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<br /> -�-:_ - - -3,,._�._ , _. -- _. ._ _. .
<br /> ---=-- ----__.__ __- __ - - -�:__ -_- --- ___ .__ _� x. _�.
<br /> i 52-h.—REA�L'ESTATE MORTGAG�.E—fWith Tax��lause) (ReWsed 1962) —_A'ILc HuHmen Ge nl 8upply F3wace LIuu�In,Nebr. � �
<br /> F �r�
<br /> 1CNOVl!ALI. HfEN BY �'HE9E PRE3EN'T'S: Tt,at Darwin R. Coff3n and Betty J. Coffin, Husband �
<br /> and Wife, e�ch individually in his and her own rigtit and as spouse af rhe other,
<br /> I oC �a�l Connty,aa�i State of NebiaqTca ,in consitleration uf the Avm ot � '
<br /> ON� HUNDTtED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSP;ND AND NO/1OQ-__�.��-^----^-"--.-^----__._--` - --DOLLARS �i
<br /> �� in huni! paid, du hereby SELL and CONVE:Y un,tn The First N�tibna� Bank af Grand Island� E �(
<br /> i
<br /> ��� Hall C�unty, Stute af Nebraska the,following�e�criberl premise:s situatecl � •?
<br /> f c c
<br /> [. `
<br /> in Ha1Y Counky, and Sta4e oC Nebraska ,Co-wit�: ��� �
<br /> �i �
<br /> � All of LOCs Fiv,e (5), Six (6) and Seven (7), in Block Five (S), in �
<br /> j Sauth Grand Island Addition to the C3ty of Grand Island, Hall Ccaunty, ,
<br /> �� Nebraska, sub�ect to easements, restrictions, and rights of way of recard,
<br /> '� and ;
<br /> A11 of �ots E'aur (4) and Five (5), in Bloek Eight (8), RO1.I.IN'S ADDZT�ON '
<br /> �€ to [he City of Grand Island, Ha11 Coanty, Nebraska, subject to easements, �,'
<br /> �f xestrictions and �igt�ts o£ way of rzcard. f?
<br /> ��'� �� and �
<br /> i{ Lot 4 and the Westerly 56 feet of Lat 3, a11 in Slock 17, in Kerno'han
<br /> t# � and Decker's Addition to th� City of Grand Islanrl, Hall Coun�y, :Iebzaska, i
<br /> �� 1 subjeet to ail easements, restrictions, and rights-of-way cnf recard. � '
<br /> t� � +
<br /> � 3:
<br /> ,
<br /> �� , !
<br /> `s� � l
<br /> t� � �;
<br /> �' �
<br /> t' The intentic�.n being fo ci>nvr•y heceY+y�an �hsolufe title in fee aimpie, i'n�^I.u�ing all thr. rights nf homestez�d�. and duws�.r. � '
<br /> �;' "I'O HAVF' ANl)TV�fCULD�the premises ah�ave desr.ritxd, w�[h all the ei5])LLl'LPAHIICt•9 th[�mcinlo belovigina, unto bhe said I �' ' � "
<br /> �,! moriKaBee(sl� amd tc: his, he[ or their heirs and auigna fr�rever, pruvide�l .always, and thc�e {�resenW urcr uPun bhe expsesc �
<br /> �i cund�liau that iE the sniJ morlgaR�:�r(s),hie, her �or their hel��, execuEors, administrators or asaigns shal'I pay c,r aamse in b+e � � �
<br /> #a paid to fhe said murtgagee(s),hi.�, her or their heirs,exec:uturs, administrat�rs�r t�aigna,thr�PruiciPol sum�f$ 12S�QQ�.00j t% ��
<br /> �� ; PaYable as foll�ws,io wit: � �
<br /> ,' r�
<br /> y
<br /> i; Paywents of $1,343.27 per month, inelud3ng principal and intexest, F'�
<br /> due an the 20¢h day nf each month, beginning with Che 20th day of �
<br /> � April, 1978, with finaT payment due on March 20, 1993. ��
<br /> ;S
<br /> !j � �
<br /> • ,i
<br /> C
<br /> wit}a intcrest according to the tenor and etfect of the mortgagors written promisvory note bearing even date with these presenfs �j
<br /> and shall pay a/l taxes and assessments levied upon snid real estate, and all other taxes,levies and assessmenis levied uFwn this ;t
<br /> morLgage or the note'which this mortgage is given to secvre, before the same becomes delinqaent,und keep the buildings on il � �
<br /> ��. xaid premi9es insured (or the sum ot$ 125��0�.�� . loss. if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presente {t �
<br /> to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force.
