- � �
<br /> � ��
<br /> ,
<br /> 21. 'Future Eidvaacesc Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br /> ;, MoTtgage, may make Fnture Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon; shall ; '
<br /> be secured by this Mortgage when ev'rdenced by prpmisso�;y notei� stating that said notes are secuzed hexeby �
<br /> , eacept that' the interest rate on the entire unpaid balanee and the term of the original loan, to tha extent �
<br />�, permitted by law, may be adjusted as the perties hereto 'may agree. At no time ahall the principal amount
<br /> Ii of the indebtedness secured ' by this Mortgage, not includirsg Rums advanced in accorc�ance herewith to pro-
<br /> # tect< the t+ecurityof' this Mortgage,, exceed the original amount of the Note plue US $.?x�50 UO , �'
<br /> . . _...-•-•-•---. ,
<br /> � PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prepaymenta of principal, ae provided for in paragraph 22 that follows are ;
<br />; returned to Borrower or are made s�bsolute non-withdra�'v�`ble principal prepayments pnior to advancing
<br />� sums as permitted within this paragraph.
<br />! 22 Savi:sgs Fund. $orrower may make prepaymen#k of princxpal pn atiy in�tallment due date or
<br />` immediately preceding said date to be e8eetive on th� due dete following and prepayrnent sha11 be app'lied
<br />'' to installcnents last to become due under CZ�ix mortgage. Upon request of the undereigned or eibher of
<br />; them, pzovided a default does not exist and they are the owners of the mortga�ed property, the lender
<br /> � ,
<br />'• agrees to furnish to 'the undersigned 100%a of auck princip�l prepayments, unless advaneement is �rohibited '
<br />'� by the regulations +of chartering and supervisory authorities then in effect. A11 such advancements shall be
<br /> seeured by this mortgage in the same mannet and effect as if no prepayxzients had been ma�le.
<br /> 23. Aeleasa, iJpnn payment oi all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lendez shail discharge this
<br /> M�rtgage; without charge to Borrower. Bosrower sha11 pa,y all costx af recordstion, if any.
<br /> � a
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<br /> IN WITNESS WHEBSOF, the Borrower haa eaeauted this Mortgage. v� , �.
<br /> _....... .------- ---•.... ... ... .... . ......•--- . ._.....----- - ----... ---- ----....._. ._ ._, . .__�_��.._.�YvY`����.,�n�-- - .. , _,..:_._...__.
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<br /> /..$=L@��ven S . Smith1eram Bacrawer � �,; � ` ;
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<br /> Patti J _ Smit eram ,,,
<br /> Property Address .. ...........�215..We.s�._19.ktt�._��a�d. ..Isl.amd..--ATE---....... _........----••----•-- -- � ;��
<br /> _ ................•-•---...------- g
<br /> � :;;
<br /> SxeTE os Nesxwsxw ..:......._H���•- -...-•--•----•--- -•-•---•-•--••.County ss : a , .
<br /> � , ,=,
<br /> � ;i
<br /> On this ._..__...._7.__...... day of ._._... .�---- --- - - - - - - - 19..7�._, before me, the undersigned, a No � `
<br /> Public in and fox eaid Coun � �ry '' � '
<br /> tY, Personally came ..- --St.��e?[t__5...._SAt�tt}aex�m..and._ .Pazt�...,I.._�LJtb��xam,._. . �.;_
<br /> _.-•---_--------- husband aad__wife_. ..-• - • --- ;:
<br /> _...-•-- --••---••------••-- � . . . . .... .............._.----•--.. _ ....._ ..... . ....--------......-----......-----..........-- - ..._...----...._..----
<br /> peraonally lwown to me to be the identical persons whose nsmes are affiaed to the above and foregoing
<br /> �strument, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged said instrument to be his or her voluntary act an,d deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at ... .Grand_.Ss.land.,..Nebraska......._. the date lest above written. �
<br /> Q� ` . ,.,
<br /> ROBERT D. PLACZEK , "�
<br /> My Commission expires: �/ 1�.Gc.� � _ T�C!-�—�
<br /> --- - -- ------ - - - --•------•---••---••-----.�_
<br /> k��lilLL e►oraaY - ssrwatxew:•----•- •--...••--- Notary Pub
<br /> � � Mv Comenbtion Explros . �
<br /> . .'� . . , :;.�.
<br />� NOVEMBER 2B, 7978 �
<br /> STATEOF .............••--.._..••----- .........-•- .....---••-•-1
<br /> County .---•--------..._.....................�---•.. __ .....----.. ._ }se. ` ; !
<br /> 1
<br /> Entered on numericai index and filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br /> � � � ,;�
<br /> , .
<br /> _.:....._----•--._ day af --•---••........... .......••--- -....:..., 19.....---• at ..---...-- --... ._... o'clock and .. . .------... _ minutes --- -.._ ..---M•�
<br /> and recorded ia Book __..•••-•-•-•--••........ _ of Mortgages at page .....- --•............., as Instrument No. _..... ....__...---•--- . '.
<br /> ...._....•••--...--•-•.... ......... . ........•-•---._._ ... _ ....---••--•-•�--� ;•
<br /> - _...- -••--- ...--
<br /> Reg. of Deeds
<br /> . . . . . . . � . . . . . .• f
<br /> L"r'
<br /> By ......................................•-----._...._ ...-.•-•--..__..._..:Deputy -�.c,,.r,
<br /> �':
<br /> . I ��� ;�
<br /> Wiien recorded to be returned to the ; `:
<br /> . . . ' b�. y;l
<br /> ��±,,.
<br /> �:: StraN AdArus . . . . . . . Mailir� AEdresa Phone ,��'i`;. . . *"�"� .
<br /> � . .- ❑ 135 �No. Cotner Blvd.. ' Uncoln . . . � . . � � P_O. Box �5204. �Lineoln. � Ne. 68505 . � . . . 475•0522 . �. � . ., �..`.:
<br /> � . . . : . p 2101� So. 42nd��St. Omaha . . . P_O. � Box��. 6273, Omaha. Ne_ 68106 554•8000 �
<br /> � � 'p I811�.West 2nd�.St, Grand � lsland � � . �2811 West Ynd� St:, � Giand Isiand, Ne. 68801 384•4433 �
<br />. � . . �..�: . , . . . . .
<br /> . . . � ' , . . .. . .. . . . � . . � � . . .
<br />