<br /> . I �
<br /> -_ �_�8-.._�C�:::9�_.__ _.��.. _ _ _. _ •
<br /> ,
<br /> _�_. _._�.�. _.__:_._.��__��.. _ _.,--- _-_ __._..__ _. _ __. . ._ __.. _::_— —- :..:: � -i� :_=.
<br /> 53•A—R:EI1L EST7ITE IN.ORTGAC,E—With Ta�x Clause(Revised 1962) 2'hs xuRm.n�Ganer.l 5upply Haae.Lmwm, Nabn `i . � � . '
<br /> ,` � . . .. , � �; . .
<br /> ! �`
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN By THFSE PRESENTS� THAT Wilfred G. BarneB 8nd Majprie F. $ rneS, �i
<br /> huabaad and wife, as joi.nt tenants with right of survi.vorship, each in his°uvv��ights �# f=
<br /> and as�ouse of the other E ;
<br /> i '� � � . [Mortgago:s) , .
<br /> � -'�� of� �I211 Connty,.and�State of Nebraslra ,in consideretion of!he aum of .� i -
<br /> Thirty Five Thou-sand and no/100 ----------------------------------_-__-_�p�,�q i „ .'
<br /> in hana naid,ao hereby 3ELL ena coNv�X unr,o ComrnerciaT National Bank & Trixst Co., Grand �
<br /> � Island, Nebras3sa, ,
<br /> �, (Mort�agee ) .2
<br /> .��� � �[: H811 (Jouryty, and State of N2bT3 S1C2 the tollowing cleacribed premieee �a .
<br /> aituatea in Hall cc,unty, and 5tate or Nebraska to-w:c: The 1Vortherly �j
<br /> � Eighteen and one tenths feet (N18. 1�) of Lot Ten (1Q) and the Southerly Sixty Six and !
<br /> ,' f nlne. tenths (566.9') of Lot Nine (9J, B1ock Three (3), Southern Acras, an Addition to �t
<br /> � the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, �+
<br /> � In flhe event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be trans- ��
<br /> �� ferred, from the �andersaid for any reason or bq any method whatsqever, fhe entire }�
<br /> 1$
<br /> i principal sum and accrued inberest shall at once become due and payable ak the holder
<br /> � hereof. F'ailure to exercise this opfion beeause of transfer of title as abowe stated in %�
<br /> � one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right ta exercise the same in the event �
<br /> � of any subs.equent transfer. ;�
<br /> !
<br /> i
<br /> a ��
<br /> � {I
<br /> � � �'
<br /> : +� �f
<br /> a is The inGention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fwe simple including alt the rights ot homewtead and dower. � -
<br /> � �'� TO IiAVE ANI7 TO HULD the premises above descnbed, wiCh ell the appurtenaneea ther�unto belonging unto the i�E �
<br /> I �` said mort�agee and to 1tS heiea and awsigns,[oaPve�r, provided alwa,vs, and these presents are upon the e�pceas it �
<br /> � r3
<br /> � � conditSon that if the atoresnid mortgag�rs�- the1T he�re, esecutorts, e�lministratore or aexigna shall pay or cauae to be
<br /> t !i
<br /> � � .paid�to the naid moct,agre , 1tS heirs, ezecutors aelministratore or assigna,the siun of Thirty F'ive �h011- ��
<br /> sand and no/lU0 - - ---_----_______ _ ��,.8,payabteasfollmve,to-wie: =t
<br /> � Thirty Five T"housand and no!�k4Uflars on the 2nd dar ot ^October , 1y 7g f(
<br /> � . Do118�rs on Rhe dax of Ig y� ,
<br /> { day of , t9 #. �
<br /> i �� Dollurs on the .�
<br /> ! ;�� Dollars om Che day of , 19� i .
