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� _ � <br /> � �$�J01975 <br /> _ 2_ <br />� 7 . Determination of 'Soundar�es : <br /> T'he Lessor shall have the right , on a rezsonanle basis , to <br /> c3etermine t2ze boundaries between t�e Lessee and his neighbors <br /> if the S.: essee and Yiis neighbors can:5.ot agree to sucYi boundary <br /> line . The Zake fron� boundary o£ the Ieased preznises sha1. 1 be <br /> to the water l. ine as t'Yie same may exist �rom time to tiir,e with <br /> ; cY�anges in �he water leveZ of �:ie la:ce . The boundary line a� f. <br /> tY�e leased premises abu�ting �he Lessor ' s comznon raads shall. <br /> be as reasonably det�rmined by th� Lessor . „ <br /> 8 . Peaee€ul vossession : � <br /> As long as Lcssee conforrns wit'h t'Ize rea_u� rements bindir�g upon <br /> Izim in this lease zgreement , the Lessee s2za1Z enjop peaceful . <br /> possession of the leased premises _ <br /> - 9 . Imtiroven+ents : <br /> ; The I,essee shall I�eep �he leased premises in a neat an� clean <br /> condition a� a12 times and sha12 iceeo a11 iznprovemenCs on the ? <br /> � Teased premises irs a goad condition of rcpaxr . <br /> 10 . Abandonment : <br /> hhe Lessee agrees not to abancion the Zeased premises _ <br /> � 1T . Access £or instaliina utiiitv lines : <br /> The Lessor reserves the r�ght to come unon the leased premisea <br /> for installa� ion os L::�cTerground or above ground utiZity � ines <br /> and �he making o £ xzecessas-y repa,irs or improventents to or <br /> the leasefl prernis�s . The Lessor agrees to resto�e <br /> the premises to su�stanta. al. ly �he same condition as they were <br />` be�c�re any such installatior. ar.d at t'he Lessor ' s er.pense . � <br /> 12 . Rules and Recrulations : <br /> The Lessec; agrees to comply with the rttTes and regulat:. ons <br /> as nrepared and £urnished by tne Lessor to the Lessee , from <br /> time to time . Such rules and regulations shall contain re- <br /> strictions and Zimitatipns , for the mutual benefit o� all � - <br /> Zessees at Kuester Lake , pertaining to the use by the several , <br /> lessees at Kuester Lake of the la�te itself , co:nmon roads , ' <br /> and the leased prem�. ses . It is understood that the basic use <br /> of the leased premises shall be for residential purposes , but <br /> the Lessor may perrnit , from time �o time , commercial activities <br /> on the leased premises _ Any such rules , regulations and permits <br /> are subject to change by tne Lessor , e�cepting that tne bas �c <br /> purpose of the leas �� prernises as residential shall not be <br /> abridged . Any changes in the ru� es and regulations must i�e <br /> approved by a majority of the lease:zolders present and voting <br /> at a meeting called for such purbose of wzich written notice <br /> has been given to all leaseholders . ( one vote per lease) <br /> 13 . Termination of Lease bv default of Lessee : <br /> ' If the Lessee fails , after ninety ( 90 ) days prior written notice <br /> �rom the Lessor , to remedy any �efault in his or her cozaoliance <br /> wit'ti any of the obligations binding upon him or her under this <br /> Lease Agreement , or under the Fules and Regulations furnished <br /> him or her by the I�essor , the Lessor may , at its option , terminate <br /> this lease and retalce nossession of the leased premises but only <br /> after the following procedure has been complied witn = <br /> ( a ) A special meeting of all stoc]Lholners of Lessor sha� l <br /> be called by the Board of Directors of Lesso= , anc <br /> written notice of sucn meeting and its purpose tiae given to <br /> � all such stoc'kholders . Such meeting shall b� callen for <br /> the purpose of determining by majority vote of the stoc:c . _ � <br /> of Lessor , present and voting , as to wnether or not °t ; <br /> termination of I,essee ' s lease should be made because of � ' <br /> a default by the Lessee . At least 10 days written notice � % � <br /> shall be given of any such meeting and the Lessee s:-sall . <br /> be given full opportunity to s'izow w:zy his or her lease t ,�, - � � <br /> should rzot be terminated . � i � '��- <br /> � <br />
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