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_ � � <br /> 78�-U 02�14 MORTGAGE <br /> ; THIS•INDENTURE. mede 6th �dey of Avril -------..., 18_78, by nnd between � <br /> t6is <br /> ` Ivanne J. Me er husband"siid wife esch in his and her own ri ht and <br /> as. spouse ;o t e ot er;ana- re er e eye.r a�-�fi-�'EIeyer,- u�s an3-aa-d"is3Y€;�ia <br /> ; his and her owa righC aind as spouse oP the other, <br /> a� Hal�, County. Nebrmka;.aa mortgagor s,and Grand Island Trust Company.of Grand Ialend., a wrporation . � � <br /> t� oeghaized and�ezieting pnder Lhe�lawa oE Net7r,pska with ita�prindpsl office aild plaee of bueineas at Grand fslend,.Nebrneke�,as mortgagee; � � � �� . � <br /> `,� ��WITNESSETH: ..Thay spld morCgagor�_A,for and in comidecetion of the wm of .. —� _ �_,.,.. . � . ..�.. <br /> ;� .. . _,... �-,..-�� � . . <br /> + E�,ght.Thousand and no/1Q0 - – - ^ –_.� – ^' __-,_--.�--,.-:--Dol�enis�___8,000.00 _1, <br /> '�� Che ceceipt of�which te hereby acknowledged,du__,,by Shese.prpeenCa mortgege nnd warrent unta said tnortgegee.ite.successnrs and aesignv. � . � �� <br /> { forever,ell�tLe followiag deacribed real egtete�...situate�i in the Cpunty of_,._._.,._ .... .Hall � .. � . . ���� :, <br /> end State of[: ��---- '------'—.– . . <br /> The Easterly Twenty-Two £eet (22') of the Westerly Farty-Fonr feet (44') of the Nortt�erly <br /> Eighty-Eight £eet (8$'� o£ Lot Four (4) in Block Sixtq-Six (66), in tfie OriginaT Town, <br /> now Cit3* of Grand Zsland, Nehraska, includin,g a31 Che r3ghts and abligations of the <br /> Grantar under the agreements recorded in Book 0 at Page 654 of Miscellaneous, Book S at <br /> Page 275 of Miscellaneons and in �ook 2 at Page f57 of the official Miscellaneous Records <br /> recorded in the Office of the Register af Deeds of Ha11 County, Nebraska, and any oti�er <br /> easement and right-af-way righ;ts o£ record; ALSO described as Center Twenty-Two feet <br /> (22') of the NoXtherly Eighty-Eight feet (88') of ZoC P'our (4) in Biock Sixty-Six (66), <br /> �n the Origlnal Town, Now City, of Grand Tsland, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> � <br /> ; ` <br /> ; .. <br /> } <br /> � T�.... . , ..� , ::. <br /> ogether witla pll heating,aiz eonditiioniag,lighGing„and plumbing eqnipment end fixty+es,including xree.ns�,awnings,atorm windows and � <br /> � doore,end�wiadow e6adee or blinde,used onor�3n connection with snid propeKy,whether Che seme are nuw iocatad.on said property�an c�reafter � <br /> � pleced thezeon. � . . <br /> i �TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Wgether with ell and singuler the tmements,hereditaments and appurtenences thereunto be- � �.� � , � " <br /> 1� loaging, or in anywise eppertaining, forevaz, end warrant tha title W the same. Said morgagor�_hereby wvenent_with said � - �� <br /> S <br /> �mortg,gee tha�_t bey are ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner_S of the premiaee ebove conveyed and deacribed. <br /> � and Al'e seized of a good md indefeasible estate of inheritanee therein,free aad clear of all encumbrances,and that�_he}L_wi►1 � <br /> werrant and defend Lhe tiWe thereto forever ageirmt t6e claims sad demandn of all persons whomeoever. <br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,and thie instrument is executed and delivered to aecure the payment of the aum of . � - . � � <br /> �ELghr TfinucanA anA nn�1 AA _ _ _ _ – – – – – – – – – – – –Dollets IE 8_000•�� . .. .. .� <br /> ..