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<br /> _ '#--=--- �.
<br /> J c7-- - :
<br /> . 58-A—REA L ESTATE MQRTGAGE���..orp.)—VUith Tax Claux(Revised'1962) Tn..�..auSm.n Cemv.l Suyp�y Hou,e,Llmeom,Nebr ��' .
<br /> .._, �_. _..: . ._:_..----.�---�__._.�.. ... . ..: . � :—'� � 'r
<br /> � *_
<br /> � � ICNOW ALI. MEN SY TFiESE ERESENT'Se Thet Mid-Continent Ent.erpzises, I1"1C_ � �'
<br /> C
<br /> a eorporaUon organized arYd exishng under nnd by virtue of Yhe laws oC tihe 3tate of Nebraska �n i
<br /> I. consideratioa ot the aum ot T117.Yty-S 1X thousand & no/l0 Q ($3 6,tl 0 U.00)-------- DULLARS I
<br /> in hand paid; doe9'hereby 3EZL snd CUIVVEY unto ��
<br /> i � n
<br /> ; Commercial National Bank & Trust Company F'
<br /> � ot Hai1 Cour,cy,scace ot NE:brdSIS� the follawing descnbed premisee eituated
<br /> � f in FIall Caunty,and scace-otNebraska ,to_w;<: t�
<br /> � Lot Seventeen (17} , in Amended Block i
<br /> Six (6) �ontinental 6ardens, An Addi.tion ! ,;
<br /> to the Ci�y of Grand Ts3.and, Hall County, `
<br /> Nebraska. � �i
<br /> ��
<br /> Sn th.e even� the title to said rea3. estate is trans£erred, or contracted "
<br /> � to be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method
<br /> whatsoever, the entire princigal sum and accrued interest shall at once i
<br /> f; become due and payable at, the electic>n of the holder hereof. Failure toi y;
<br /> �� exercise thi.s optiosr� because of transfer o€ title as above stated in ( �;
<br /> one inst.ance shall not constiitute a waiver of the right to exercise the �
<br /> � f! same in the event of any subsequent tra,nsfer. ��
<br /> i ` � �:
<br /> ; �� '�
<br /> , i {i 7"Re�intention being to convey tiereby an afisolute title im Lee sirnple, fi
<br /> �� "TO Hqi�E AND TO HC1LD the remises above describe�i,. with ttil the a 'f
<br /> p ppnzlenances lhereitnto Fielong'ulg unto tF�a eia�d �,
<br /> �- Mid,-Continent Ent�exprises, Inc. ;
<br /> ���. and Co 1'tS heirs and. assigna foreuer, prnvided always,and these presents are upern the expreas condition�that if the r�'. `
<br /> �: r.
<br /> ; � ea;a M!id-Co�tinent Enterprises, Ina, i, ;
<br /> or assigns sha31 pay or cause to be paid ta the said t� �,
<br /> � �� � Ceommercial National Bank & Trust Com�any �i
<br /> � �:1�Sheire e=ecviore,-dminiatrators or assigns,the gum of Thi.rty-six thousand & AO/1Q�0---Do1larx,paysble ae '. �
<br /> ! to1[ows tu-wir- Thirty-six thausartd and no/100------------------------------- �: r
<br /> ` --Do1-ta�on che 29�h dsY of March , ta 79 ;E '
<br /> , - � �
<br /> � '��.� � . � DoUa�,rs on t�h�e daY of „ 19 E.S � t��.
<br /> t Dollars on!he d$y of , 19 (r L`
<br /> � � Dollars on the day of , 19 (i � � *
<br /> �� r.
<br /> j Dollars on the day of , 19 -
<br /> .f � with intereet thereon at 10.0 per cent per annum. payable SEIDl- annually,according to the teaor and e8ect ;
<br /> i of the promiavory note with interest coupons attached of eaid � �
<br /> ��II i
<br /> . j � Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. I
<br /> bearing even date with these preaente and shall pay all tnxes and assesaments levied upon said ceal estate and all other Taxea i
<br /> � � i levies and aqeeessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is givea to secure,betom the same becomee 'j
<br /> !;
<br /> � �delinquent,and keep the buildinge on eaid premises insured for the sum ot$ 36��00.00 . 1oes. if any, payable to the �
<br /> said mortgagee, then these presente to be void, otherwise to be and rem�in tull force. ;�
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, (1) That i[the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure auch inaurance, the
<br /> � _:� � said mortgagee may pay euch taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum eo advanced,with interest at l�.� per �� . �
<br /> � cent shall be repaid by aeid mortgagor,and this mortgage shall stand as security tor same_ (2) That a failure to pay any of �!
