� �
<br /> ��,�,..: . . ,
<br /> .
<br /> . . .. . . .. : : _ _. . � . . _ ..
<br /> TkIE MOR'�6��0� F�TR�f`�IE�R '�Ui�ENANT3 A�31fD.= �`t4�E$�'� a' ' ! , < „=° : ': , • v.� ` ' s 2Se . '�
<br /> zs- (1019 80 � � - _
<br /> �, That the Mortgagor wil L� P$y t e �inde6ted.neea aa >�hereinbefore pruvic33eed. .. . - . - . � . . .. ... � � .
<br /> � 1 -. ' 5-��3 ' : . .; � -t� 4: �: ;:
<br /> . That the Mortgasqr is, the Uyvner o[ aaid praprrty in fee aimple aisd has gaori � right a�nd lawful authority Lo sell and � .
<br /> �cnnvey the ssm�����cthe eame sa fsee and clear of eny lien orSehG"Gi+If�it�ancr; and�,3th'�ff�tjl�[prtgaHor wil[ iyai'3YiitisiiySH ,41tJeE(dill�ei'i.:�Uf� � �
<br /> � titte to said .��premisr.� -• nqa�na[ �YhA cie�me� of all persnns whomsoever.
<br /> � :� � . � . ; , , . �., ..,. _ .. . . . ..
<br /> �. .
<br /> � To pey ,in'�e��ely wheu dti�e #�nd payable all general texes, apecial-tnxea, speciel ayseasmenQs, +vater chatges, sewer serv-�' ''i ' � � �
<br /> . . . � iee chargca, and other���taxrre and char$ex again,st ,s�id pro��ty, qo i al�ta�ce's 1¢vier� on the d�b0. secvred hcreby, and to C�irnish t�he � � � �
<br /> � � Nltirtgagee, upon reque;sF, with�'i�hZ��dr3�na! `�-�i• dnplicAte'�� 1�crit�ts�thYre�o'dr. T'h� M��rtg2�or agreex: that thrre sMa11 � b�' wdt7F�1 EJ6�';�(_ ' � �
<br /> ��� � each mm�thE� pa�'t@ee�iS �uir�d hereuntle� ot under the . cvidence o( debt secR�red ha�byan amc�i.:nt estimated hy the Mnrtgagee � ' � . "
<br /> �� to be '9UH�1l.ti¢#IO ��(f• @DAIfYO the -MoStgegee' tc> pny, a4 they bernme due, ai7 RaXcs., acvessmr.nis, and sirnilar iha�.rges upon The presn• $ � � � � � � � ��
<br /> ,. _
<br /> -� �, isee �sabjecC �tl�eieto;� �ae'y deficiency fN%•cause c.fYhe irvvu�ciency of sucn addifi.inal payments :sbail be forthwi�th � de�iosiLetl� Fry � thP � - �� � � . � � �'
<br /> " 7vlor�g or itl�� tt�e 7�1ar¢gagee upon. ,demand by the Mortgager. Any �iefnuit undor .,;] u: ,.paragraph shell Mr �It�emcr3 a de(atili in � � �
<br /> � . . � .t n . . r: . � ' ; i . r .. . , . "
<br /> � i � � '{�'a4me� ��tAxra a�es'�tents� nr x�mJa� chatges rri�uircv3 Lrrrum�'er. . � + . . . . � � � ..
<br /> .
<br /> : S� �. c't � i ':;5i�' :77J2 i � �. .i.,., f f". � ��'�.i � . .1:r.CL r ' '. ' _: U � :1;.; , , . 4 '. �' , i �. � . ... .. � .. :,J: .� . .. . . _ . � . ; .. �.ril "'�. � � .�.
<br /> . 'fhP MorCg'agt?r agrees that thcre shull als<> he dii8e3 '4o ��e:ieIi `rrtiviittety 'puymFnl� :if pnnNipa( 'anEL iMeee:3t �tCejuifed }�ere�- ''; . • ' . � . � .� .
<br /> . under an am�iunt eatimated hy th.• Mortgagee t�.> be vuffiu^ient ro annhl�• tho bin�rtgactrr i�• pay , a. it bn��r. omrv rt�.�v . the ineuran.r_e . ��
<br /> premium on unY in.uranee �olic- d.rlivered to thr �fortgagee. AnY dc£iciency b:'cause i�t thm ins�y��iunr„y nf suc:h a�.Iditionel pay - � . . . . �
<br /> mentis` Ak�al1 � 1� faRhwifh depr�,sited hy !he Mortgagor with the MorCgnK�'e a1�on darnan�i hy thc Mortgagec . Any defautt vnri.ei f➢�is � � � �
<br /> �- pere�.raph shell Y�e <#cemrd n �lrfautt in the payment of ineurance pr�miumv. Zf the �mlicy nr polieies dep>osiled a�e sacl� as fiarme� : � .
