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, <br /> _ <br /> ,� - � _ , � <br /> �� � , <br /> � not eartend ar ��ost�one the due date of tlie montlily ix�sticllrricnt-s referred ta in Fiueagrapt�s 1 und 2 hereof or <br /> change fhe arnount of sueh installments. <br /> � 10. Bonawer Not 'Released, �xtensiqn of the titrie for pgyment m• tnodification of amortization of the sume r' <br /> , � secured by Ehis �Iortgage granted br Lender Co any successur in interest uf Borrower shssll n�r, opQrate to release, . ' $'; <br /> in any mnnner, the lisbilit,y oi the origi�ial I3orrower nnd $orro�ver'� �uccessora in interest. I.ender shall not be '� x ' 4 .4; <br /> ? � ri reyuixed to commence �roceedings ssgainstsuch succescor oi^ refus•� to extend tame fos payment or othersvise modify k� <br /> !� amortizntion of the sums secured 6y this \IortgageJn reasan of uny dr,man.3 mnde by the original Borrower and' ` " ` <br /> p Borrow+ei's suc .cesson3 iri intereet. ^ - <br /> � C1j 11: Fbrbagramce by Leuder Not a VNmyer. tlny forbearance by Lender in exescising uny ri&ht or semedy � ,",.. <br /> � Q hereunder, or othenvise afforded by appl�cable la�v, shall not t�e a waivcr of ar precludP the exeroise of any right � ; <br /> � O or remedy hereunder. Tlie ��roeuremenU of insur-ance or tlar. pu�anent of tiaxes or other ]iens or charges by Lender ; � , <br /> ? shall noG be a wuiver oT I.ender's right to acceleraCe the maturiGy of the indebt�dnes� secured by this MorEgsge, s <br /> . ; � 12 Remedxes Cumulative. .411 remedies provicied in tluis llortgage are cliskinct and cumulative to any other , , <br /> i � rig6t or remedy under this \ [ort6nge m� nfforded 2�v Ca��• �r equicv, nn�i n��y br exerci�ed concarrenCly, independ- , <br /> } ently or successively. <br /> 13. Succeasats aad Rssigas Bovad; Toint amd Seeeral Liability; Captions. The c�d•enxints ancl agreemente <br /> i herein aantained shall k»nd , nnd the ri�ht.s tiereun�er �hni7 inure to, tlac respectivc successors and asaigns oi Lender � - � <br /> � and Borrower, sabject to tl�e �rovisions of ��urngrnpl� 17 liereof. Atl r.ovenanz,r un�1 agreements of Borrower st�s1P ' r <br /> be jpint und �e�•ecal . Thi: e3Ptions and lic.iding; of tl�e ��arntii:3�alrs of tlii� �Iort�sx�e arc fc>r conwenienee only and <br /> are not to be used 'to interpret �r define tl,e �,ro�•isio�ia herent. s <br /> � 14. Notise, Any naEicc to Barron•r,r i�rux•ided for m Yli.i� \ fortg•a �� �ha❑ br E;i�•en I�y inailing such notice bt• 3 <br /> ' certified u�ail addressed to Borm�scr at tlir, Prot�erty �lddress .t �tteci l•�clo�r, excepi for :�r��� noticc required wnder � a , ; <br /> � paragraph 18 hereot to be gix•en to E3orro«-er in tlrc nnutiner p�rescribe<I b�• e3p��licaF�le law. �ny n�tioe provided � ' <br /> - j for in thi, �Iortguge �hall he deemecl to ha�-e bcen �;i�•en tu BnrroH er +e•herr gic<cn in thc manner designnted herein. `r� <br /> � 15. Uniform Mortgage; Govera9ag Ltsw: 5everability. "I'hi� forzi� af iarvrt�a�e combines uniform coven�nCs ?�= 4 + � <br /> � for natiorrnl use and non-uniform covenants witli limited �•ariatiur�� by jurisdictioh to conytitute x uniform seou- "�'�` ' <br /> �� <br /> � rity instruanent covering reai propertv. Tlais \Iortgage shali 1,e ga�•erned ��• the la�v of the j usisdiction in which �i � ;. <br /> � the Praperty is located. Tn the cveiit t,1�at any provision oi• clausc of this :�Tnrt�;age or tlie Note confl'icts with � ` , > <br /> spplicable law, such conflict shsll not uffect other procision+ of tl�is \ [ort�agc or the Note which ca.n be �iven E: , � �;� <br /> effect witkouC tl�e conflicting provis-ion, ar�d ta Chi� end the provisi!�ns of the \Iortgage ancl the Notie are dealared <br /> � to be severable. v <br /> 16. Borrowei s Copy. $orr�wer shali Ue furnislied a conforme�l cop}• �C tl�is �lortgage at the time oi execu- r' � F�+ <br /> tion or after recordat.ior_ hereof. �"= <br /> 17: Trm'isfer pf thr Propezty; As4umption. Tf all ar anv �iart of t;he Propere'y or an intezeat tiherein i� eold � �` ,��^�� <br /> � or transferred by Borrower witliout I:ender's prior written consent, excfucling (nl the creation of a Cien or encum- � : ' + �F� <br /> j ��: s r <br /> brance svbordinatie to this Mortgage. (b) the creatiun ar" .a purchxse money sec.urity interest for household appli- : � �' <br /> � , �� � <br /> '� ances, fc) a transfer by devise, descent ar by operation oi la��� upon tYie death �f u joint ienant or (d) the_ �;rant of a ' r� � ;rt�; <br /> � . any leasehold interest o# three years ax• less not contnining an opti�n to ��urclrsse, Lender maq, aC Lender'R optioa, , ,� },'� <br /> declare sll the sums secnted by this Mortga�e to lze iminediuteYy due and ��ysble, Lender shall }iave �vaived auch � , � , <br /> p option to accelerate if, prior to tlre sale or trancier, Lender a»d the �;erson to s�liom the Property is to be sold or � +1 ,,� <br /> x �. <br /> ; .