� _. � " _ ;
<br /> STATE OF N:EBR�BT{A, Connty oE ...............�,,...........,.,.................._.....: .
<br /> �.
<br /> Filed for record en� euWred in Nvmeriasi I.ndex NEBRASKA �.�n(;���yTqRy
<br /> on........... ......... .... ..... ..........at ...,.. .,.,..., o'c.Iock ................ bi., STA!WIF''TAX
<br /> , � . .
<br /> and recorded in Deed Eecord......._ .................Page ... :.......................
<br /> {��'t2 ]. � ����
<br /> � ... ........ ..... .. ......... ...�..... By .......> ..,,... .,...,- -•.......... ,.
<br /> County Clerk or Ileputy County CTerk or � ��, y `� ��
<br /> i� - B,egister o4 Deeds Deputy Regi�ter of'Ueet3s $La��=.Gi_,_BY�`r�i� � , �
<br /> � � � � ; ,'�,
<br /> �� .78-� U 0 2 0`7 6 W�jRg,ANTY DEED �TATEMEi'�iT ATTACHED
<br /> �� ,
<br /> � E. Dean Woife and Judith A. Wolfe, Husband and Wife, each in Hxs and �ier ow� ;
<br /> i '
<br /> '� rigkt and as spouse of sach o-ther , henein aalled the gea�tor wLether one or�vre,
<br /> in Coneideratioa af Twenty-fpur Th�usand atid lvo/lU0 ($24,q00. 00} Dollars
<br /> � reeeived irom granCee, floes grant, bazgain, seil, convey and eonfirui uato
<br /> �f n f
<br /> -� Mid-Arr�erica Go. '�_ '
<br /> + herein called the grantee vvhetihea qne or m,ore, t2�e Eollowing describerl real property'sa �'• �,;
<br /> � .... _........�'r��:�...................................._. County, Nebr�ska: . h. ' ' ~�,�s�s
<br /> ...... } �
<br /> ��, � � � ,
<br /> •�� � s,' ,
<br /> .;1� � N�F��+
<br /> F . . f rj ��'i
<br /> �k �f4{�
<br /> Loxs Twenty-sevein (27), Twenty - �ight (2$j, k
<br /> :� 'I'went niise (Z9), Thirt 3Q � �
<br /> y- y( ), and Thixty-twp '�' � �`�'l
<br /> ��
<br /> ri (32), Wolfe' s Subdivieion, in fl�e C�:ty of 4r�,°r�
<br /> Grand Island, Fia11 County, N�brasl<a. �' w ���,��
<br /> {
<br /> � ��;��
<br /> To have an�i to hold the above described premises together 'wxth el1 teneuients, hereditaments ,' ,w���
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging nnto the grantee und to grsntee's heirs and assigna forever. : �` ���
<br /> And the grsntor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns '` �'"��
<br /> that antor is lawfnll seised of said y r�`�
<br /> gr y premises; thnt the are free from encnmbrance �' � -�'�t�
<br /> except easements and restrictions of record g ��4,
<br /> a. >:,z��';
<br /> ti_
<br /> ' , "�;�",
<br /> � ,
<br /> that antor has ood ri ht and lawful anthorit to conve the sa.me; and that `�" �"'
<br /> �� Bi' S 8 Y Y $rantor warrants and will t , v� .
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all pereons whomsoever_ � ` it�
<br /> � ''s
<br /> Dated Apri1 10 19 78 N
<br /> ......................................_..........-••............._.................. ..�.. � �.,.�..�,�................. � ?
<br /> ,; E. 'D'ean`�`o�'f'e"�'�'r.=-f� ; ; p,,,:
<br /> ................................................._.._............_..:............... �x� �:.... �� -�.�..f.....�.�,-................ �''
<br /> �- / ,
<br /> .Y"udit� A':""^W'oTf'e :'
<br /> r::
<br /> �: STATE OF NEBRASgA,Countp of...........FiA,LL................•••••..........: . ;
<br /> �� -
<br /> Before me, a notarq public qunlified for said county, pereonally came
<br /> E. Dean Wolfe and Judith A. Wolfe, Husband and ;
<br /> Wife; each in Hia and Her own right ``
<br /> f�. known to me to be the identicaL person or persona who signed the � F i»t�de
<br /> foregoing instrament and aclrnowledged the eaeeution thereof to be his, �s
<br /> � her :or their voluntarp act and deed.
<br /> ,
<br /> , ,� , � � � �
<br /> F ,^�.,�,� . } ;. Witneas mp<hand and no ' seal on .....�.�,..h__'�t..�_d.�_�� ?F.............. .�
<br /> � J
<br /> . , ; ., .
<br /> . . ,
<br /> � . r
<br /> : �
<br /> tE�Eus.tI0h1IlY .abn at wYoit�' ......... �11�"1�Cc........�f!Yf�.........�.... Notary Pablic '-r-.
<br /> ' ;z , �,� i ;
<br /> ,, .. LNDA.VIliCIK ., � � ':+�.�. `
<br /> .;•
<br /> IA�!Camn.Eap.Au�.�2.29l1 DSy commission espires ..�[lC.�.trA�......J.v"�......., 19 .��.... ' „
<br /> � FOIm Z2 ADPrOVeC1 b9 Nebrsska StBte Bsr :A86oC18ttfon Fdton�Wolt O�.Loeota x�br.
<br /> .� _
<br /> x� .� �. .�_ �.�- �
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