_ r- �
<br /> STATE' OF NESRASKA, Countv of ....................................................: ,
<br /> F`iled for reonrd on ........... ............... 19........ at..............,...........,, o'clock ....................,... M, i: '
<br /> and ��araea in the Deed ltecord ............. .. ............ Page ......,.............,_,......
<br />� .................:....... ......... . ....... .................... By ......... ......... ........ ....,.......,,............................,.
<br /> Register qf Deed� I.?epusy Register of Deeds �,
<br /> ��'� 4_)020FiC
<br /> Claude W. Warrea and Tlxelma I• Warren , HuQband and Wife, each in I-iis and E-Ter
<br /> own sigh-t and as apouse af each other ,herexn called Ehe grautor whether one or more,
<br /> in cansideration of 5ixty-oae Thousand, k'"ive Iiundre.d and No/IQ� ($61,900.OU) i)ollars
<br /> i reneived from grautees„ does grant, bargain, seil aonvey and confinm unto
<br /> Garry E. 1�rIeyer and Beverly E. Meyer, Huaband and 1Nife
<br /> as joint ten�nta with right p£ $4FVIv4T&111p� and not as tenants in com,mon, the fallowing deecribed raal :;.;'
<br /> Pro ert irt �'�il . County,Nebrasks: '
<br /> P Y ............ ......... ................... ..... ' , ,:
<br /> .Lot Nine (9), $iehop Hei,ghta Second Subdivision, Hall
<br /> Gounty, Nebra ska. �`'
<br /> fVEBRASKA I��ClJ1b7EN7iA'R'I i
<br /> ��PC,�`Q �7AM?TAX r �
<br /> ��������;� � ��� r� ����
<br /> :,;
<br /> $�o , S BY � ' °,
<br /> To have and to hold the above deserihed premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging nnto the grantees and to their aseigns, or to the heirs and aesigae
<br /> of the snrvivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their seaigns and with the beira
<br /> and sasigna of the survicor of them that grantor is law4ully seised of said premisea;that they are free from
<br /> eacnmbrance exce�t easements an,d restr tionsFof rec�r�3
<br /> except the balance of a irst mortg age oan at �ome edera avin s and LoanAssociation of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, as recorded in Document # �6-0070Z5 o�the records of the Hall
<br /> County Register of Deede, which the grantees agree to assume and pay.
<br /> tbat grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warranta and will
<br /> defend the title to saicl premises againat the lawful claims of all persons cshomsoeven
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either o£ the granteea,
<br /> the entire fee title to this real property shall �•est in the survicing grantee.
<br /> Dated /'�p/t'� � `7 19 7�
<br /> ._......................................._.......................................... .. �ec.�et� C�LJ....�:5/.Ske:2.:.i.:�:a:.........
<br /> �ia de W. WFa�rFeZr�
<br /> l'- ���� AIJ.. ' ...G�.:�.�.�':{..tir/..... ���
<br /> .............................................................................._..... ....."T&e�rna �:"Wa"rrea =
<br /> BTATE OF .....,...x1LF�ki.A.S�S.A......................... Coanty of ._.....3.i.A.7..�.I....__........................�......:
<br /> Before me, a notary pnblic qualified for said county, personally came
<br /> Claude W. Warren and Thelma I. Warren, Husband and Wife, each in His
<br /> and Her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> ....r-�--,.
<br /> ' �own to me to Be the identical peraon or persona who signed the foregoing instrament sad ac�owledged
<br /> ' - tbe ezecu' to be his, her or their volnutary act and deed. t'�
<br /> �
<br /> .,., � 31 b1
<br />� -�. sh and notarial seal on ........ .....':� �............._. ......, 19..��..... � �-`t
<br /> ;Q'��4�5��� ` .............����:...�.T....."'�•-............_.......... Notar9 Public ��;
<br /> D NO�41C� � ` ..�� -��/3 _ ..:ira_,.
<br /> �' � .n: My commiesion eapisea..... /�"'� ...._............ . 19...�.'.�5.....
<br /> : ,�
<br /> Fnrm ••�7�'o"Lr]i���' bv �ebraska 9tate Bar�ssoeiation gN��'Wolf Oo.,Lnadn.N�En••
<br /> �7na �
<br />