� transferred resch �greement in writing tliat t4e credit af such ��erson is satisiactory to I,ender a,nd that the interesti � � <br /> paystile on the sums secured by this �Iortgage Shall be at sucl� rttte as Lender s6n11 request. If Lender has wsived ; M1 'k <br /> � tYie option to accelerate provided in this paragrapli 17 and if Borrower a successor in interest has execUted a writ- n N }� �: <br /> � ten assurnption sgreement accepted in �vriting by I.gnder, Lender shnll release Borrower from all obtigations under F• �` <br /> this Mortgage and the Note. � , x¢ <br /> ' � If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shnll _nnil Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance ; � ` <br /> �vit13 parsgraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall pro�•ide n period of not less than 30 days from the date Lhe notice is ; <br /> � mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Iiorrower faile to pay such snms prior to the <br /> expiration of such period, Lender may, ���ithout further notice or �iemund on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per- <br /> :' i, mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. : , <br /> , H i <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENA.\'TS. BOCl'OR'01' AriCI LQ2ICICI' fUl't�l@T covenant and agree fls � follows : <br /> ;� 18. Aeeelsration; Remedies. Except as pro�•ided in parngrnp6 17 hereof, upon Borrower's hreach of any <br /> .y covenant or agreement of Borrovvcr in this �fort�n.�c, including tl�c covenants to pny �vhen due any sums seeured ' <br /> by thia lfortgage, Lender prior to acccleration �hall uuiil notice to Borroa•cr ae provided in pnmgrupL 14 hereof <br /> � specifying: ( 1 ) the breadi ; (2) tl�e nction required to cure such hreac6 ; � 3 ) n datc, not less than thirtY days <br /> ,� irom the date the notice is mailed to Borro�cer, b�• ��•hich �uc6 Fnrach iuust bc cural ; and (41 thut failurc to cure <br /> �; such bresch on or before the date specified in the noticc roay result in accelerution of tlie aume secured by this <br /> a �Iortgage and sale of the Property. If the brcach is not cured or. or before the ctatc specified in t6e notice , Lender <br /> ;I at Lender's option may declare all of thc sums secured by this vlortgnge to hc immediatcly due and paysble <br /> `< without further demand and may foreclose tLis \Sortgngc by judicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitleci to collect <br /> ' � in ruch proceeding ull expenses of foreclosurc, including, hut not limited to, costs of documentarv evidence, <br /> � ,� sbstracts snd title reports. <br /> 19. Borroav�r's Right to Rainstate. Notwithstnnding I.endei's ucceleration ot the sum� secured by this <br /> .�h� Mortgage; Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lendcr to enforcc this :bfoctgage dis- <br /> •:�� continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfo�cing this Jlortgage if : ( al Borrower pays Lender ulI <br /> "� sums which would be then due under this \Iortgug�, thc \Tote nnd nates securing Future Advances, if any, had na <br /> � -ti accelerataon occtvred ; ( b) Borrower cures ull breaches of uny other co�•enanis or ugrcements of Borrower con- <br /> " tained in this I1'Iortgage ; (e) Borrower puys ull reasonable e���en�e_ iucurr�vi by T,cndrr in �nforcing the covenants <br /> � aad agreemeats of' Borrower contained in this \Iort�u�e und iu enforeing I.ender's remedies as provided in paru- <br /> , : ; <br /> � : graph lS hereof, including, but not lixnited to, reasonable attomey's tees ; and Id ) Borrower txkes such action as <br /> ��� i.endei may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this \Iortga�c, Lender's intemst in the Property and � ;,, <br /> � . Bormwere obligstion ta pay the aums secured by thi= �4ortgage =hnt1 continue unimpaired. tipon auch payment � <br /> ' snd cure by Borrower;: t$is Mortgsge snd the obligstions secured hereb� �6a11 remain in full force and eflect as if " <br /> ` � no aaaeleration had occurred. � - ��= f ; <br /> � . �: . _ ; <br /> Aaeig��at of 8e�s; Apiamntmea! of Receiver; Lendar in Possensioa ?is additionul security here- M *" ,x- <br /> , r under, Borrower,herebp sesigns to Lenderlhe mnts 'of the Property, provided #Izat Borro«er sha11, prior to seceler- =a. � <br /> , ey y ble. donment of the Property, hnve thc right to collect und retain such rents � `" <br /> 3 .� ss tfi u beoome dve a d pa a ` '"� ` ' <br /> F - P. �S�P. � ' <br /> hereof or aban <br /> ' �Uu� acceIerat�oa cander h 18 hereof or aban�lonment of the Yro ert •, Lender, in �erson , bv a °�' �"+". ` "'' <br /> ;� or '�'aia11 s , PB��P _ F 5 f . ��t . . , � . . <br /> y ppo�nted 'receivet' shall be`entitled to enter u}wn : tnke �io.�e�cion of and mannge the Pro�rky <br /> : snd to �collect the rents of ;the Property, incIuding those psst due. Ali rents collected by Lender or thc receiver <br /> � ' ahall be; spplied;Srst to psyment of.the eosts :of maasgement of tt�e Property and collection of rents, including, but <br /> �' aot limitcd to, receiver's. fees, premiums on receiver's Uonds and reasonable attorney'c fecs, and then to the sums <br /> �' secured 2iy th3s :ti'Lortgsge_ Lender and tLu receiver sl�all Im linUle to account only tor ihose rent� aciunily received. � <br /> i <br /> ; .;�_ <br />