii�ient to pa�y the e�ntire• premium , the MortqaRae mey :i.pply lhe drpoirit to �
<br /> p8y �sremium� nn risks requrr�d. 4o be insurcwl by thi;!s. mairlRaRe. � � � � ��� .
<br /> PaymenLs made by f�he Mu:rtKa�gor u.nder the abowc paraKraphs mey, st the r.p�iion af the Mortgegec, E�e held - by it and . � .
<br /> oommingled wiYh� othFr such funds ot its own tuncls !or tl�e ��ayment o[ such ifprns, ancl �.�ntil s<, applied, �wik Paymenis are hereAY
<br /> pled.ged'. as security for the unpaitl halance nf the mort�age indetrtednPs.v.
<br /> To procure, �Seliver to, and mainkain far the �bencfit of ihP M�rfgnger durin� 2he life o( t6is moe[gaqe ori�.ginal Policies and ' �
<br /> tenewals thereof, delivrrezl at leest t�n days Fwfore thr ozl��rat.iorn <�f any such policies, insunns aqai.naY. fire an[! othrr �'nqur8ble �� �
<br /> hawrda, casualties, and contingencicre as tihe� Mortgagee� may require,. in gn gmaunt equal W Yhe indehYedneae eecured by tF��e �
<br /> MdFtgage, and in oompaniex acreptablr to Rhe� Mor4R8BM•. wit�h losa payablc clause in fn.�+r�r of and irt torm� acceptable !o [hr Mortga- . �
<br /> gee. In the event any Policy is nnt renewid �>n <�r bnfure tan days of ifs expira�finn, the A�2tirt�a�ee may �erex�ure� insurnnce on t�he� � �
<br /> itn{�rovemenla, psy the premi,um thPrezfoc, ar�d such sum sFi�a.f1 lwec�me intmedia�tely �1ue and payable with inletr:st a1 Che rate sa•3 �. �
<br /> � (orth in said nota unti�l paic! and yhalt tx seaured hy t1h�i:s mc>rtgaKe. F'a�.ilu.te nn Che pa�rt of 4he MarUgag�oe io furn"xwh such� nenea�sl� . . .
<br /> � as are herein req�ai�red or failure te� ��ev� any su�ms advanred hereuncier Sha11, a�t the o,��t'von ot the MorEgagee, cons4ib:utc -a. default � . � �
<br /> under the rterms <+( tMis mortg��e. ThA delivery �f surh P��lieir�� shal'1 , in the ��vent of �lefault. concti�tufo aa. acaiRnment oE the cin- � � �
<br /> � earned premi�um. �
<br /> Any sums recei�s^ed hy the MoetgaK�' bY rea.4on o( imss ns ciam.age l.n5ured �.�ai:nat mav be retainr.d by lhe MrrrERagee � . . � �
<br /> and sipplied t�ward 4he payment uf ihe edebt hereF>y secured, ur, aR iha option of the Ma�rtgagee, cur.h sum� either whol'ly or in � � �
<br /> . part rtaay be paiA ovPr tca� the MortKsgor to be wsed tca repait such bu.i:t�dings or tn buiLcl ' new buil<lbngs �:n their plaae �t fnr any . � � .
<br /> � other purpose or objer.D satisfacKury to thc Mortguqee wilhouR aftecfinK the lian �>n the m�r(gage� for the Full amuant aecured here � �
<br /> by before such payment ever took placa � . �
<br /> To promptly repair. restore or rebuild any buildings or improvemenis now ur hrreafter on the premises which may be- . � �
<br /> rnme demaged or destmyed; to keep said premises tn goud condition and repair and free from any mechanic a Iien or other lien or - � �
<br /> � claim of lien not expressly eubordinaled to the lien hereoC not to sufter or prrmil any unlawful use of or any nuisance lo exiat on � �
<br /> � aaid property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the pwperly hereby conveyed shall become �
<br /> less valuable, nor to diminish or impair ita value by any act or omission to act ; to compl.v with al! requirements of law with respect �
<br /> . to the mortgaged premises and the use thereoL �
<br /> � . That should the premives or any parl thrrrnt be taken nr damaged hy re�xon of enr public improvemrnt or condFmnntian �
<br /> proceeding. or under the right ot eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall be entiUed to all rnmpensationa. .
