<br /> , . . �
<br /> ? 78= �10�.��___---__..__. •
<br /> —_ --__ _----____.____-- -. :. - ._. ..: ___ _ __ _
<br /> _ ___. . ,�.:. _._- -- . . -
<br /> �, �� 106-B---Corpo�ation Survlvonhip Wa��anty Deed (Revlsed 1981) 'rn•BnHm.n Uenersl BapD17 8ua�e,Llncola,NeDa ` , .� �
<br /> �c-_�cc: .. . . .
<br /> ' � SNOWALLMENSYTH'EBEPB,EBENTS, That Mid-Ameriea Co. ��
<br /> !,
<br />� a corporation organized and esisting under -�nd by virtue of the Iaws of the State of Nebraska �
<br /> Ik
<br />� inconeideratioaof Forty-£ive Thousand, One Hundred and No/100 ($45, 100. 00) Dollars ��
<br />;
<br /> t
<br /> received from grantee, doea grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto ��
<br /> a,
<br /> Charles G. Wetzel and Josephine F_ Wetzel, Husband and Wife ��
<br />; fi as joint tenants with right of snrvivorahip,snd not as tenants in common,the follo�vmg described real property ut ��
<br /> 4 4 Hall Co�ty, Nebraska •
<br />, `!
<br /> �� �s
<br />; � �'
<br />' �' Lot Twenty-one (Z1) in Wolfe's Subdivision in the City f�
<br />- �� E %i(� ; of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. 3�
<br /> � ' ----------,� (
<br /> ij{ ". ? , NEFSRASKA DpCtJMENTARY.
<br /> {€ �� ��>;;� F'':� STAMP TAX �
<br />'- 9� : (°Y ^l.��@' .y _: �
<br /> y� � 1.�.0�3� �
<br />; ' '•. �� STA7Efv;EiVT A7'7„c��t�. MAR 3� ���'$ �
<br /> �j .,-'c 'jS as— ^ °' ,,
<br /> '� ���'••., ` s`A�..'' q;�p BY �
<br /> f To have and Co hold the above described premises together tivith ull tenements, hereditamenta an appnr-
<br /> tenances thereto belongin�unto the�rantees and to their assi ns or to the �eirs and assi ns of the aurvivor of ��
<br /> � � � �I
<br /> tLem forever.
<br /> And grantor for itelf nnd its suceessors does herebp cocenant with the grantees and with their assigna and ��
<br /> with the heirs and assi�ns of the survivor of them that �rantor ia la�vfully seised of said premises, that they are ��
<br /> y freefromencumbrsnce except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> i jj
<br /> that grantor has good ri�ht and Iawful sutlaority to convey the same;and that grantor warF�nts und will defend I�
<br /> � the title to said premises against the la�vful claims of all persons �vhomsoever. �
<br /> It ie the intentioo of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,the eatire '
<br /> ! fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. �� �
<br /> � It a�itness whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its coxTorate seul to be affised and these presents signed
<br /> by its President. ��
<br /> � Dated March 18, 1978 �� s � �
<br /> #
<br /> ..M'
<br /> P�
<br /> .... . . . ... ............. 3 �
<br /> i� �
<br /> ,
<br /> By .. .. ......_ .. .... _....President it
<br /> �j
<br /> STATE OF...A)ebragka............. County of..Fic'�7.1...... ._.......: ��
<br /> i
<br /> Before me,a notary public qualified in said county,personally came ��
<br /> �f
<br /> J. W. Schultz, Jr. President of i�
<br /> i
<br /> Mid-America Co. ,acorporation F
<br /> °known to me to be the President and identical person�vho si�;ned the foregoin�instrument,and ackno�vledged the `� i
<br /> �eaecntion thereof to be his voluniary act and deed as such officer and the�•oluntary aet and deed of said corpo- �
<br /> ration ' r o affised by its nuthority. ''
<br /> � ' •, BEVERI.Y p.COKER � �
<br /> .
<br /> Wit my ha���eal n........�,M�,rch,18.................... ..19..�8... ��
<br /> � � �f
<br /> %� � ` M�Ca'wwNwi°^EaPins ... .._. . .. . �,C;',���C.!/...........Notary Public. �f
<br /> .N11�NlMY 20.1879 �Z!lrC�...:
<br /> . .1Sy commiss�on eap�res..Januar.y..29,................19..7.9.. �� �
<br /> ,, ��
<br /> $TATE OF .. .......... � �a . �
<br /> County:.. ............... .............� �� ��`
<br /> �..
<br /> Entered oa numerical indea and �led for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the �? I �„�
<br /> ' ..:_.......daq of......................19..._..,st...........o'eloek and...........miuutes . ...... .. ..M., �� i
<br /> :
<br /> # ; :# .
<br /> and recorded in Book....................of........._.......•••atpage................. �' � '> z
<br /> �; �
<br /> �i ,� .
<br /> ..... .................. .... ...............
<br /> ,:
<br /> Reg,of Deeda �
<br /> .. . j;
<br /> By .................. ....... ........ ......Deputy �
<br /> � - ---..—___�. --.._.�.. , ,_.... ---_-_��_.�__...� �
<br /> ( - --- _ ____--___— -----
<br />