<br /> �. owners �r a11 risk rx�licies, and the Ae�MsiLc are insulfieinnt tu pay tF<r eniire p:emium , the :�1orl�;aQe<• r,� :;y a��:�ly the dnpoe'rt tc � � �
<br /> � pey prcmiums on ricks ec�uired to 1+f� incur!r1 hy ihis morf�a�;e. �
<br /> �� : . ._:�_. � ... . . � . .
<br /> Payments made hv thr� 14urtF:agor undc:�r ttne abov<• �?arngruph�: may. ai tl�u• npt�mn of fh.� Mort�;agee, bn held � by it ar:<7 , .
<br /> comzningled with other sur.h fuiids: or iL; own funds Cor (he payment of tii.�of�. it�rn^, anc3 until ko :xpplied, such =>a,ymer�[s are hFrrby � .
<br /> �� pletlger3 aa ececurity far ther ein �iafd k>al��}ce �•f� the mortg:ig..• indr�btcdree4s. � . . � .
<br /> . Tei pt+icure, delivrr lu� , and maintain fear tFie benefit nf lhi• M�artqage�e durinr; thr tiie of thic mortgage original pali,r.ies and
<br /> . senawalx thercv>f, deli�rrrMl at least tan ;Jays tx•fc+re fhe rxF�iraiion cef any �uc:-i potivic�s, invueing against fim nn<I utherr insurak.le �
<br /> haze�rds, car.a�alLiea, und eantingen�•ien ns t}ie Morlgagi.e mny requice, in an amc+un4 erqunl to the� indcbted�neae secured by thie � � � �
<br /> Mortgage, nnd in compa :�ies ar.ceptriblr� tn the M�ortgac,ce. with losr payal>I+• cluLsr in tavor �,f anii i�n [urm acceptAble to the JSoetga- � � �.
<br /> � gec. In the event any p<�licy ic not reni�w��<1 on ur M,rC!�re trn dau�s of ita ex�iratinn, the�• Morfgagee may �.rrncurc� insurance �n ihe �,:� � � � �
<br /> ixnprwemenZs, pay the yremium thcrrefor, nnd cuch sum s�dial! hc•c:>me imm.ediat4lo� due and payahie with interest at tbr rate �et � �
<br /> ,', [orth im said no�Re +xn[il pai�l u�n.i shall f�e s«•currd l�y this m �.tg�Re. Failure on thr ptiri of t.he n1ort�.a6or to fir:ofsh xnch� renrwnls �� �
<br /> � as are herein reqaired or fail��ze to y�ay any sume a+#v�ncrd h vcun.rler �hull, :�[ the o}:tion .�f the D4ortKaqvr, curestitute n defau:ll' E�� � '
<br /> � � under khe terms of t.hia mortRage. The� clrlivery ot ,.;uch p�rlicrirvs shall , in the ovr-nl of default, con�litt�te an assiK��m�nt. of the un� �
<br /> � �,. rerned Premium. i�. � �
<br /> Z,.
<br /> � .1ny xumq raceived hy the Murtgx�gee by reason rrf Ir:�s+ or cd•amage i �vurcd againut msy he reAa�ined bv the MortRa�ee � , .
<br /> �� and applied toward the p�ayment e�f thr de�bt tiPreby xecured, or. al. the vption of ihe M�rtgagee, such snms rither whnlly or in � - �
<br /> ! pesk may be paid nver tu Lhe MorYgagor to k�e used 4a> repair such '.�.�uildings vr to bui2�d ' new• buildiicgs in their plar.r �r fn:r 7iny^ �
<br /> . other purpose or abject �tiyfactnry to Che 1Vlartga.g••e w 'rihout a(fectinR the lien nn the m<ortg&ge fox the (*�II a.mount securnd here� �
<br /> � 6y before� such psyment ever toak pl�ce. � . ��
<br /> t To Aromptly repair., restare or rcbuild any huilding� or imprrsvemente now c.r herraftrr ore the pren�iaes whirli �nay he• � � .
<br /> � � 3 come dsmaged or destroyed; to keep eaid premises in KCK�d mndition and repair and (rer from any mechanic's lien or other lien or � .
<br /> � claim of lien not expresaly xubordinated ta the lir•n hrreof; not to suffer or permit any unlawfu! use of or any nuisance to exist on �� �
<br /> 1 aaid property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor •to do nny other act whereby the property hereby cnnveyed shall become - � . . � .
