- __ __. . _ I �
<br />. $TgTE QF N'EBRASKA. Connty of ._..................................................:
<br /> I!iled tor record oa ,.....,... .............. 19,....... at... ,..............,... o'elock ........................ M.
<br />"s and iecorded in the Deed $ecord ................................ Page ..... , ;.....,,.,...... ;- .. `�-:
<br /> �,
<br />� ......... ......... .,,.... .,....:,. ,,....... ..:.,..., By .....,... ......... ........ „....... ....:.... .....,....... 1
<br /> �:
<br /> Bsgieter of Aeeds DQputy Regir�ter vE Lleede
<br /> �'$� �02050 �uRV`IVORSFiIP WARRAIlTTY DEED
<br /> Lovie S. Itaschyniztlski and Ernest3ne M. T_t�a� ck�mialslc3.� each in
<br /> his or her oxTn r3ght and as spouse of the other
<br /> , herein ealled the grantor wheLlner one ar more,
<br /> in consideration oP Sixt,v>btm Thousand S`ive H�dred and 00/100 + Dollars
<br /> received fram granCees, doea grant, bargain, sell eonvey and confirro unto
<br /> Donald F. Pausti.ari arid Arlene 1i. Paustian� husband and wife
<br /> .
<br /> ae joint tenanta with right of survivorship, and not as tenantr in eomman, the following desaribed real
<br /> S :':i
<br /> > ;:
<br />, p P Y ' .....,. County,Yebraiska: ` ,'`?
<br /> ro ect in .................:}k21..1.........._.................. _,,;::;
<br /> N g U(�CUMEN�—TARY � ;
<br /> STATIi?TAX , ;'.
<br /> Lot Qne (1)� iri 8locic One (1)� in Imper^ia1 `
<br /> Vi7.lage Subdivision in the Ci#y of Qrand A�R 7 is�g
<br /> Is3and� 1Jebras�.. � .�
<br /> � � S BY� Y.
<br />. . k�'.�' �l�'��
<br /> +`"�
<br /> i1
<br /> F_",
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with ell tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurteaances Lhereto belonging nnto the grantees and to their sesigns, or to the heirs and sesigne "J
<br /> of the snrvivor of them forever.
<br /> Aad grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heius
<br /> and aseigns of the aurvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of esid premiaes;that they are free from
<br /> enanmbrance subject to easeanents and restri.ctions of record,
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; snd that grantor warrants and will
<br /> defand the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wLo:nsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all pnrties hereto that in the event of !he death of either of tne grantees,
<br /> the entire fee title to this real property shall vest in the surviving grantee.
<br /> Dated Apri1 6 19 78 `
<br /> ......................_............................_................................ ��p-!�,�.,s�.. ........_.... _...... . ..... A�a,��d��t�/
<br /> ......................_............................_............_............_...... �� ...� . . �c".
<br /> $TATE OF ........ ..Nebraska..........................� County of ................F�:.u:..................._...._.......: ' .,
<br /> �- > Before me, a notary publie qnsiified for eaid eounty, personally came "`
<br /> Lov3e J. �ahc}�ynialski and Ernestine H. �shctryn3alski� each in his or
<br /> - her ortn right and as spouse of the other
<br /> �
<br /> W Y-�-- .�`:'�
<br /> `kaowa to me to be the identical person or pereona who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br /> ;the�ezeoution thereoi`to be hie,her or their volnntary act nnd deed. J �
<br /> M. �
<br /> �..5'�
<br /> ` Witnese:my hsad and notsrial eeal on .. .....Apx'�.7.....$ .�......., 19...7.8.........
<br /> . _.......... . ........
<br /> � �.l..�... �¢�
<br /> ���1 aM-�INtiM�t ...._._ .. .�fr*-� .. Notary Public ,`.,„;. `
<br /> ...._..........:_.. ....._..
<br /> , <.x .
<br /> ��k�a6y.� M commiseion e ires Noyember.],2............. 19...�........ _
<br /> P zP ....__...... ........
<br /> .Form 42 To be agproved iay ATebraska$tate Bsr aseociation Fdwn t Wdf Oo.,Lnoda Nabr.
<br /> . . . � . � . . . . � . . .
<br />