� ' �
<br /> .-,,r .
<br /> not estend or postpone tlkr, dne date ot: tl�i� na�ntP�l�• ii�5�;illru�nt4 referrcei to ; ai �:�ra�raplis 1 a�rd 2 hereof ur
<br /> changu� the amount of such imsttallment�,
<br /> 10. Bonowex 1Vot Released. 2.xtensiora of t.hc Y.inne for ��ayment or iriodification ot amortization �f the sums
<br />; secured by t'l�is _l�Iort.�age grunCed by I .ender to nciy� sucr.essor tn intcre�t ot Borrawer ci�all r�nt aperate to relesse,
<br /> s in anp mnnner, tl�e ]iability ot ni�e ori�imal I3orroa•er uud Bvrrowlr's successors in interesV,. I.ender �hsll not be '
<br />� reguired to comniencc proceediaYgs ngainst �ucli successnr �r refusc to extnnd tin�e tor payment. or otfierwiac modify
<br />� amortization of the sun�s senured b,v this \tortgagc hy reasan of �»p ciemarid mu�te �y thc ori�innl Bnrrnwer &nd
<br /> i BorrOwer's successors in interest.
<br /> I1 � £orbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. A�iy� fs�rbewrance l�y I ,ender i.n caerr.isir�g nny rig6t nr remedy
<br /> 'C'r heceunder, or othetwise aflord�d by ar��licablc 6a+v, 3hali not Ire u �a�aiver o[ or r:reclude the exezcise of enw right
<br /> �" nr retnedy hereunder. Tlye ��irocurement of insur�nce or *. l �c ��ayment of tuxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> �' shsll nqt l�e n waiver of' Lender's rigl�t to accelerate tlae �nat.urit`v of tlie indebtedness secureel hy this N[ortgage.
<br /> � 12. RernediesCumulaGve. �l! remec�:ies ��ro�•icie�l in tlii� \ furtgage are distinet and cumulutivc to any other
<br /> Q righC or reYnedy unrler this \Inrtgage or viffi�rr�c�i }i}• la�c c�r i•qui,t.��, nwi�l mag bc ex:ercised cuncurreatly , inclepend-
<br /> � ently or aiicceesively.
<br /> r 1'.3. Succassors �d Assigtas Bouad: Joint trnd Seve:al Liability; Captions, 'Tlir, covenan.ts and agreementa ;
<br /> � bxerein coirEained sl�alF, bincl, anii the righi� l�ei•cuncier �}iali inure cc>, tho res�er,tive successora anci assi�s of Lender
<br /> � und Borrower, sul�jecL ta th� ��i�ovisiorrs oi ��atagrox��li l ; Irceeu-t. � Il eok•ennnCs un+1 agreen:ict�ts uf 73uvrower sicall
<br /> be � oinb anil se�•eral. The rupt'rons and 1ieaciing� of tl�e ,��urngra��l�s of z1�is \Iueteagc are for conwenicnce only and ;i
<br /> aae not to be used to intierprKk. or define tlre. provis.inns I�crec�i.
<br /> 14. Notice. Atxy noticc to 33orroxvcr pro��ided ior in thi� \.►ortgage sirtill lae �,i��en �t• mui,lirs� such naiice Uy
<br /> certified r;nai ( addressed to 13orrocaer :it tlre Pro�,ieri�• :1dcl� e,s �t :jttcl 1�clo�c, exeept foi• uny notice re��uired cxnder
<br /> par�tgrap2h 1$ i�ereof to be given tn ESot•ro«•rN• in thv ���x.nnc� prc•�cr�k�ee! F +y t�r��licnble f;���•, :1m� rttotice prat-iiied
<br /> forin this ,�lortgt��c shafl he cleeinui to li�c•c hern �n•ca to Aarro�rcr �cl�en �;i�•en in tl�c rnni�ner �iesi�nated ]ierein.
<br /> 15. 'Uniform Mortigage; Governiag Law; 'Severability. ":Chi�, [nnni �f ii�oMga�ge cotrtb't�aes t�ni(orm cavenatiGs
<br /> fornational nse �nd non-unitorm covenants �vitl� limited �•arirition� t.�v jurisdiction t� constitute a uniform �eeu. :
<br /> rity instrument cuvering rea,l x�roperty. Thic \tortgnge shalt t�c Soverned t�y tfie Ia�v ot thc� juricdiction �n which
<br /> the Properdy is iocaCed. In tiie e�•eat khat nny� 3�ro�tisi�n or clause ot t14is \IortKage or the Not,e c�nflicks with '-'
<br /> applicsble law, such confliet sMall not sf£eci ot}�er pt•ovisions of tk�is \Iortgage or t1�e 1Vote wl�icli ran 6e gi.ven, �
<br /> effeot without Che conflie6ing ��rovisie?n, :ind to thi:s end the �>rovisions qf i he �1ort�age and khe Note ate declsted
<br /> to be seversble.
<br /> I6: Boaower's Copy. F3orro�wer shall Fre turnisl�e�1 :�. cnnforrne.i r,opy u[ ihis \lortgage at the time b£ execu-
<br /> tion or after reeordation hereof.