<br /> 3jf IT IS FURTHER AGREGD (1) That if the flaid mortgagor shall tail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the i� .
<br /> g� eaid mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure euch ineurance; and the aum eo advanced, with interest at 11� per {y �, .
<br /> t cent,shall be repaid by said mortgagor,and this mortgage shall stund es security fot the eame. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br /> of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a tuilure to rnmply with any of the foregoing �'� �
<br /> . ��t agreemenfs. shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the � . .
<br /> t mortgagee. . �,i �
<br /> j Signed thia bth day of April , I9 78-. � 1
<br /> i.
<br /> 1 /� ` G ,
<br /> � In presence of �i...Q:--:'��:.:`.'_`_'.- ..!�.C_�_ '_,�y' —��-.........""-"'-.... ��
<br /> , aYwin R. Coffin ��
<br /> ................................... ... ......................... ............ .. .. . . ��. .�.�...�, .� .. . . . ....---........... a
<br /> . ................ .
<br /> . .
<br /> Betty J. Coffin `�
<br /> •............ ............................................................................ .............. .._.........:.._ ......... .............................. ..----.._..................-�-�---..... �y
<br /> - � ,
<br /> E�F,�.9,�. ,�1:?ek?�as�c�.--••.................... Countr o[...........Ha11........_......... ......: �}
<br /> \��i's�i0, ary public qualified for snid county, personallycame DSrwin R_ Coffiil aIId B2tty J. ���
<br /> � Coffin �
<br /> N9TARY. . : �� . ..
<br /> . � �. k��to;l�' e identical pereon or persona who signed the foregoing instnunent and acknowledged the ezecution f7 ,
<br /> .;j}�p� . ��}y�h or their voluntary aM and deed. . }j
<br /> s 'W�Beeq.m and notarial seal o .... .April...----•- ---_._ . _ . 9 . ...... i(z «z
<br /> J, .. ............ .. ..._..
<br /> , P. / _ ..
<br /> ":� pires:�--.._.._.....__l ... ._�f�..---... 1� .-- •--- ��'. ._... ... . ..... . . .........NotarY Public. If y�-
<br /> __ n "'�_
<br /> � � ......._- •-----.......
<br /> ;; a :
<br /> -, .� , � �P I � � � �
<br /> �'STA'.[�OF � Nebi8ska � Eaternd on numerical indez and Sled for record , `_'
<br /> ' ,..� �ty� . HaI1��� � � � �ia the Register of Deeda O�ce of eaid County the ij . ,
<br /> .. �` . ��,,. � �'
<br /> .._ .:..:....�._day�of ......... ......... ..:......, 19... .......,at_......-_--..._.......---......o'clock snd.........._......._...........minutes.....................M.. �<; . ,�,.. .
<br />.. . . ,: �.<�. '�i.� -��
<br /> � and recoxled ia Book........_.:._...._�..............._...of...._...._......_...---................at Pese---....-�---•---......-------....---...... ! �� � �,..'"
<br /> � Reg. of Deeds� ,'
<br /> ��- , . . . . � . _...._--_..-----.._....--•-'-'--..._.-'----'-'----.._•---.....-----'- , .
<br /> By •-- ------ .....- ---�--. ........DePntY �
<br /> � � �
<br /> c� --�._._�_�.__, =.._.___.___.--:=_�._.__. ..__:���__. _.�__. -, .__.. ._. .-.-_�. ..: .�# o. :.�,,..
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<br />