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� � <br /> 78- ' <br /> U02016 � <br />� ORDINANCE NO.• 6282 . +^ <br /> An ordinaace creating Sanitary Sewez Distz£ct No.; 434 in the City o� Gxand Island, <br /> Nebiaska; defintng the boundaries of che district; pzovi.ding for the ],ay3ng of a sanitary <br /> - aever main 3n said dis[rict; praviding for plans and specificat�ons and securing bids; gro- <br /> vtding for plans and specifications and securing bids; providing fcr the assessmen[ of <br /> specisl taxes for constructing such sewer and collectipn thereo£; and pzovidiag for Che <br /> , ' e£fectiye date Chereof. ' <br /> SE IT U[tDATNED BY TtIE MAYOR AND COl1NCIL OF THE CITY OF GRP.ND ZSLPiND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTION 1. Sanitary Sawer District Np, 439 of the Cityr of Grand island, Nebraska, ia <br /> � hereby created far the laying of an eight inch vitxified clay pipe, or polyvinylchlaride • <br /> plastiC pipe, and appuztenances therpto. <br /> $ECTiON 2. The bouadaries of sueh sanitary sewer di.strict shal,l be as fo1lb�:rs: <br /> Beginning at the inCersection of the southerly lfpe of $eventeenth Streec <br /> • and Che eastcrly line of Elm Street; thence running eastesly on the southerly <br /> 13ne oE SeventcencM 5tseec for a distance of 158.4 feet (48.28Q meters) Co the <br /> ' easteYly Tina of L:at 3, Slock 19, Schimmer's Addic�on; themce runnin� souzherly <br /> on the easterly line of said Lot 3 an,d its southerT.y pzolonration a i3iscance os <br /> 148 feet (45.T10 meters) co the southerTy line pf ehe aliey in said Block 19; <br /> thence running nn che southerly line oE c:ze alley irt said Block 19 a <br /> distance of 52.$ f eet (16.�J93 r.iecers); chence running northerly on che southerly <br /> prolon�acio[t of the westealy line of said Loc 3 a d�stance of 26 feet (4.87? <br /> me[ers) to the nottherly line of the alley in sasd Slock 19; thence cor�ci.nuiti� ' <br /> northcrly ori the w:escerly line o£ said Lak 3 a distance of 44 €eec (13.411 <br /> meters); thenee running wQgcerly on a line parallel co and 44 feec (13.411 mecer5) <br /> nqrCherly of che northerly line nf the alley in said Biack. 19 a discance or' Y05.6 <br /> feet (32.187 meters) to the easterly line of Elm Stree[: ehenc� runninF norcher2y <br /> on the easterly line of Elm S�reet a distance of SS feet (26.822 �cters) to chc <br /> souYherly line of Seventecnth Screet, being thc poi:nt of beginnin�, as sho:un on <br /> the plaa marked Exhi6it "A", daced 3/22/78 attaehed hereto and incarporated <br /> herein by refezence. , <br /> SECTION.:3. Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications <br /> prepared by the Engineer for the City who shall estimate the cost thereo£, and submit the <br /> eame to the City Council, and upon approval of the same, bids for the construction of such <br /> sanitary sewer shall be taken and contracts entered into in the manner provided by law, <br /> � SECTION 4. The cost of construction of such improvements shall De assessed against <br /> the property within the district abutting upon the street or other rfght-of-�oay wichin which <br /> such sanitary sewer main wi11 be constructed within sach sewerage district to the extent of <br /> benefits to such property by reason of such improvement, and a special tax ahall be levied <br /> at one time to pay for such cost of coastruction as soon as ean be ascercained, as provided <br /> bq law; and, provided further, such special tax and assessments shall constitute a sinking <br /> fund for the payment of any bonds with interest issued for the purpose of paying the cost of <br /> such sewer in such discrict; such special assessments shall be patd and collected 3n a fund <br /> to be designated and lu�own as the Sewer and Water Extension Fund, and out of Which all warrants f <br /> issued for the purpose of paying the cost of such santtary sewer shall be paid. <br /> SECTZON S. This ordinance shall be in Eorce and take effect from and after l.ts passage, <br /> approval, and,publication, vithout the plat, aa prwided by law, qpp yE qs TOFORM <br />{. . � <br /> t <br /> � MAR 2 4 i?:u - <br /> . _ � _ �'� <br /> . ' LEGAL DEPARTMENT ' �l` <br /> � r , <br /> . ?�.,... i �,. <br /> _ , . • �.t�" � � <br /> . . ' �:�w - <br />• . J <br />