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<br /> �$-� �r�����
<br />�,._,.
<br /> DORA LUCIiT, an unremarried widaw, Mortgagee, in consideration '
<br /> b of TH'IRTY-FZVE THOUSAND T?OLLAFtS f$35.,0�O.00j plus interest reeeivec3
<br /> from 4JAYNE D, VANOSDALL and BEE2IVICE A. �7ANOSDALL, Ylusband and wife,
<br /> MortgagorS, releases the First Real Estate btortgage given by
<br /> Mortgagors to Mortgagee, dated December lU, 1973, filed af record
<br /> in the Office of the Register of Dee•ds of Hall County, Nebraska, on
<br /> Ja�zsuary 8, 1974, at 4z30 p.m. , recorded in Book 164 of ;�Iortgages,
<br /> at page 6, on the �ollowing desaribec7 real estate in Ha11 Gounty,
<br /> Nebraska:
<br /> A traet of land comprising a part of ti7e Northwest Quarter
<br /> of the Southwest Quarter (NW%SW�,) of Seotion Eleven (11)
<br /> at�d a part of Cottage Grave Addition tq the Ci.ty of Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska, in Section Ten (10) and a part of the
<br /> East Half' of the Sautheast �uarter EE�SE�) of Section Ten
<br /> f 10) , all in Townshiy� �leven (l l) North, Range Nine (9)
<br /> West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, arid moxe
<br /> particularly described as follaws: Beginning at a paint
<br /> on the section line between saxd Sections Ten f10) and
<br /> Eleverl (12) , said pdint being at the point oE intersection
<br /> of the southeasterTy line of Fourth Street with said
<br /> section line and being �ifty arid eighty-eight hundredths
<br /> (50,88) �eet South o£ the Quart�r corner commoz3 to said
<br /> Sections Ten (10) and Eleven f11) ; therice runni.ng soutlzerly
<br /> along said sect,ion lirie a di.stance of two hundred seventp-
<br /> nine and twelve hundredths {279 .12) feC.t; thenee running
<br /> easter2y and parallel to the North line af said Northwest
<br /> Quaxter of the 5outl�iwest Quartex (NW�SSfat,) , Section ETeven
<br /> (11) , a distance qf one tho-usand three hundred twenty-one
<br /> and twen��-six hundredths f1,3Z1.26) feet to a goint on the
<br /> EaSt line of said Northwest Quarter of the Sout.hwest Quarter
<br /> (NW�tSW�) , Section Eleven (11) ; thence running southerly
<br /> along the East�line of said Northwest Quarter of the South-
<br /> west Quarter (NW:SWo) , Section Eleven (11) , a distance of
<br /> twenty-two and eighty-eiqht hundredths (22. 88) feet to a
<br /> point �on the northwesterly right-of-way line of the Union ,
<br /> Pacific Railroad Company; thence running southwesterly
<br /> along said right-of-way line a distance of one thousand
<br /> four hundred sixty-seven and fifty-two hundredths (1,467.52)
<br /> feet to a point on the section line common to said Sections
<br /> Ten (10) and Eleven (11) ; thence continuing southwesterly
<br /> along said right-of-way line a distance of six hundred
<br /> eighteen and �twenty-six hundredths (618.26) feet; thence
<br /> ��: deflecting right 87 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds and running
<br /> :�± northwesterly a distance of six hundred thirty-four and
<br /> ' i'"" �"a;fty-three hundredths (634.53) feet to a point on the
<br /> _ �
<br /> � � � southeasterl� line of Fourth Street; thence running north-
<br /> t ,; �asterly along said southeasterly line of Fourth Street a
<br /> •t <'� ;. 3istance of one thousand eighty-nine aad twenty-eight
<br /> <` . - ; i����undredths (1,089.28) feet to the point of beginning and
<br /> '" ✓� {intaining 24'.68, acres, more or less.
<br /> c.:;s >,
<br /> -t�„ �.; Da�eds`..�..�c.. ' �/ � 1978.
<br /> _. � _� , ��-� �,�.��- �
<br /> (Dora L cht) � __. . �
<br /> �
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I
<br />""" ��c" ..Z/ , 1978, by Dora Lucht, an unremarried widow, as ';
<br /> rt�
<br /> Her' vol ntary :act and deed. �. ;
<br /> �� '� �� c�i�-tiel2�'_`� �. �e,.-,�-P-i'�. . �
<br /> ������'��. Notary Puhlic
<br /> L 3.. NAu
<br />;,`; �,,,;,���� � � . �
<br />