<br /> j �t IJollars on the day of lg
<br /> with interest thereon at per cent pez annum, payabie 1 0�2��7$ �j
<br /> �# � t � a certain promiaeory note of said Wilfred G. Barnes and M �11 according W the tenor and e8ect oE ��
<br /> � ajorie F. Barnes t€
<br /> f ' Id
<br /> E bearing even date with these presents, and ahall pay all taxes and aeseasmenis levied upon said real eafate,and all othez taxen, JC{i
<br /> � levies and meeesmenta levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage ie given to aecure, before the eame becvmes It
<br /> ' delinquent,and keep the b'uildings on said premiaea inaured for the sum of$ li
<br /> ; �� � the eaid mort s ee, then these n/a lom, if eny, payable to .� ��
<br /> � B 8 presenfs to be void, otherwise to be end remain m full [orce. j�
<br /> ; IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to �
<br /> , t pay euch tazee or procuze siach innurance, the �� �
<br /> �. � (.� eaid�mortgagee may pey such taaes and procure such inaurance; and the eum ao advanced, with interest at per cent �` � �
<br /> y � � ahalt be paid by said mortRagor. and thia mortgage shall atand ae eecurity tor the eame. (2) That a failure to pay any of eaid , � �
<br /> � � � money, either principal or intereat when the same becomen due, or e failure to rnmply with any of the toregoiog agreemenffi, !`
<br /> �� ahall cause the whole eum o[money hezein secured to become due and mllectible at oace at the optioa of tt�e mortgage� �i
<br /> ; ss�ea tt»a 5th aeY o[ A pril , is 78 . #�
<br /> 3 7'
<br /> 1
<br /> .� . In presence of .��� - - -��--trs�/...-..---•--......._....... �j
<br /> �� iW lfre G. Barnes j� :
<br /> rp ............. ...---.............---...------ :;
<br /> ; _..�-.,cs..c`���� .�. .:.......................... ................. �'t"lf��. � /.�..?c.ru,�,i..__.....__........_.....__ ;�
<br /> �
<br /> � `��'rr�"e'S. . . . .....................-•••--- �,
<br /> 1C�Y�--
<br /> C ori
<br /> , ��
<br /> ._......................•---._......_......----....------.......................---.................. ;i .
<br /> ......................-....---..._...._..---........._.._..----.....__.
<br /> �j . . .....�......�.._...�_._... IE �
<br /> 1
<br /> i srn� oF_._...----.._Nebraska........................ cou.�cy or....--...Hall-- -�--........._............--_ �?
<br /> -` Before me,a nvtary public y,�tisea tor e�a cou.,cy, pe�onauycame Wilfred G. Barnes and Ma-jorie F ��
<br /> Barnes ' i;
<br /> ;q: .� ' lmown W-me`to be t3�e identical pernoa or peraone who aigne�d thg..forego' �-"'-- aclrnowl I` � . .
<br /> . tLanwf to be hie. her or their voluntary act and deed. 4ENECAL i10i�T�t�° _ �B� �e execution I � �
<br /> `� �" � AS J.CORKLE « .
<br /> ;< .;witr�ess my hsna ana norsr,et eea� on...__�..9..P.I'11._5a...... .�.7HOM ��,�� i�
<br /> Gortun.-, .fg ...
<br /> � MY"commimion,e:pires: .:._...�-'-�:__�R........---� 19.�2_. .._.... . _. .x-.s�...+....r.:-:__�_.._......__•-- --.. o ;f _
<br /> �
<br /> .,..,. /_ �� N tery Public. -�
<br /> � .n }f� �
<br /> STATE�OF ._._.._.__.........._-- Entered on�aumerical indez and Sled tor reoord ( J t; ;' �.
<br /> �P ,.�� _, . . . . : . 1� $' • :.
<br /> _.
<br /> F,., County .. ��- ... � _...__•'-......_..._..f in the Regieter of Deede 08ice of aeid County t6e �� �..',"; `
<br /> _ �a � �
<br /> ; —___.....�__.�day oL..__._ ..._..:._..�_......_........ 18...._--_.. at.._-----..__.........._.o'clack an3.-'--..._.__..........__..m�autea............_.......11f., G� �� .
<br /> �' � i; a!: '�si`� • ..
<br /> 4 1Dd.;!lCOldOd 3II�BOO�L_._..�..._' '.....of.'_'_..»__........_.._. ...8t pHgC........'_"' ��'� ',�
<br /> ...__'_'...._..._
<br /> ......._. .....__..._......_.�....
<br /> ..._ ii
<br />.-.f�... � � : �� .. '.. . � .r ....v.., . .,..,:..� - ..
<br />:� ..._...._----•..._..................................................---...__..Reg. ot Deeda if
<br /> t
<br />':� � . �� � � . BY....._.._....""'............__.....�."'............._...._...'-'-"......._....'--Delwty ;' .
<br />;:'i'
<br /> ;
<br /> , r—` I
<br /> _.� _.�__._.�. �
<br />