- . �-- �
<br /> . 2_I--WARRANTY UEED Frlton f�Wo1F Comp•nr,.Lincotn,M.bn � � � �
<br /> 78-=����19 WARRANTY DEED
<br /> li D. WAYNE VANOSDALL and 9ERNICE A. UANOSDALL, hus6and and wife,
<br /> , }ierein called tho gratitor whetti�r ona or mose,
<br />; -.- in consideratioa of Forty-five Thoueand and no/1�0 Doll,ars (Z45,000.00)---------
<br />' received from grantee, floes �mnt, bargnin, shll, cc,n�•ey and cor�firm unto
<br /> MIKE E. BR.00SKY a.nd ,7UDY BRODSKV, huadend and mife, as tanants in common,
<br /> hercin caller3 the grantee wheChcr one �r niure, the fc�llcas��ing�lescribed real property in
<br />' ....................Ha31 ........... County, Nebraska c
<br /> A tract of land aomprising a part ❑f the Ea�t HaTf of the 5outheaet Quarter
<br /> fEy�aSE3t) af S�ctia� Tsn CTO), Townahip Eleven C11� North, Range Nine E9) West
<br /> of the 6th P_ M, in Ha11 County, Nebraska, more particularly dascribed as `
<br /> follome: Beginning at the Northeast Corner oF said 5outheaet Quarter (SE76)
<br /> thenca 5outherly along the Eest line of said Southeaet Quarter CSE16J, a die-
<br /> tatice of 50.88 feet; thance dePl,ecting right 51Q 44' and runni.ng Southweaterly
<br /> alo,ng the SouthQrly lin� qf Fourth Stree� in th¢ City oF Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> a dis'tance of 389.2& feet, to thQ ectual place of be,ginn�ng; the�c¢, co�tinuing
<br /> Southwaeterly alon� the last describad course a distance af 7C10.0 feat; thenca
<br /> dafl�cting left 79 56w 30" and running Southaaeterly, a diate�ce af 633,51 foet
<br /> to the Northerly line of the Un3tin Pacific Railrn�cf; thence Northeast�rly elo.ng "
<br /> said Northeriy lina of the Union Pacific Railroad a distance of 618.26 FQet, to
<br /> a paint on tne East line of said Section 10; thenee daflecting left 87° 08� 44"
<br /> and runni�g Narthweeterly e distance of 784.65 feat to thQ actual pl,ace oP
<br /> baginning.
<br /> T� have and Lq hold the above de�cribed premuses Eo�ether tvith all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances thereto betongnug nnto the grantee and, to gruntee's heirn anii xssigns forever.
<br /> And the grautor does hereby covenant with the grnntee and with grantee's heirs and assigns
<br /> that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from enemnbrance
<br /> eub,ject to e sanitary sewer easement 30' wide, commencing at the Northeast corner
<br /> of said property and running Southwesterly along the Narth edge of said property
<br /> for a diatance of appraximately 50�
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> defend the title to esid premises against the lawful claims of all pereona whomsoever.
<br /> Dated April Sth 19 78.
<br /> ........N E��2ASK'a'�i�bC U fVI E Nl`A.�ir...�................... .,c:,r....6s���e�••l���.,�..........
<br /> STAN?TAX
<br /> ....................APtZ.....,�..?g�Q............. ................... . . ......�..��z�-_���
<br /> .....-�.�^�.�'!�......BY_��,��. ................... .
<br /> ....... .. ....................................................................................
<br /> ��itTEMEi�iT"ATTA�HE17..............................
<br /> STATE OF NEB1tA8SA, County of.............Hall
<br /> Sefore me, a notnry public qualified for said county, personally enme
<br /> t
<br /> D. WAYNE UANOSDALL and BERNIGE A. VANOSDALL, nusband and wife,
<br /> �
<br /> ._ .,.:�
<br /> ' �;
<br /> known to me to be the identical pemon or peraons �vho signed the Foregoing instrument and acknowledged � r " 4
<br /> !he eaecution thereof to be his, her or their volnntary act and deed. � ,_
<br /> ' otarial seal on _...... ..........Apr il
<br /> Sth 78 �`+ :*
<br /> ...._........ •............. . 19....---.....
<br /> �st�mwar-a�urr.w.w - .-4 . '"
<br /> ./M Q SUESCHER �
<br /> .............
<br /> M1rC�wR4.oet]s.�9st ......._.. ...�.. . ... .. . . ......................... Notary Yublic.
<br /> Efy co mission eapires 1������Ge:✓...��.......•••.........., ]9..b..�... �
<br />