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<br /> �"" Q 0 2�4 8 RE�L ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br /> CLAREN,CE L. SHUpA AND VE.RN1'� K. SHUDA, husband and wi�e, each in hi� ahii her own right
<br /> — � '
<br /> an.d as s�,ouse o^f the other
<br /> at We Coun.b af Ha.I C aad State of Nebr�ska �are(nafter calied the partY of the fixst Part,ia ' ,i'
<br /> � conaIderptlon ot FORTY THRE.E THO'USAND AND NO/I 00----�_____---^---�--------,---�-^---^_TiOLLARS.
<br /> � ia hand paid, do IaereBy grant,barg,afn, eell and convey nnto the Home Federel Savings&T.om Axaociatloa o;Grand Ieland,
<br /> Grpnd Island,Nebraslca�aad iffi eucceasora aud aaeigns,,tiWe follawln8 reai estate:aituated+.+ HA L L
<br /> Gount,Y.Stste of Nebraska � �;owlt:
<br /> NE6�5KA
<br /> ,
<br /> Togett+ees with all the appurlenances thereu�o beiongtnm, and all covenants in a11 the tl[le deeda running witb.eaid real esFate,
<br /> and all!he re�fs,issiies and profits arising therefrom afEer default ia performance of any eovenant be con�tlon hesela con-
<br /> tained::and warrants tLe title thereto perPect and clear eac¢ept for ttus mortgage. .• „
<br /> Dnring the time thls mortgage is in force the martgagors agree: r
<br /> F'izst. 'To pay all taxes and special as8essments levied against said premises, including all taaes aprl assessments levIe� '
<br /> upon this mortgage,or the debt secured bY �-t mortgaBe. ... _ , . .,-.
<br /> Second To keep all buildiugs tlaereon 9asqred against loss by fIre, li8htning and tornadO 3n spme;companq, to be ap� :
<br /> proved by Ute said Home Federal Savings& Loan Assuci8tioa of Graad Island in tha sum ot$ i n s �rab 1 vxl�� . f�
<br /> the beneftt pf ihe sald Assucfation,and its successors or assigas; and to deposit said policies with said Assoda�:op.and shall aot
<br /> ', cqmwit or snffer any wasCe oa said premises, and shall put and keep said seal estafe buTldinga and impravements in goud
<br /> order.
<br /> ,7: Third. To pap or cause to be paid to the 8ome FederaY Savings &Loan Assotiation of Grand Island, its succeason or
<br /> �� �� aseigns,the sum ot� Fn'RTY THR�F TH�61GpNfl AN� N�n/I��--�----------.--�-----..----�----�------.�OLLAItS, � . � .
<br /> payable as follows:
<br /> $43,000_00 Due April I , 1.979
<br /> {
<br /> �
<br /> wlth iatereat thereon payable,according to the tenor and dfeet of the oae certain flrst mortgage note of sald mortgagors,
<br /> beartng even date with these presents. After maturity satd bond draws iaterest at the rate of nine per cent per annnm
<br /> If said taaes aud assessme�s are not paid when due, or if the bulldings on said premises are not insured as above pro-
<br /> vlded,or if any of said interest is not paid when due,then said whole debt ahall become due immediately,at the option of the �
<br /> said Associatlon,and ehall thereafter draw lnterest at the rate of nine per cent per annum.
<br /> The moitgagor 5 hereby asslgn_ to said mortgagee all rents and incorae arising at any and all times from said
<br /> property and hereby author5ze satd mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br /> rnlleet all rents and lricome therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interc4t, prindpal, insurance premiuma,tases,
<br /> ;. asseesments, repairs or improvements aecessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other charges or pay-
<br /> ments provided for hereln ar ia the note hereby secured. This rent assignment shall continue in force until the uapaid bal-
<br /> ance of said note is ftilly paid. The te�ng of possession hereunder aLall tn no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee ia
<br /> the collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> Whether sald debt becomes due by ]apse of time, or by reason of the tailure of the party of the flrst part to comply
<br /> wlt6 aay condIYion Lerein, the said Home Federal Savings Ec Loaa Association of Grand Istaad, the successors and asaigns, �
<br /> ahall have the rlght to begIn ihe foreclosure of thIs mortgage at oace on the whole debt hereby secured, and to include
<br /> therela all taxes, asseasments, insurance premiums and costs, pald by it or them; or said Association, its successors 'or
<br /> `aeslgas, may foreclose only as to the sum past due, without iqiury to thls mortgage, or the displacement or impairment
<br /> of the liea tLereoL
<br /> And tLe esid Siat party and the makers of said aote, especielly agree and declare that the separate estate of each and
<br /> =every on0'oP tlaem.including both Lhat now owned and that 6ereafter acquired, 1s pledged and bound for the payment of
<br /> i ,.the debt herebp,secured.
<br /> ; After th'e commencemeat of any sait in toreclosure the plaintiff therein shall be entitled to the immedIate possession of
<br /> saii��-premises.and t6e appoiatmeat of a receiver therefor, notwithstaading they may be the homestead of the occupant and c "'tti. ;
<br /> �� -°notwitlaskatidfng the part[es llable for the debt may be solveat,and the first party hereby consents to Lhe appointment of a "'-"'�
<br /> r 2 � lteceiver uport'the-productioa of this indenture, witho�other evidence.
<br /> � 3 1he Eoregoing.coadittons and agreements, all and singulaz,being fully performed,this conveqance shaII be void,other- ;s �
<br /> w3ee"to'be and remaia iafull°force aad'effeck � , <
<br /> s� " • n'
<br /> ;5��*h;: 6th ,iey o4 A ri t D., 18 �$n /� �
<br /> ` " O4 1`�4: }
<br /> /t� �j � // � �
<br /> III��2'dlDCe'OE . .. . . � ( � r w Q ' " O .J.��.�df. � .a
<br /> ��arence.L- � �9����
<br /> . `IJf/J��ti� v
<br /> Vernie K. Shu�a
<br /> �
<br />