<br /> .i . . lesa valuable, nor to diminieih or impair iGs value by any aM or nmission to act ; to cnmply with all requirements of Iaw with respect . � � �
<br /> � . to lhe mortgaqed premises and the use thereof. � . -
<br /> That should thr premisrs ur any part thereof be taken ur d�maged Ay reason of am� public improvement or condemnation . � � . -
<br /> proceeding. or under the right of eminent dumain, ur in any other manner, tha Mortgagee shall be entitled to all compensationa. . . � .
<br /> �� awards, and any othez payment or relief therefur, and shall be entitler(, at its option, to commence, appear in and proaecute `in� its � . � � �
<br /> ' own name any action or procreding, ur tu make any compromise or settlement in connF•ction with such taking or damage. All Nch . . � � . � �
<br /> �. cumpeneation, . awards, damages. sight o[ action and proceeds are hereby asaigned to the Mortgagee, who nwy, aterr drdurting � � � �
<br /> � � therefrotn e1C ita- expensea, release any moneys� so received by it or apply the same on any indebtednesv secured hereby. The ..Mort•: .. � �
<br /> � '' gegor agrees to execute such further axsignmantv of xny compenxation. awards_ damages, a�d rights of aMion and procr.edv as the � � � � � � �
<br /> 4 . MortBeSee maY� re9uire. � . . . . ' . . . .
<br /> �� That in ceee ot failure to perfarm any of the wvenanfs herein, thr Mortgagee may do on the � Mortgago�'s behalf everything - � � � �
<br /> to covenented; that the Mnrtgagee may also do any act it may deem nece.a.vary tu protect the lien thereof, that the Mortgagor will � � � . �
<br /> � i repey upon demand any� �moneys� paid or disbarsed by the MortgaRee for any of the above purposes, and such moneys togetlier with " . : . .
<br /> : interest � thereon at the rate prwided in said note shall become so much additionnl indebtedneas hereAy secured �and may Me in- ' �� � � .
<br /> . ' cluded in any decree [orecloaing this rnortgage and 6e paid out of the rentv or proceeds <�f aaln o( said prnmixes if not otherwi�e � . - �
<br /> � i � psid: that it shall not be obligatory u{wn the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien. encumbrancrc, or claim in ad- �. � � � �
<br /> i vancit�g mon�ya �aa. above�� .auihorized: but nothing hernin contained shal! be wrzstrued as requiring tbe Mortgagee to advance eny . � � . .
<br /> ' moneya tor any �such �p�rpose nor to do, any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any personal liability because of any- �. � . �
<br /> � thing ii may do or omit to do bereundea . . � � � � . , -
<br /> � � In the event of the default by MorLKagor in the payment of any installment, as requirecl by lhe Nole secured hereby, or � .
<br /> in the pedormance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the note erecured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the � � -
<br /> ? debt.secured hereby . due , and. payable without notice. and ,the Morlgagee shall be entiUed at itn option, without notice, either by itself � . .
<br /> . or' by a teCCiver to be �appointed by the ��court tfiereof, and 'withovt regard to the adequacy of any �securiky f<ir the indebtedness se- - .
<br /> . cured hereby, to enteY upon end� take pos§eeis7ori o7 the mortgaged premises, artd to collect end rrceive the rents, issuen and profiG �
<br /> -� � '� � t6ereof.` end '� apply the� same, lesa costa ot �operation �and rnllection, upon the� indPbtrdnesn !�ecured � fiy 1hiR mortgage; said � rentw. � � � ��
<br /> ieeves'ai�d profifn`bein6�hereby�aesigned �to tbe'�MortgaRPeav lurther vecurity for Ehe payment of all indebtednes9 slrure}I� herBSy - � � . .
<br /> . . . � . . . . . . . 9 . .
<br /> - � . The Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said prem- � � �
<br /> � i �� � � �isee; � renting � the same; . rnlleeting . f.he renta, zevenues and income, and it may pay out of nsid income all experoces incurred in renL . '^'" � �
<br /> � � . ing and managing - the'� eame' and of aollecting the � rentals theretrom. The balance remaining. it any. shalt be applied toward the _' �=M-���� "' �
<br /> discharge � o( � the moetgage indebtednese: Thia eaeignment ie to terminate and become nul( and void upon . release of this mortgaRe. �._- +
<br /> L . +; � ��+:r � 1i �:csR'�a e` j�:� �``y 7 ,�.t � ;�Y � � � };� � 3 i
<br /> < � _ � s
<br /> 3 � � � ��
<br /> �, . � �i: "' ; � .
<br /> , . �`u. l.. . . _ ' ' _. . .
<br /> .._. . .. _ . _ .__ ... _ _. _ ... _ _ .__ .. _."_'_'�__ . __" . . . _ . . . . n. � ..i; i . �.
<br /> _ :u
<br /> �
<br /> . . . . . . . ,.� �• �- �
<br /> J
<br />