<br /> . _ 1'_ _„1
<br /> � prior to entcy of a judgmmt enfarcing this Mortgaga if: (a) Borrower gays Lender alt snms v�hich wou!@ be then due under
<br /> ; this Mo�tgage, the Note and notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no accdera4ion occur`ed� (b) Borrower eures aU
<br /> t breac3�es of any otlur covenants ot agreements of Burrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all reasoaable
<br /> { ex�reasa incurnd 6y Lendqr in mforcing ihe covenants and agreements of Botrower containpd in this Mortgage and in ;
<br /> � enforcing:I,ende�; remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof, including, kut not limited to, reasonable attorney's fecs; and ;
<br /> (� Borrqwer [akes such action as Lender may rcasonably require to asgure that the lien of ffiis Mortgage, La�der'a interast s
<br /> � in the Property azrd Bormwer•s obligation to pay the sums secured by th�s Ivlortgage shall continue unimpairod. Upon auch
<br /> pagm�nt and curcby Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shalF remain in fuli force aad ttfect as if
<br /> no acceleiation had occurred.
<br /> � , 20. A�omentaf Renb; Appointment of Receiver, Lender in Pos�essian. As additional securiry hereunder, Borrower
<br /> hereby asaigns to Lender the rents of the Property, pcovided that Sorrower ahall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 18
<br /> � � hereof or abandonmenr uf the Peoper[y, have the right to collect and retain snch rents as they beCome due and payable.
<br /> Upon accderation under paragpaph ] 8 hereof or abancionment of the Property. Lender, in person, by agent or ` by
<br /> � judicislly appointed rcceiver, shall be entided ta encer upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the =
<br /> rents oPthe Property, including tho�e past due. AIP rants collected by Lender or the mceiver shal! be applied Rcst to paymmt
<br /> � , of the costs of management of the Property add cotlection of cents, including, but not Iimited to, receiver's fees, prerniums on
<br /> receiver's bonds and reasanable attomey'3 fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the reeeiver
<br /> shall be liable to account only for thase rents actually reteived.
<br /> � 22. Fnttue Advance8. iJpon reqacst of Borrower, Lerrder, at Lendcrs option prior tn retease o[ this Maetgage, may
<br /> ; ' � make F'uture Advancu Lo Borrower. Such Future Advanecs, w-ith interest rhereon, shall be secured by this Ivttxtgage when
<br /> ; evideoced by promisso.ry notes stating that said notes are secuced hereby. At no Rimc shall the principal amount of the
<br /> � � indebt�dness secured by this Mortgage, nat including sums advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br /> ' ? Mortgage, exceed the original amount of the Note plus USS . . . 9. 5z5 . D.Q . . . . . . -,
<br /> E 22. Release: Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lendcr shall discharge this Mortgage wiihout
<br /> � rharge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, it any.
<br /> � � � IN WITNESS�� WHEREOP� Bonower has exeeutecl this MoRgage. . .
<br /> � �O-^^t�[�- � C/ - ��S�IJ%?''�. . . . . _ . . . .. . . .
<br /> � Danald �F . Pausti�an � —eo.rower :
<br /> 1 :�.. '�4�c�. �,� `� . .ci�:�-U[�-.�:�!�/. _ . . . . . . . . . `
<br /> .
<br /> � Arlene M . Paustian —eo.,ow.r ; 4 ,
<br /> $TATE UP NEBRASK.A�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ha I I . .. . _ . . . . . COLLI1�ty SS:: r� � �� � ��
<br /> pnthis . _ . : . _ 4#h. . . . . , . . day of . . . . .AP �! .� . . . . . . . , 1978: . , before me, the undersigned, allotaryPnblic ;
<br /> duly commissioned and qualificd for said county, personally came . DONAI,D , F' , , PAUSTI,AN . ANA. ARIENE . M. . . . .
<br /> PAUST ) AN , . hwsband , an;d, w i;fe , „ gacJ�. ,i,n „ n � � , and, ;her py�p r,�_ ht Dd. f�5 . . . , ta me known to be the
<br /> identical person,(s ) whase name (s ) are subscri6ed to the fote�ongens�t�m�� and'acknowledged the execution � �r �
<br /> ' fhereof to 6e . _ , the i, r . . _ , , , . voluntary act and deed_ ? ' � ;:,
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at _ . . . Gr�nd, . Isl_ �nd , , �lebr,@$ k�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in said county, the ' `_
<br /> date aforesaid. � ;
<br /> My Co�mission expires: /1-�3 � 7
<br /> LY�
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