<br /> % � said money,..�esither�,principal or interest when the same become due,or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agree- �` �
<br /> ments shall;aiavetAy��whole�m of money herein cecured to become due and collectible at oace at the option of the mortgagee.
<br /> -r,'�:viriTN�3;'�'EREOF, the saia Mid-Continent Enterprises, inc. 3�
<br /> � ti�a`s 1,e�bn�o cei;ses.ir�qrporate geal io be a�:ea ana cne� preeents to be aigned by its President {;
<br /> th;e '=`23�h d,,ax of '�,.March , is 78 . ti
<br /> . ;1 3� S
<br /> -� _ .'*�gYleflr��tY�w.Ty�d§livered in preaence of ; . .
<br /> y 4 C' ' " ? Mid-Continent Enter�r'ses Inc. ��
<br /> _ ,
<br /> ...........
<br /> � _ " � -:x��-1x�: . . ........---..---�-� --�---....- • •---...... ...__....-3----� •-•---�..............•- i1
<br /> . , �
<br /> .. .. ......................
<br /> ...----•
<br /> .
<br /> . _ . _ . .,�5. : - . .. _. ...._- -- ...... . ... .... sy-�---- .�_ ..Q--- - ...
<br /> .. ._ • .. �
<br /> ,. „ . � ,! .
<br /> . ;: --- ---=---�-• �-•-- -- �
<br /> ..._ s"f i t ee �; �.
<br /> M� 17�i sh. rP n �;
<br /> .,"re��o .•. ��
<br /> ; s'rw� oF:: ..t3�'braska.................................... cauncy ot_........._...Iiall,.---•-•----••--�--._........----._..._.......---' '�
<br /> �,'�.� . � Before me,a aotary public quali8ed in said county, pereonally came Milan D. B1Sh �! . �
<br /> ,y't �.. Preeident of " � .
<br /> . { Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. ,a co��a�on �± -
<br /> � known tometo be the preeident and identical pe rson who aign ed the foregoing inetrumen� and acknowledged the ezecution �( . '
<br /> �.� ,thereof to be hia voluntary act aad�deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of eaid corporation and that ita cor . , .. 4 ,
<br /> porate aeal was thereto affized.�bY iks�authority. . .�� ., ..�. 5,-;:
<br /> � _ w'ameas�myhmd�sor��o T�RYoa ..._._March..29........--......... ...........-••_-....._ ...... is.----........ _
<br /> �, 4 �j "...................... � .
<br /> G%�V_ J
<br /> ""' 7 8
<br /> ; �'(J�.��OII O�lIl�c -t��...... ..Z90...f.. ..._ . ...NOYSfy PI1�IC i� �.
<br /> s_,,,,.,...
<br /> R - }J�. 4i�T U�, li^ITOS "" "'"/ _�} � ��E r�"..
<br /> "�.�.. 3 i 22 �vet ..
<br /> STATE OF_.__. �.� .� ..:�� � �� Entezed on numerica( indez and Sled for record �!� � ;;r'#
<br /> � �� ".
<br /> t3
<br /> ,•E.'ounfY' ea.
<br /> �t . � �.... ._.:....- ......_:.� . � �in the ReB�ster of Deede Ogce of said CountY the .�f -c. �,g
<br /> s<a i .� :. � oE._.._ . .. . . _:. 19 , at......._.._._ ..oclockand_....._......................minutee...---.....__........M. �i '�A �""�
<br /> -'4 _. ...».d8y .."'_...__.___._»_ _ , _...""_.' """_..... i ' ,
<br /> _�, . � .. � .. - �� � :.,a ,.�� ��.
<br />-a. , and ze.rorded ia Book.. __....:._....--•........___.oi..�:..:.........._...••••----••----at page...__...._......---.._...._........_ , :a
<br /> ..... �
<br /> ,.
<br /> `f . . . �� . . . . .__----......---_-•••-••--•----.._..-•-----•---••----.....--•'---.........Reg. of Deedn� ;, � �
<br /> }
<br /> ; �. .� . . . . - � BY--._.--�---- - -- ...... ...._Deputy
<br /> --•� �
<br /> _____ � .�..�_.._�..__�—__� ' # �
<br /> . __ .- --_�..._ _. ..--- , . --�, ..._ _ ..: .. .. _._,...
<br /> _ . .. _ ._ r..-..__.
<br /> ,.
<br /> 4 .
<br />