<br /> 19. T:aasfer of the Propertyc Assumption. If alI or any I>;irC of the Property or an inteaest tiherein is sold
<br /> or ttsasfe.rted by I3orrower withoui Lender's �rrior ti��ritten eonsent , excludi.nK (,a 1 the cre3tioxi of a lien or encum-
<br /> brsnoe snsbprdinsite to th.is �Iortgagc. ( F�) tihc creation ot a purchss� tnanc �• security interest fo.r household sppli
<br /> an�es, (e) a tannsfer by devise, ciesr.ent o�• by ot�eration of Is�c »Is�2� tlue death of a joint tena.nt �r (d ) the �rtsnt ot
<br /> any ieasehold interesE of thcee years or less noY cantainin�; un ol,tion to iiurchase, Leiader may�, t�fi� I:ender's op'tion,
<br /> declare sl1' Ehesums seeured by thia Murigugr. to �e imrn<,c3iar.ely duc unci �aynble. I.ender s1»sli have wsived i�uch '
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior Co tl�e saIe or transter, Lencier auci il�e per�un tcr �vhona the E'roperty 'ts to be sold or ?
<br /> trspsferred reaaU agreecnent in �vriting tlsat 4f�c eredit urf' yi;ech persor, is satisPasCary ta Le-nder and that tkie interest , ;
<br /> puyable on the sums secirred by zhis �i;orcgs�ge shatl I:re at. sGicl� rat � us T.ender shull rec�uest. It Lender hsa wsived
<br /> the optioa to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borroa�er's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in �vritin� by 7,ender, Lender shull release Borrower from all obligations under i
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note. .
<br /> If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shnll �nail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordsnce €
<br /> �vitlt paragraph 14 hereof. Sucli notice shall pro�•ide a perioc! of not less than 30 days from the date t•he notice is
<br /> maited within which Borro�ver �nay �uiy thc sum� declured duc. If Borrower fails to pa� such �ums prior to the
<br /> expirstion of auch period, Lender may. «�ithout furkher notice or demand on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> �'ON-UNIFORbf COVENANTS. BOl'1'O\CBl' iiI1C1 L@I1C3CC fUl't�1CT COVCR:lIIt und agree as follows :
<br /> 18. Aeeeleratioa; Remedies. Excent as provided in paragra��6 1 i hcreof, upon Borroa�er's breach of any
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borrower in this \Iort�agc, including tlic covenante to pay �chen due any sum5 secured
<br /> by this 1lortgage, Lendcr juior to acceleration sh:ill wui ! noticc to 13orro�vcr a� � �ro�•ided in raragraph ] 4 hereof
<br /> specifying : ( 1 ) the bresch ; (2) the nction required to ew•c sucli breacl� ; 13 ) s� datc, not less thun thirty days
<br /> from the date the notice is mailed to I3orro��•cr, b�• �el�ich �ucli bre:�c6 inust be ctu•ed ; ane( 141 that (nilum to cure
<br /> such breach on or before the date specifiecl in the noticc �uny result in accelerntion of the suros secured bv this
<br /> iVIortgage and sale of the Yroperty. If the breacli is not cured on or beforc ilic date specified in tlie notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option may declnrc all of the sums secured by this Jlortgagc to be i�mnedintcly due and payable
<br /> without further demand snd may foreclose this Jlortgagc by ju�iicial proceeding. I.ender shall bc entitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosurc, induding, hut not li�uited to, costs of docuuientun• evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Boaowor's ffight to Reiastata. Not«�itli�tanding I.ender'a iiccelcration of the smn� secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this �iortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfo�-cing tl� is \Iortgagc if : ( a ) Borro«•er pays I.ender all
<br /> aums which would be then due under thiv �LortgaRc, tl�e \�ote nnd notec securing Futurc Adeances, if any, had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (b) Borrower cures all brcaches of an}• other cocennnt� or agrcements of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c ) Borrower pays ull reasonnble c:xpense= incurred hv T.�nder in rnCorcing the covenants
<br /> and agreementa of Botrower contained in this \Iort�u�e and in enforcinR I.ender's remediea nc provided in pata-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, res�sonable attorney '� iee: ; and Id ") Aorrower takes such sction as
<br /> Lende� tnsy reasonably require to assure that the lien of this \iortgage , Lenders inierest in the Propetty and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thic �qortgxge chall continue unirnpaired. Upon such payment ,,;, _,, =�
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby .hall remain in full force and effect ns if
<br /> no scceleration had oecurred.
<br /> 20. Assicinmoat of Rsats; Appoiafineat o4 Receiver, Lender in Possession. as additionui security herc- � �' ' ��" '
<br /> under,Borrower hereby sasigns'to Lender the rents of the Propert�-_ prorided thaf Botrou•er shall, prior to acceler- �,, ,�
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property, hure the ri�ht to collect and retain such rents � : � '
<br /> sa they beoome dve and psysble. , z , , v :
<br /> ' IIpon sacelersEion- under paragraph 18 hereof. or abandontnent of the Yroperty. Lender, in person, bp agent ` -„ - " �
<br /> or by ;jvdicially-appointed receiver shall be>entitled to enter upon , take po�ece�on of nnd mannRe thc Property " '"�-�'"
<br /> and to 'boltect` the rents of the Peoperf.y, includit�g those past due. All renis collected by Lender or Rhe receiver
<br /> ahall be applied finatto paymenE of the costs of mansgement of the Property and coliection of rents , inrluding, but
<br /> not limited to� receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bond� nnd reasonAble xttomey's fees . nnd then to the sums
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver chall h� liahlr to nc�ount only for thove rnnts nMunll�• reeciti•ed . �
<br /> I �
<br />