. _ r ~
<br />;
<br /> 78-- U 018 7 5 . �
<br />� i
<br /> m corporation orgauized and existing under and by virtue of the lawa of the State of Nej'..�'raslca �
<br /> j in�onsiderrat;nn oP Eight Thousand Nine Hundred ($8,900.00)-----Dollars
<br />� . . . . � �� �� i::
<br />� received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, con vey and confirm unto r,
<br />: JAMES L. JiIEL ANU ISABELLE JUEL, t:usband and wife,
<br /> �
<br />��
<br /> �"
<br />; as joint tenants w�ith right of eurvivoraliip, and not us tenants in common, th� f�»net�i�� descrified renl
<br /> t � •,
<br /> i #. �:
<br />� ro ert in Hall �;ebraska: `� ' ' �'
<br /> PP Y ................................................................... County, �; .
<br /> Lot Fou.rteen (14), Block Four (4), in Brentwood
<br /> t
<br /> i�
<br /> Subdivision in the City of Grand Island `
<br /> �; ;�s
<br /> �,
<br /> NEBRASh(A DdCUMEN7ARY. �'"
<br /> STAMP TAX 4'
<br /> � APR 319�8 ��
<br /> $�.L=----BY—��Z:sia-- � ,;�
<br /> � �°
<br /> � .�,
<br /> � � ;�
<br /> To have and to hold the nbove described premises together with all tenements� hereditameats and �
<br /> i
<br /> uppurtenances thereto belonging tmto the grantees and to their assi�ns, or to the heixs and assigns of bhe
<br /> - survivor of them forever. i �':M
<br /> .1nd gcuntor £or itself and its suceessors does l�ereby covenant tcith the grantees snd with their
<br />' ansigns und �vitli the heirs und nssigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said �� ':!
<br /> premises; that they are free from encumbrance excepting easements ancl �;
<br /> � rastrictions of record f�'
<br /> ;
<br /> � �TY
<br /> tIlat grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and $`'
<br /> will defend the title to said premises against the lu�vful claims of all.persons whomsoever. ?'
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of eitlier of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving gmntee.
<br /> In witness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal ta be affixed and these presants
<br /> signed by ite President.
<br /> " n,CCD�jed M3Z'Ch 23� 19 78
<br /> :i: Z,;,
<br /> �� C �F.:,� .
<br /> ' .t� .,',j p� p c,... �
<br /> .;
<br /> `b ''�7 - BRENTWOOD D .... OPMENT COMPANY
<br /> .� ,�, -.a r.�`.
<br /> . ..................................._.
<br /> -"` �y � rn: RAND SLAND ••••••••
<br /> ca ':�� *`r"" y � w:'
<br /> ,J
<br /> , ./ .7,, �j : . . ���:��. � �
<br /> :.� ....... t-- $y ...........:.�--.—... .Z. ..._................... President ;.
<br /> sn A�� .
<br /> .....:....
<br /> • STATE OF Nebraska Hall
<br /> ..........._....._........................................... Co�mty of ......................._............................_.
<br /> •Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came
<br /> JOHN A. WOLF Preaideat of
<br /> .x
<br /> Brentwood Development Company of Grand Island
<br /> . i;.. : .;- _ , a corporation, ..:._ -- 4:,
<br /> `-lrnown to.me to be the President and ideatical peraon who signed the foregoing instrument, and acknow-
<br /> ::� ledged the eaecution thereof to be his volnntary act and deed as such officer and the roluntary set and I ��;;
<br /> r '�-�deed of eaid';corporation and that its,�-corporate$eal wae thereto affised by its authority. {�
<br /> ' . . . . (�Y .
<br /> 9iy' � ; .. .. ., . . . . . . ' � *»� ~.
<br /> " ,; Witness my hand and notarial aeal on .. March 23, ., 19..78........ �,'�'� �
<br /> .....................»....................._..............
<br /> �� / � � . .,�"-�w� .•- .
<br /> _ ........1/..C/.f��..�.:.G(�-t%��:«......•--....... Notary Publia
<br /> E�M: �etlr�r
<br /> . MyCaan::E�.;We. _ My commieaion eapirea...�.z.az<m..:fi..ut.l...�.3.., 19.7.`�......
<br /> J
<br />