{ with intereet thereon,together with auch chergea end adveacea ae ma be due aad a able W said mort ' . � � <br /> y p y gagee under the terms and conditions <br /> ' of the promimory aote of evea date herewith and necured hereby,executed by said mortgagor�_to said mortgagee, payable as expresaed � � � � <br /> ' in asid note,and W aeeuie the performeace of ell the terma snd conditiona contained therein.The terms ot said note are hereby incorporated �� �. . <br /> j � heteia by this reference. . . . . <br /> j� It in t6e intention aad agreement of Lhe partiea hereto that thie mortgage elmll also aeeure any future edvancea mede to said mortgagor–S_ � � <br /> ? by eaid moetgagee,and any and all indebtednaes in addition Lo the amount above stated which said mortgagore,or any ot them,mey owr to � �� � <br /> �� eeid mortgagee,however evidenced.whether by note,baok account or otherwise.Thia mortgege shall remain in full force and effect between . � . . <br /> ' � tbe partien hereto end Lheir heire,pernoml represeatativea, succeseors and aseigns,until all amounts aecured hereunder, including future � . � <br /> `� edvances.ase peid in fal!with interest. � � �� ..'.:�. <br /> ' The mortgagor_�hereby esaign_W eaid mortgagee all rents and income arisiog at any and all times from said property and � <br /> � hexsby authorize eaid mortgagee or its agent, et ite option, upoa defeult, to take charge of said property end collect all rnnta and income � � <br /> � t6ereh+em�and'�aPPly��the eame��W[he�PsYmeat of inter�t. Principal. inearance premiume� taxea. aeeeaemeata. repau�e or�improvemante� . � .: <br /> aeceseary W keep aeid p:vperty in tenaatable coadition,or to other chargee or paymente provided for herein or in t6e note hereby secured.This <br /> � eent aseignment ehell continue m force unta7 the unpaid balanee of enid aote is tully paid.The taking of poeaeasion hereunder shall in no meinner � <br /> ,. �'��. ��Provmt or,reurd.eetd morCgegae�in Lhe oolleeiion of eeid eume by foz�eeloeure or otherwine. . .. . . . . . . .. . <br /> i <br /> � � Tlre feilnre,of the mortgagee W aeeert eny of its rigl�te hereunder et eny time ahall not be rnnstrued as a weiv�of ita right to asserG the �� <br /> eeme at eny later�time;and to inaiet npon md enforce etrict compliance with all the terme and provieions of said note and of this mortgage. <br /> .,�. . . � . . . <br /> �'n � � If ssid mortgagor' s ehaL eauee to be paid to enid mort . ... <br /> , . gegce Lhe entire emount due it heieunder,and under the terms end provismns <br /> .S of aaid aote heieby aecnred,i�luding future advancee,and any extensions or renewals theieof in aaordance with the terms and provisions <br /> �� Wereof,end if aaid mo:Egegor.&_.ahaR comply with aD the.proviaione of said note and of thla mortgege,thea these.presenta ehall be void: .. . �� <br /> otherwiee to earmein In SaL toece and effect,and aeid moitgagee ehell be mtitied W the poaxaeion of all of naid property,and may,at ite option. . <br /> y decLre the wlaole o!esid�mte and ell indebtedaees rep�sented t6ereby w be Immediately due and payeble.and may toreclose this mortgage . . .�..z:� .: � <br /> 8 or Eal�s any ot�ur legel actloa to protxt ite right.Appraieement waived..' . . . . ... . . T""+�.��: <br /> � Thie mortgage aluII be bindiag:upon and ehatl enure W the beae8t ot the he'va,�executora;adminietratoce,eueceeeora and eseigne of the <br /> #- �.�,h�: _l , <br /> � 7x wi�ss wx��oF.�a nsa�or s_i�ve ea�,nw � their hand s cn@ aeY�,a y�m�c ano.�e �;~. , <br /> ..duan: ; : � . .. � <br /> � �"���--���? - � <br /> /A i' 4 tr.� ,* .f� <br /> Y <br /> � r"��a � � : S/Ji� � ♦ . t e er �� - <br /> a .,Mey r � � Pollyann J. Meyer <br /> > <br /> �:. ,. .,, <br /> ., . , ,_ _ `_ � <br />