� �
<br />! • STATE nF NEBRA$HA, County o! ._...... .................................: ---- —'
<br /> Filed fo'r rec�rd �nd eutered in Numerical 1'ncipz NEt3F2F�SKA Ut?C��iVi£N7ARY
<br />' ... aE ... o'cloek 3 i A�Vi P Ti+X
<br />.. � OII ,........�...................... ......................:.. .............,. ..,,......,....._ 1�,., .
<br /> ..... .
<br /> and recorded in.Deed Record ............................... Page ............................., �t�tf 1,� �{�f�
<br />��... . . � ,......... ....,_..,. ........._.�................... Bg .,.. �. .......... . ......... .....................,. �.$ .. ..� -CiG3I:6_.�
<br /> Gounty CIerk or Depnty C'uunty C1erk or gy
<br /> 2ieg;ister of T?eeds Deputp Re�ieter af �er.ds
<br /> �8� 1�(�'��(j'"� STATEMENT ATf'".C��D
<br /> ;
<br /> Fred ltaliriag aad Helen M. ?[ehring, Avsband and tilife, Donald"D. Mehrissg and
<br /> Rebr.ecm L. Mehring„ Haabaad and Wife, I:autran A. Ezviaa and Nancy A. Ezv�n, Hu�6a�d
<br /> aad iJi£e, eac� ln Ch�ir o�nt cfgl►t , berefin called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consi3eration of Cfne Dollai and other va],aabie cons3deF'ation
<br /> reeeived from rsnt�e, does grant, bar ain, seIl,. c.pneey and con£irm untq
<br /> Fred Hehr�ag aad Heltn ki,. Me�iring, Eiwsband and S,�ife, �onald D, Melssing and Re'becca
<br /> L. ?tehring, Husband and Wife, and Latrran A. Er�ia and Nancy A. Erwin, Husband and
<br /> Wife, as 2eaanta in Gomon.
<br /> herein c�siled the grantee whe2he.r �ne or more, the followi,ng 3escribed real property im
<br /> ........... Hall............... ........................ CuuntY, 1�7ebraska: ;:
<br /> A Lract of land comprie3ng a1,Y of Lo[ Siz (6), and zh�e �re$terly Eletrm and
<br /> Porty Four SundYadths {11_44) feeC of Lot Fivn (5f. all in Con�stoga North
<br /> SubdYvYeion; nnd a gart of T.ot Qne (1), Canesto�a NorEh Seccamd Subdiviaioa,
<br /> all 3a Lhe CiIIq oF c:�a Islsad, Nebrseka, and more parti.aularZy deacribed
<br /> aa follows:
<br /> $eginaing at the nor=hveat eorner of said I.ot Six f6); thence easterly
<br /> along the north lin.e of aaid Lots FiV� C5) and Six (6,). a distance of One
<br /> H�mdred Fif'ty attd Oae Teath (150.1) feet; thence southerlp pazallel to Che
<br /> rResterly line of eaid Lct Pive CS), a dista�se of 1Wo Huadsed Eighty �280�0)
<br /> feet; thence vesterly parallel to the sosstherlg 11ne of said Lots Five (5)
<br /> aad Si;x (6�, a �istaaae og One 8undsed Pifty tand One Hundred-th (ISA.O1) £eet; (SEE ATTACH) ';
<br /> To hare and to hold tl�e above described premisea together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging nnto the grantee flnd to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant'with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigna
<br /> 'that grantor is lswfullp seised of said premisea; thsst they are free from enenmbrance
<br /> PSccept Easmeats and Restrictions of Record.
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrsnts and will
<br /> deFend the title to suid premises against the lawful claims oF all persons whomso�ier. .
<br /> _�.,• �-7� � �
<br /> Dated `ZiiJG.� oc�! 1s 7� �--i.<<,-�j! �`l�' "
<br /> ����,_,�— /� ? �i��`.'.n��-�2,-'-y � .
<br /> �f-t' zzGc
<br /> i. �� � , n� '._ � . j�.�-�.�..__ . . .
<br /> . ....... ......_ . .........�..... ...�,�..,��,�..,r�.��..� ..... � _
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<br /> .
<br /> ���L�-=..,�- �-�� ..,��.�.z=C��.u�. ,
<br /> ....�r..�:a,...�:.......---............. .........................
<br /> gTATE OF NEBRASKA,County of ..........IiA.�x.......................................: '
<br /> Before rne, a notary public �aiuilified foc• said contity, personally came
<br /> Fred Mehting and Helea M. Mehting, Huaband and Wife aad
<br /> Doasid D. tiehring and Rebecca L. I�iehring, Huaband and
<br /> liife, and Lauran A. Ervin aad Nancq A. Ervin, Husband
<br /> and Wife
<br /> 1
<br /> O BER r.
<br /> ��'.,.-•..,�'r - �
<br /> �;
<br /> % �N E R,y•,�" known to me to be the identical peraon or persons who signed the
<br /> � � NOTAFZY t ���. foregoing instrument and acknowledged the eaecution thereo£ to be his, � 'y'`
<br />,, . Co;nr�as�ioN : her or their voluntary act and deed. `_
<br /> � EXPiRES �� : . / •<� i,`S
<br /> J'!� �F@ 28 1°ary�•Q' Witness my hand and notarinl seal on ��.C.�.....�.JY..•--,/../`..'.��..... ; �, .
<br /> qJ. .... .•• ag'� w' ,,�,1,
<br /> , �
<br /> F OF NEBt� ,"_�� . �._..2..+zit,r,� Notary Pnblic '"�
<br /> c
<br /> ......a.,—.... ..c......... ......... ".-' "'
<br /> . . ........
<br /> My commission eapires`.o�...c.�.........::'�:.c'r:............... 19 ..��...
<br /> Form 2.2 Approved by NeUraerks Statx Bar Aseuciatlou k'dtoo k Wdt/:o..Linmin,Nebr. �
<br />