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<br /> 7g--� {j02013 NIORTGAGE. '
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<br /> �f R�""hs3rd R�_ W+neiPr anA�"Fatrinia A_ GhrnAnr,����hiirahanfl anri�,r.anri� �.in hia a,nA h�r nvn ri�oi�t; � .; af,
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<br /> '' of„� ��1 � Covaty,Nebrmlca, m mortgagor$� , ead(:rend Ielend lkust Compeny of Grand Ietand�,a coeporation. . � ;;
<br /> �i � orgenized and�ezieting under the]swa of Aiebtseka wIth ite princ�pal office and plece of buainesa et Grand Ialand, Nebraska,as mEuttgegee: � �� „ �' ,• .'.
<br /> ,i_ . . _ . , .. . k . .
<br /> �;�� WITNES3ETH:. That epid mortgngor_.._>for and��in�.caasidecation of Ghe aum of. .. � � , . ..—.-..,, ,-,_ • .. ,t ,:'' :;
<br /> s Six Thosl�a. �c �n�und.red Five and SS�L2�-- - ---.—._ -.�-.Dvllere(5.�.1Q.�..S`�s..__1, , i.
<br /> .
<br /> "; � . t6e�reeaipt of�which te heteby acknowtedged,do_.—._by Cheee presenCa mbrtgage end warraqt.ux�W a6id mor'tgegeo,.ite�succeseose and asaigns.. � ��� ��
<br /> ,',. foeever.ald the#ottowing�dessribed reat estete,aituated in Che County of F)a]_3�� -. .., ..� �.. .. _.... . � :.�..' �: .�-.. . . .�.'•
<br /> .¢ � end.State of Nebraska,tnwit: � � �
<br /> � } Lot xhirty-F3ve f3S) in Am3ck Acres, Ha7.Z County, Nebraslea,
<br /> . . . .. . d 7� ,
<br /> �: . . .. . A'� . � S
<br /> LfLYL
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<br /> Lot Thisty-Six (36) in Amick Acres, Hall County, Nebraska. ''
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<br /> � �� To�ether with all 6eqtiqg,air eonditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipea.ent.and futurea,including screpenei.awn5ngs,storm win�i'owe�and � �" �•�� � ; ����
<br /> dd"oe's�,aad window ehdde��oz bliada.uned on or in��cow�ecGion with eaid pn.tperty,whethea tha snmu ere now locateil on said proper4y or hece�fter � � ,' �. h��
<br /> •�i. � ;PLced thereon. �
<br /> - _.. . . tt�;�
<br /> ��'TO HAVE AND TO�HOLD THE SAME,together with all and aingular the tenemente,hereditaments and appurteoaacee thereunto be- � ���Y
<br /> ��;
<br /> lo'nging.�or in�aaywiae epperteming, forever, and warraat the title W the eame. Seid morgagor�_hereby covenent—with said �,`�
<br /> mortgagee that_t he 3r 3I� ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�._of the premises above conveyed end deacribed. - �.
<br /> md � �rP aeized o(a good end indefeaeible eatate of iaheritence Lherein, free aad clear of all encumbrancea,and that�heyL_will
<br /> jwarrmt and defend the WUe t6ereW fozever ageinst the cleims and demands of all peraona whomecever.
<br /> +3 � �PROVIDED ALWAYS,and this ins�*�•�++a�t is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of
<br /> 'i Six Thousand One Hundred Five and SS/100 - - - - - - - - -�pe��$ 6,105.55 �,
<br /> � with intermt thereon,together with such chargee and advance�es mey be due�and payable W said moRgagee under the terma end conditiona .
<br /> �y �. of�the promineory note of even date herewith and seeured hereby,ezecuted by said mortgagor s to said mortgagee,payablo as expressed �
<br /> � ia aeid note,end to eecnre the�fomuaace of all the termn end eonditione eontained therein.Tha terxas of said note are hezeby incorporated � � -
<br /> - heiein by thin raEerence. .
<br /> 'j It ia the intention aad agreement of the paetiea hereto that this mortgage ehnll eleo eecure any future advences made to aeid mortgagor�
<br /> byaaid mortgagae,end any and ell Indebtednese in addition to the amount above steted whicF.said mortgagora,or any of them,may owe to �� - ..
<br /> �s � �aaid mortgagee,howeves evideneed,whether by note,book accouat or otherwiee.This mortgage ehnll remain in hill force end etfect between �
<br /> ��the paztiee hereto and their heire,peraonal repreeentativen,aueeesaora and aesigne,until all amounu seeured hereunder, includiag future ��� � ��
<br /> advenoas,ere paid in fuR with intereet. . ��
<br /> ,� '� The mortgagor�_heteby asnign_to eaid mortgagee all renu and income arieing at aay aad ell times from said property and
<br /> .� hereby authoriza eald mokgegee or ite egent, et its optioa, upon default, to taka cherge of said property end collect all renW and income
<br /> � t6�ro�s�1�'appiy-the'eeme to tUe�PeYment�of 9ncereet�. PdneiPel. inaurence premiume. taxea,asseeemente. repaire or improvementa..�.
<br /> neeeeeary to keep aeid pnoperty in teneatable condition,or to othar chflrges or paymente provided for herein or in the note hereby securad.This
<br /> eeat�aenignment nhall coatiane ia foece until the unpaid balence of said note ia fully peid.The tnking ot possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br /> � .;.-..:preymE.or rderd.aaid moKgagee��.in.che.collection aE:eefd aums by�.foreclosure or otherwiee. �� �:�
<br /> iV� . , � .� . .. . . . . ... � �.�. . ' ,�.
<br /> .-3 .�T6e failureof the mortgagee W aseert�at{y of ita righW hereunder at any ti+ne ahall not be coneWed as e waiver of ita right to msert the - �
<br /> eame at any let,er'time,and W insiet upon and enforce etrict compliance with ell Lhe terms and pmvisions of said note and of thia mortgege. .� �. �. � �
<br /> ' �� If esid mortpgor��'8 a6s11 cauae W be peid to eaid mortgagee the eatlre amount due it hemunder,snd under the terms and provisions .
<br /> � of asid note hereby eeeuxod,lncluding future edvaoces,and any eztenaions or remewale tbereof in amordance with the terms end proviniona � � -
<br /> t� ,theteof.a�If�said mortgagor�_shaU eomPly with ell the pmviaiope of said note and�of thia mortgage.thee these preeenta ehell be void: � � . �.� -.
<br /> � oE�herwlee W tlmein in full force and effect,ead said moRgegee;aLell be�entitled to the poaseeaioa of all of said property,and may,at its option. ' ,d;, '� "
<br /> deeleee ELe�vU'ole ot eeid mte�and all iadebtednees�xepreeented t4ereby w be immediately due aad�PaYabie.and mey forecloae this mortgage . ... -'��-:�.`'. • .;�
<br /> .,or Lake asty oChen�legal.aeNoa to peoteet�tta..='i8ht.�A►PP+'aieement.waived..:� � � � � . . . � - .. . :;s'
<br /> Thie morEgage ahell be bindiag-.upoa and�shell�ure to the�beneIIt of�the heda�s.exeeatore.edminiaCrators.nuecesaore aad adsigns of the � � � '�� ��
<br /> .reepective pattJes.h�eta� : � � ' ... .. � .. �� :�. '�.
<br /> I13 WIT�tE9:1 WFIEREOF. eatd Morkgagor s_ha ve h�a�� the3r hand 8 the day and yeer first above �' F(
<br /> �, vrritten. � � � � � � �
<br /> � , ,�'�������fi`. ���..�if r:�� . ,�
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