<br /> awards, and any olher payment or relief therefor, and shall be enti[led, at its option, to commence, appear in and prosecule in itv �
<br /> own name any action or proceeding, or to make nny compromise or settlement in connection with such takinq or damage. All such
<br /> compeneation, awards. damages, right of action and proceeds are here6y assiKned to the Mortgagee, who may , after deducting
<br /> therefrom all ife expenses, release any moneys so received by it or apply lhe same un any indebtednea4 srcurrd hereby. The Mort- �
<br /> gsgor agreen to execute svch further axsignments o( any compenvation, awards, damaRes, and righta of actiun and proceeds ac the .
<br /> � MoTtgagee may require. _ ��
<br /> � � - . That in case o[ failure lo perform any of thr covenanta herein, the Mortgagee may do on the Mortgagor's behal[ everything -�� �
<br /> so covenanted: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem nacessary to protect the lien thereof: that the Mortgagor wiU: � .
<br /> repey upon demand any moneya paid or di�bursed by the Mort�aqec for any of the above purposes. and c�ch moneys togetBer with�:-,; � .
<br /> interesL thereon at the rate provided in said note ahall t�ecomr su much xdditiunal indebtedness hereby aecuraf and may t�e in-.��
<br /> � oluded� 7n any- decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of the renta or proceeds of sele. � of said premixes i( n�t otherwise
<br /> � paid; thet it �nhall not ��be obligalory upon the Mortqaqee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances, or claim� in ad- �.
<br /> vancing moneys av abeve authorized, but nothing hereim m�tained shall be construed ax requiring the Mortgagee to advance any �., �
<br /> - moneya for any auch purpaee nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any persunal liabili[y F�ecause of any- �
<br /> � thing it may ��do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> � In the event o( the datault by Mortgagor in tbe paymrnt u[ any �nntellment, a� requirrd by thr Nule aecured hereby, or
<br /> � in �the. performance o[ � the obligation �in ihis mortgage or inShe note aecurnd tb¢reby, the Mortgagee ahall be entitled to declare the
<br /> . debt secured herebY due and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at ils option, without notice�, eithec hy iLaelf
<br /> or by a receiver to be appointeel by the court thereof, and without regard b the adequacy of any security for the indebtecinrac ce-
<br /> cured� l�ereby,: to enLer .upon and. take � pos.§ession� o( the � mortR88ed premiaes, and to collect and receive tha rentx. iawura and Profita
<br /> thereof, and� apply� the eame. .lees coatx. o[ operation and collection, upon the indebtedneaa secured by this, mortgage;� said„rents. ? �
<br /> ' iesues ,and profits being hereby*.. aeaigned to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment oC all indeFtrdnraa srcvred hrr�hy. ' `
<br /> , . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. . , : � i
<br /> . . � .The Mortgagee shali have the power to a Y B S Y P P 6 P �,( x
<br /> ppoint �wn a ent or a ent� it ma dexirn for the urposr of re airin said rem- `� `- .�'",�-'�, � �k: ':
<br /> . � iaes; rentinq the same; collecting the renta, revenues and income, and it maypay out of. said income. all expenses incurred. in � rent- Cp ' � �-
<br /> . � ing and managing the same and o[ collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any. shall be applied toward the �r�� ��
<br />� � � diecharge of the .. mortgage. indebtednesa. T hia aseignment is to terminate and become nu❑ nnd void upon release of thix mortqage.
<br /> �
<br /> . . _ . . . � . � . . ". . � „ " � �.: . .
<br /> J
<br />