� .
<br /> �.
<br /> 78-" UO1��?8 MORTGAGE
<br /> � 29eh March ' W_ �
<br /> THIs IxnEx7'IrE.E� mede this aay ot . ls�8_. br epa necween
<br /> QLGA M.' :PETLRSOPI; a single '�ersoa� — —�— .
<br /> 3
<br /> of. —��l C4unty,Nebraeka,en mortgagor�,end Gramd lelmd Tniet Compeny of Grand Islend,a carporati.�n � � -� �
<br /> ocgaa'v.ed and�exiating under the�Iaws of Nebranka with its paiacipal office�aad place of businesa at Grand Ieland,Nebraska,as mortgagee: � � � � �
<br /> W ITNE$SETH: That eaid mortgegor.�,foz end ia�coneiderntion of the sum of�..—.—. .� � � "
<br /> ***Seven Thousaad Tea and No/lOQths*** —.- ^ry� —�018- 6-- : �
<br /> �� � �.� . � �—�.,w�:�w�sT�.�if�3C�z�
<br /> the receipt�of which ie hereby acknowledged,do�8.. 6y theae preeents mortgage and warrant untb eWd moYtgege�ixe eu rs.and eaeiEpas�, �
<br /> Torever,eit the foilowing de�eribed real�estste.sitqeted in[he County of_.�d.2�. � ..� .- .- . .. � . .. . . . �
<br /> end Siate of Nebraska,to-wit: .
<br /> : Fractional Lot Fourteen (14) in Fractional BToctc Seventeen C17y in
<br /> Ashton Place, an Addition to the City o£ Crand Island, Ilebraska.
<br /> Excegt a Tract Deeded to the City of Grand Iaiand, More Particularly
<br /> Described in the Deed Recorded in Book 115 Fage 361, in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> �TogetLer with all heating,sir cp�ditioning,lighCing, and plumbing equipment and�futtuc�s�,including screens,swnings,atorm windows and. � �
<br /> doors,md wrndow ahqdea or�blinda,used on or in conaection wi4b said properiy,whether the seme are now lpceted on said property or herenfter . - .
<br /> ���. plaeed thereon. � � �
<br /> j
<br /> � � �.TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all end singular the tenemente,hereditameats and appurtenanees thereunto be� .,
<br /> .�longing,or ia aaywine appertainiag, forever, and werrant Che CiUe to the same. Seid morgagor_hereby covemnt.a—with said . .
<br /> . mortgagee that $ he is _,at the delivery 6ereof, the lewful owner—of the premisea above wnveyed and described, - . ��
<br /> and {� aeized of a good and indefeaeible estate of iaheritance therain,free�end elear of a�l eacumbrances,end thatB_he_wiil � �� � � �
<br /> werisnt and defend t6e tiWe thareto forever against Lhe claicne and demands of ell persone whomsoever. , . � .
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,end thSe instrument is ezecuted and delivered ta eecure the payment of the sum of � � . � � -
<br /> **Seven Thousand Ten aad No/100ths** ���,�5 7_OLO.00 i,
<br /> � �with intereet theieon,Wgether with euch chargra and advmces as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms aad conditions �. � . �. �
<br /> of tbe plomineory uote of even date herewith end seeured hereby,eaecuted by eaid mortgagor_to said moctgagce,payable as expressed � �
<br /> in eaid note,and to neeure the performance of all the temw+and wnditions contained therein.The terms of said note exe hereby incorporated � � �
<br /> hezeia by th3n referenes. � .
<br /> SC is the intmtion and agreemeat of the partiea hareto that thia mortgage ehall elso aecure say future advancea made to said mortgegor_ �. � .
<br /> � by eaid mortgngee.end any aad all indebtednesa in addition to the amount ebove stated whic6 said moRgagors,or any of them, may owe to � � .
<br /> eaid mortgagee,however evidenoed,whether by note. book account or otherwise.This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between . . .
<br /> Lhe parties heteto and their heua,pernonel represmtativea,successors and asaigns,until ell emounte aecureti hereunder. induding future � �
<br /> advaaoes.are paid in fuL'with interest. . � . ".
<br /> The mortgagor_hereby easign�_to said mortgagee all zenta end iawme arising at any and ell times from said property and �
<br /> hereby euthorize eaid mortgegee or its agent,at ite option,upon default,to take charge of said property and collect all rents and inrome � . . ��
<br /> ..�..therefrom�sad ePPiY the aame to the�peyment of iatereet� Principal. inauranee premiuma, tezee� asseeamanis. repairs or improvements . .
<br /> neceseary W keep eaid property in tenantable andition.or W other ehsrges or paymenta provided for hernin or in the note hereby secured.This - � . .
<br /> rent eseignment ahall contiaue in foree nntil the unpeid bnlance of eeid aote ie hilly paid.The taking of posaesaion hereunder shall in no menner
<br /> y ..;._.prevenC�.or:�tard:asid mortgagee in the.colleetion of aeid eums�by�forecloeure or otherwise. . . . .. . . � � ..
<br /> The failure of the mortgagce to aesert any of ite righfs hereunder at my time ahell not be construed as a waiver of its right to assert the � � � � �
<br /> �'�` eeme at any later time,and to ineiet upon end eaforoe etrid eompliance with all the terms and provisions of eaid note and of this mortgage. � �
<br /> ' If said mortgagor ehell cause to be peid[o said mortgngee the entire emount due it heRunder,end under the terms and provisions � �
<br /> � of eaid note hereby aeeured,including futuee advenoes,and any extennions or reaewaL�thexeof ia accordence with the terme and provisions . � . .
<br /> , . �Wereof,md if eeid mortgegor_ehall comply with all the piovielons of eaid note md of this mortgnge.thea theee preaenta shall be void; � � . . �
<br /> ' � otherwiee to remeia ln fiill force end aHect,ead eaid mortgegee ahall be entitled to the poeaeeaion of all of said property,and may,at its option. �
<br /> 'S`� ���declare t6e whole of add��te and all iadebtedaese rep�eaented thereby to be immediately due end�peyable,end msy foreclose this mortgage �
<br /> '�-= or�take my otLaz�legal ecttoa W pmteet Ite.rlghi.Apprsinemeat waived.. . __ ,y .
<br /> � .
<br /> .'�T� . �'1'his mortgege ehall be bioding upon and a6a11 eaure W the benefit of the heirs.�eeutorn.admiaietraton.auccesaors and eesigns of the � . . :` �
<br /> � respea.ive parUee hereto. _ � dr.: �� � .
<br /> 4�'k� •IN WITNESS WHEREOF�, eald blortgegor_La.�_6ereunto eet her hand—the day am�year Srat above. �" '
<br /> � 3
<br /> z avrit;en. �%�iR� ���'� r`:�
<br /> '• Olga . Peterson t �,�, �
<br /> ...,, .. �� �
<br />�E ,_. . .,,. ... . . . :._
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