_ _ � ` �
<br /> 78-- U02064 MORTGAGE
<br /> 1'HI$I1�iDENTURE. marle thie_�.7t11__._�day of___�31; ------ –�__, 19.78_, by and betwcen � ;. "..
<br /> � ' Theo li. Ane3erscan and 'Karea_K� Andersan, husband and wife, each in his and her own right , �.
<br /> ; � '
<br /> and as s:pouse af the other,
<br /> uf_._���1� . Couaty,Ne6eeska, en.moetgegar s ,end Grsntl Lelend Truet Co.m�any of ,Grnad leland., a corpnretion .
<br /> acganized uid ezieting under the laara of Nebresks with ita principal office and place af bueiuiesa et Grund lslaud„1Vebraske,ea marttgagee; t
<br /> WITNESSETH:�. T6at eatd.mortga�on 5_.,for and ih coneirleratioa pf the,eum of . ,,�, �
<br /> E.ir�ht Thousand and no/lOq_– – – – – – _ – _____�,_ ����$_��g�OQ0.00 �,
<br /> ' tda eer.iaipt af whic6 is.hereby aclm4wludged.,do�_,.—by theae prasenLs mortgage and watraaC�un.f.a said mo � ;
<br /> , rtgegee,its euc+�esors and e8signs.,
<br /> ���, dorever.all the following deecri6ed real esGate,.si4uated'un the CounUy of_._.__,^_�Iall_._._,_._.._..._.., ._._.�--. -, ,��., :: ':
<br /> and�S'tate ut 1Ve&raska, Wwit: � ����
<br /> �r �ouz (4) and Loc F3ve (s), � s1oCk ��n (10), in Clarksan's FsTsc aaaition
<br /> to Alda, Hall Coaswty, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> €
<br /> � � , r=
<br /> i
<br /> ; .� Togethe�r witti atl�heatuiug,air tondjtiotung,lig6ting,end plumbiqg equipment.and fizturea,ineluding screene„awninge,stiorm windows end ` �� � �
<br /> f , doors,assyd�window+�shadea cr blinds,used oa pr in counee4ion with aeid��.prtm,p�rtr,.whether the�ame at'e now locuted on said property tir heneafier
<br /> .r - Plaoed Chereon. � .
<br /> �f ��'TO�HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,W [Ler with all and si �
<br /> . . ge nguler the tenements,hereditements and appurtenancea thereuaW bo-
<br /> �� Wnging, or in anywine appertaining, forever, ead warrant the CiWe to the same. Said morgsgor�_hereby covemnt_wiUx ssid
<br /> � mortga�ee that—t hey et� ,at the delivery hereof,the lewful owner�_of the premiaea above conveyed and described,
<br /> � -,.�d� nre �¢�of a good and iadefeanible eatate of inheritance the�in,free and deer of alI encumbrences, and that�ht�_will ��,
<br /> 'wesisnt and defend the title thereto forever againat the claims and demends of all persona whomaoever. i"�
<br /> jPROVIDED ALWAYS,md thie inetrument is executed and delivered to aecure the peyment of the sum of
<br /> Eirtht Thousand and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -���a 8,000.00 �.
<br /> ' �with intereet theeeon,Wgether with euch cbarges and advanoea as may be due�aad payable to said mort
<br /> gagee undar the terms and condiciona �.�
<br /> v>
<br /> ; �� of the�pmmineory note of evea date heeswith and eeeured hereby,exacuted by said mortgegor_�to said mortgagae,payable as espreseed
<br /> .��� .in aaid mte�snd to seeu:+e the p�formance of ell the terme aad conditione contained therein.The terms of said aote are he�by ineorponted � -
<br /> � Lerein by tASe tefecmce. .
<br /> � It is the intmtion and t of the arties he�eto t6at thie moR gago�g
<br /> ; e8�eemen p gage ahall also eecure any future advances made W said mort �
<br /> by eaid mortgagoe,and eay aad all indeb[ednesa in addition to the amount above steted whicL eaid mortgagore,or any ot t6em,may owe to �
<br /> „� said mortgegee,however evidenced,whether by aote,book acwunt or otherwise.Thia mortgage sheLL remain in full force and effecL between � �
<br /> �_ �the pertiee bereto and Weir hei�a,peraoml rep'esentetivea, aucceeaora end assigns,uatil ell amounta secured hereunder, including future
<br /> Z .� advances.�ere paid in fuL'with interesc. . . .
<br /> .� � The mortgagor_8_hereby aseiga_to said mortgagee at1 rents and income arieing at any and all timea from eaid property end � �
<br /> heieby suthorize eaid mortgagee or its ageat,at its option, upon default,to take charge of aaid property and collect all renta and income
<br /> ,; �...�.1�ers[rom�aed��aPP�Y the�-esme�to�t6e pegmertt�of intereat. Principal. ineurence peemiume. tssee� macumente. .epaira or improvesaents �
<br /> neceeaery W keep aaid p'vperty in teoantable condition,or to other chargee or paymenta provided tor herein or in the noLe hereby secured.This
<br /> `{ rmC aeeignment sLall coatinue in foeee uatil the uapeid belmx of eeid note ia fully paid.The taldng of poeseasion hereunder shall Sn no manner �
<br /> 4:� , prevmt ae ret�ed said�mortgagee m t6e.coflation of wid eume by foredoeure.or ot6erwine. . . . . . .. . .. �
<br /> �.The failureof ELe mortgagee to eeeert any of ite righW hereunder at any time.ehall not be construed es a weiver of ite right to aasert Che
<br /> same at at�y Iat�time;-aad to imiet upon aad eaforce atrict compliance with all the terms and provieioos of eaid note and of thie mortgage.
<br /> rv..i � ... If esid m 4 r�.�S� aLall auee to be . . . .
<br /> . �tBaBo paid W etid mortgagce Lhe entire amouat due it hezeunder,and und�the terms and provisions � �
<br /> ' of edd na�te hereby xqired,iacludiag future advances.and any extenafons or renewals t6ereof ia�accordaace with the tercml and proviaions � .
<br /> 1 _ _
<br /> m' theroof,aad if said mottgagor_8_eha71 comply wiW ell the proviaions of aaid note and of.thin mortgage,then theae presents ahall be void: � �� �
<br /> F� otherwten W remeia in fiiII foroe end:eHed.and esid mortgagee ahell be eatitled to the poaeeesion of all of mid PzopertY.and may.�at ita optlan. �
<br /> � dectere the whole of eaid mte and all indebGednees repreeeaterl thereby to ba immedietely due and payable,snd may foreciose Wis�rtgage
<br /> '4 " � �fake aqy oEha�legal actlnn to � .. . �- .
<br /> Ps'btect 9ts aigbt.Appreisement waived. .; . � ,,,r"'",.,--
<br /> � � 1'hla moitgege e6sll��be biadingtipon eo�d eLal!enure.to tbe beneSt of the heira,��ecuWre,edministratore,sucoesaoro and�assigtts of the g.,4� �
<br /> � ��c+vg p�r�w. � "�. -
<br /> ��.WITNE,g,g WgEREpF. eaid Moit{segor 8,�_,.heve be�n�� theiY hmdg the day and year fireC above �'S;�`.
<br /> '���
<br /> t R L��4%a�p Fo. m'.,�.X ^'�
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<br /> �i . .. . , . '.. . . . .� . � . .
<br /> ''; s=` Raren.R. Anderson
<br /> :y
<br /> �. ,
<br /> ,,_, . . r t
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