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i I r— ' � <br />;-- - - ——---�----=----_-- _.. _ _--_ - _ <br /> �--4-4---------- . _--_. .:; --_.___----=----�:_ <br /> #___._. <br /> ASSldltl[ffi�2 O�l[QAi6AdE—CaeAoR�tiaa i� <br /> __ � `— --- �� <br /> � <br /> KNOW ALL M'EN BY TIYESE PRESENTS, That Uu WESTERN SECURITIES COMFANY,a corporaEion, �� <br />� �. !lu/parly of the firal parl, in eonaidcration oJ lhe awn oj 2t�lenty SBV�F+11 :ll1O�78�1i1d F].Vie HtII1dL�ed & No/lUmoll�rs � <br /> iz�,soo.oa3 <br />� latojul monty ojthe Uniled Slaks of America,to i[irs hand paid by � <br />, � � 'j <br />{ FEDERAL NATI;ONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATiON, � <br /> a Co�poraLian, tht parly of !he stcond parl,at o� beJort !he tnataling and delixry of fluat preaenLr, raeipl mhercof is �� <br /> hereby acknowledged, has �ranfed, bargained, anld,ass yqned, transJerred; ared se! oner, and, by presenE: doea grant, <br /> b�rgain, sell, aasign, lransfer, and set ooer w�lo lht aaid party oj Uu second part, ita succeasprs and assigru, a eerlaire t'r! <br />? INDEIVTlIRE OF MORTGACE,&uring dale ?.rfc� of F�ekaxuazy ,19 78 , �i <br /> i i <br /> Doc. No. 78-OOA731 (; <br /> Rccorded in Book ,Page ,n/the Mortgagt Records o/ Hall County, Nebraaka, �� <br />; y <br /> and made 6y C]iut"]c D. Haase and Joyce L.� huslaaryd ar�d Wife lo (; <br />' WF'rSTERN SECURITIES GOMPANl', and a!! its right, tille and inleresl to the premuta therein descri6ed, as follmvs, `� <br />" lo-wil: { <br /> i �� <br /> Ivt �ive (5) iri B]:ac�s Six (6), in Aoggs and Flill's Addit3an tq � <br /> tl�e City of 4�rand �slary3. Hall Oo►mty. N�raska: � <br /> � ; <br /> x <br />; � � <br /> � <br /> ;�.; <br /> i <br /> Together mith the note[he�ein deacribed,and!he money due or to becorrse due thereunder, includiRg in�eresC lhereon, - <br /> TO HAVE AND TO NOl.D the same nnto lhe said parly o/ the aecond part, i�s auccessors and arsigns /orever, sa�bject <br /> only to the provisot o/ said /NDENTURE OF MORTCACE therein eon[ained_ <br /> And the parly oJ Uu fusl parl does hereby make, corulilule and appoint lhe said party oJ Uu setond per[, ils lrru <br /> and laaJul atlorney, irrevocably, in ils name,or othenuise,but a(lheir ou�n proper eosts and charges, lo hare, use, and lakt <br /> all laraJul ways and means Jor lhe recorery of lhe aaid money and inferesl, and, in ease of paymenl, !o discharge the same <br /> as Uu parly oJ the ftrs[par!might,or could do, ij Uuse prtsenla uxre not made. <br /> !N WITNESS WNERF_OF,t6e WESTERN SECUR[T1ES COMPANY, a eorporation o/ Omahq Nebraska, has caused <br /> this .lssignment oJ Mortgage to be esecu[ed by its V�.OL Preaidenl, and atteated by its A3838fi.ailt Secretary, and <br /> its CorporattyS�a� to bchereunto a/Jixed this 30 day o/ March in thc yeai 19 78 <br /> ������€<} �G,,��.' <br /> WESTERN SECliRITIES COM1fYAl\Y. <br /> ti . ' <br /> /,- f/�` /7n /` c� � <br />� ' A�`i t;h 2(1 BY �N GG. X�/LzliunC�+{J . � ... .. <br /> Q '"� , l Y Presidenl. <br /> :;a �4 �eA '_• �� _ <br /> . `� ���.t . � <br /> . v. Atcest <br /> STA��''QF�ArEBitA.fiKA, p�ggj,g�t Setrelary � <br /> COUNTY+OF�UGLAS,�ss. <br /> �� _. <br /> On ihis 30 dny of March , 19 78, 6eJore me, a No(ary Pubfic, d�1y commusioned �' <br /> 'and qualifitd in and Jor said Counly and Slale,personally eame Ihe abmx named D. E. W�e3mstedt <br /> �Psesident,and C3t1]PS�t1B J. BES1[lBtt ASS�St.�Tlt ,Secrctary o/�he WPSTERN SECURITIES ��„� . <br /> ICOMPANY, who are ptrsonally krtowa�o me to be �/K identicaf persons whnse namcs ore a(/ixed to the above asaignment o/ i ` <br /> ' Mortgage aa the �OBPre.�id�nt and the sQ�a��^*' Stcrelary o/aaid Co�poralion, nad they aekrtoa.dedged tIu � � E:y: <br /> instrument to bt.their volnnlary ae!and deed,ond the voluntary aet and deed o�t!�said Corporatiort. � � <br /> WITNESS my hand and ojJieial aeal,a[Dmaha, in aaid Cowely,!he dale aforesaid. �f � <br /> �—� � ! i �' <br /> �Noo1Rr-l� ' � ,1•o�ary r�int:�. � ?� �n.Y'-�"-„>�` <br /> My eommission expirea My 0�.��1',�g1 ' �j <br /> f !i <br /> __ _. _.__..--- —=_ ___. __.. ---- .. , � <br /> -- ._ <br /> -----------.______ ___--._.. � <br /> , __ ..,. �. _: , .. _ t; <br />