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<br /> . . .
<br />�,. _. ._ � .
<br />' $TATE OF NEBRASK.A, County of ..................................................._: ,,.
<br />: Filed!or recor3 on ..........,<...................., 19........ut.........................,.. o'clock ........................ bi. ; `�.
<br />! and recorded in the Deed R.eeord ....... ................... Pr�ge ....................._....... ' '
<br /> �
<br /> y5'�'
<br /> t . . . . . � * � .
<br /> f .......��. •..�..«� . t.�............� � ......�..:v � ........... By ......�.:... ........... � ..�..... .'......................r..,..�................. �[
<br /> ... ' " 9
<br /> t �
<br /> 4 Register of I�eeda Dsputy Regiater of Deeds 1, "�4,x '
<br /> aa;.
<br />� �8-:001962
<br />, .
<br /> s Glifford T. 11iladison and Slierrie S. Ma3ison, Husband and Wife, each in F3is and
<br /> Her own right and as spause of each other , hereia called the grantoa whether one or more,
<br /> fn consideration of Fiftg-riine Thousaa�, One Hundred and No/100 ($59, lOd.OQ) Do.lSars '
<br /> � tir �.0
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, aell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Robert IvI. Baker and Kathleena M Balcer H'ugband and Wife ' �,;,
<br /> as jaint tenante with right of eurvivorahip, and nat as tenants in common, tLe following desoribed real �"�'
<br /> � <��
<br /> ro in Hall ., County�,Nebraska: : = r '�
<br /> P P�Y ....... .. ............................................... ,�
<br /> ` n.
<br /> ��
<br /> k�+*'_
<br /> Lot Nine teen 19 , Ca,ital Hei hts 7th � �
<br /> NEBRA5KA D�GtJMEN7ARY � � � p � , ��
<br /> STAMP TAX Additioa to the City of Grand Island, Fiali : _
<br /> Couaty, 1Vebrasica. ' �r'�
<br /> A�'Ft 5 1978 ` ' ,���
<br /> � s.
<br /> �5 y�"�'' sY_ -� A ��F
<br /> $ �TAT.�NIEIVT A'f�AGNED � ` `'E
<br /> . `s� a ;,.nd
<br /> ,.�x
<br /> ; � Y
<br /> � � � �,
<br /> . � _ '�. �`Id�
<br /> To have aad to hold the above d�acrited premises together with all tenements, fiereditamenta } - j
<br /> ' and sppurtenances thereto belonging �to the granteea and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigna .,;�
<br /> of the enrvivor of t1�em fore�er. '`��:',
<br /> Aad grantor doea herebq covenant with the grantees aad with their assigns and with the heira '� '
<br /> and sea�igas of the survivor oE them that grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premises; that they are free from � '
<br /> enoumbrance except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor hss good right and law4ul anthority to convey the same; and that grantor warranta and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of ull persons �cliomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all purties hereto that ia the event of the death of either of ttie granteea,
<br /> .the entire fee title to this rea] property »hnll �•est in the surviving grantee. ,,>'
<br /> Dated �QJ1 C,/') a'y 19 'y�
<br /> .
<br /> .<.... ..........................._...................._......_.................. ... . '. .. .... ... :... . .
<br /> i or��..,�/ dison�
<br /> .:...._.._......................._............._....•--............_........... ...: +y�CllluLd....�4..:...... .�........ ;
<br /> Sherrie S. Madisoa
<br /> ` L �G�t�� -: f
<br />�. _ STATE OF':...........�.PGtl�trl k�l.................... County of ......._...........................................»....._.: '
<br /> Before me,s notary pnblia qnalified for esid county, personally came
<br /> .-Cliffo.rd �. Madison and Sherrie S. Madison, Husband and Wiie, each in His and
<br /> He'r own'rigl�t and as spouse of each other s` � _''
<br /> r "g
<br /> �'gaown 3o"nie to tical peraon or pereona who eigned the foregoing instrament snd acknowledged
<br /> �'the eiceoutio ' ereo�'to-be 3ier or their volnntary act and deed. �
<br /> ��, y�1,�..`�.�.! f/ . '�....._ '
<br /> ��.�e i�an ' tarisl Hea1 On . ..�.�/P.��� ........... .........„., 19.7 ,
<br /> '�` ''Y' �y � D' .. ..... .........�'�....�..��....._..... Notary Public ,„
<br /> *'��.!,y�_ I�+Y< ,e : � . .....: � .. ." � . �. .+..�.%:.
<br />, .
<br /> ..
<br /> r , .
<br /> � ^ . •. •. � ,��j� - '"
<br /> 4�7;,�.�....'!�1� My commzsaion ezpzres.........1'r:�:!...��.�..........., 19._✓-2......
<br /> Form 42 To': A ~ y 1\'ebraska StBt@$8P a�380C78L10II Fdfaa 6 Wdt Oo..Lnmin.Nebr.
<br /> . . ' .. - � � � � �J .
<br />