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. . <br /> _ � � <br /> STATE OF IVEBRASI{A, County of .............. ..........._...................: <br />; Filed 4or neoord on ...._........:.................., 1',..............,........� o'clock ... bI. <br /> and recorded in the Deed Record .:.........�.................... P''age ............................. i:; <br />� ........................ ,...�.,. ..__.�.. ......... .,.. ..:.. By ...........,.........__....... .....,.. , <br />` Re `eter oY Deeds ......_. . ...�................................ <br /> Sl Depu�y R,egiater a£ Deeds <br /> 78-�(l 0 2�4 5 SUI�VIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> KE'ITW H. PIRNIE and PATR,ICiA A. i�IRNIE, hu5band anel wife, <br />; ________�____________�________________ heraincalledthe grantor whetheroae ormore, <br /> incansiderationof THIRTY-�OUR THf3U5RND DOLiRR$---------(�34,000)----------- <br /> received from grantees, does grant, barguim, aell convey end epnfirm unto M i G H A E L W, L A U N E R -' <br /> and CATHERIN'� .l. LAUNER, husband and wife-------------�---------�---- <br /> se joinC tenanta seith aight of snrvivorehap, anci not ax tenants in common, the foElowing deacn'bed real <br /> property in .........................E{/aLl......---............_........ County,Nebrasks; ` <br /> Lot One Hundred Seventeen (l17) in Buenavista <br /> Subdivision, an Addition to the City of �rand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> NESRASKA DnCUMENTARY � <br /> STAMPTAX <br /> i <br /> pPt2 7 �9�ig <br /> $5L?L:.�'1L_BY ��ciC. <br /> STATEMENT ATTACHED <br /> � To have and to hold the above deacribed premiees together with a11 tenements, hereditaments <br /> and appurtensncea Lhareto belonging nnto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heire and assigns <br /> of the snrvivor of them foreser. <br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with tLe gra.ntees and with their aeaigns and with the heixs <br /> snd ass�gns of the aurvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premiaes; thst they are free from <br /> enaambrance <br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrante and will <br /> deYend the title to said premiaes against the lawful elaims of all persons �cLocnsoever. <br /> IL is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, <br /> the entire fee title to this real property ohnll �est in the survicing grantee. <br /> Dated A p r i 1 ,7 19 7 8 q <br /> _....................................................._..........................._. � /�-�� <br /> ........� ..__......._....1.'.Y..... ..;...(� .G.....7"�:+.:�:e:c, <br /> ............ <br /> ith H Pirn�e <br /> ........ .......:.......................••-..........................._. ......�.:.i?-.�"�5�,.�,...1ti1�:�.!hJ.`fSt„Sx.•-............ ;, <br /> Patricia A. Pirnie <br /> ; STATE :OF ...».......H.�$.f�p1S 1�........................... County oF .__.....HA.LI.......•--............._........_._.....: ; <br /> Before me,a notary public qnaliEied for eaid county, peraonally came <br /> KEITH H. PIRNIE and PATRICIA A. PIRNIE , husband and wife------------- <br /> .,. _ « <br /> known to me to be the identiesl peraon or persons who signed the foregoing instnunent and ackno�vledged � ;' � :: <br /> the ezecation thereof to be his,her or their volnntary act aad deed. J � ' <br /> � . .::, <br /> � . :. <br /> • ; <br /> ' Witness myhsad and notarial eeal on.......d�1.R.C:1.1._..........�e..... ........................ 19_.7�......... � ,:, <br /> 4` <br /> /� � ' y�"� . <br /> �IEp/SliIOTARY-StwaE.�1l�:..._�^�`.�.`.?:.:...������.......•.............._........ Notary Public ':,�t.,. . <br /> � �E�� <br /> � . NOYEMBER'26.1878-�� commiasion eapires............... _. .11:�S 19..��....... <br /> Form 42 To be approved by \ebraska State Bar Association F��k�af Oe..Lnmlw NaDn ' <br />_ � <br />