'.. . :
<br /> r � ;
<br /> � �.
<br /> eSTATE OF DTEB$ASFiA, County of ....................................................: .
<br />; Filed for record on ................................. 19........at............................ dclock ......................_. M. `
<br /> r'
<br />' and reaorded in the Deed Reeord .........., Page '
<br /> 3 ...................... .............................
<br />� ........P....Y.... �.. � � -0
<br /> ,..,, ....................
<br /> -, ....... L... .......» ........,�.e...... .�..... ............ By ............ .... ........._...... .. .... � x5�a4�w.�fi
<br /> � ' ! �J.
<br /> .. ' : f.
<br /> B�e r of Deeda De ut Re iater of Deede �
<br /> 4 5 r
<br />; 78—=�0 018 5 9 SURVIVORSHIP WA►RRANTY DEED ` �� j `'
<br /> U'
<br /> 4. (-
<br /> 4
<br /> . t
<br /> Glenn B. �1Thitehead and Annabelle Whitehead, Husband and Wife, each in His arsd
<br /> > - :
<br /> , ;
<br /> .. �� . . . �. . � � � . F... �'
<br /> Her own right and as spouae of each other ,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> � ,
<br /> in conaideration of Sixteen Thousand and No/100 ($16, 000.00) Dollars � ` ' �'
<br /> r -
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey snd confirm nnto „' s
<br /> �
<br /> �:;
<br /> Robert J. Lessig and Sherrill L. Lessig, F3usband and Wife a �",;�
<br /> as joint tenants with rigLt of eurvivorahip, and not as tenanta iu common, the following deeeribed real ` V`�'
<br /> �,t
<br /> propertY in .................IZa.l]..................................... Oonnty, Nebra�ka: ' , : ';
<br /> `s�<;
<br /> n
<br /> � . . . , � � Y�,.
<br /> ��
<br /> i -
<br /> Lot Eleven (11), Block Six (6), ColTege Additioa to � �'�'
<br /> ��.
<br /> West I.awn, Gity of Grand Tsland, Hall County, IVebraska. rz;�
<br /> ' ���
<br /> STAMP TAX � ' �" �
<br /> v��
<br /> � � rr�AR 3� a��8 ' ' � � ��
<br /> .� .b7Ar�EtyT ATTAC!-icD ; ,��
<br /> 6 o S V,.�wurtr��.
<br /> �--- }_?
<br /> � �7 BY � , F,,i �`�,
<br /> 5 7�
<br /> To have and o o e a ov emises together with a11 tenemente, hereditaments �'
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging nnto the grantees and to their aesigns, or to the heirs and assigns Y `"�
<br /> oE the enrvivor of them forecer. ? �` i��
<br /> And grantor does herebq covenant with the �rantees and with their aseigns and with the haus ' ,��
<br /> r
<br /> - and sesigns of the aurvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; tbst they are free from = ?
<br /> enanmbranee except easements and restrictions of record ,� °
<br /> yx,
<br /> c r.;
<br /> that grantor fias good right and Iawful authority to convey the »ame; and that grantor warranta and will � �;
<br /> defend the titite to said premiaes againat the lawful claims of all persons �vLoinsoever. � �'
<br /> It is Lhe intention oP all parties hereto thst ia the event of the death of either of £ue grantees, ; �,�
<br /> the entire fee t3tie to tk�is real property shall �est in the survi�•ing grantee.
<br /> i�
<br /> -, ,: Dated �a.r�� �O 19 7� �;
<br /> .. ..:_..: ......�......................................................... .�,.�.....�.. ...�....��.��.�:.�.�......._.
<br /> Glenn B. itehead , ?
<br /> .. ._.._.:....... .. ........: ......................................... .........�.. . . .. _ . .. . ... :. ,
<br /> Annabelle Whitehead �'_
<br /> . ,
<br /> $TATE.OF ....��:5�.................................... County oF .......�iA.t.Z..._................_............._.......: > ' `
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for eaid county, personally eame
<br /> Glenn B. Whitehead aad ?�nnabelle NThitehead, Husband and Wife, each in His and
<br /> Her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> .. . . �. . . . . .. � � ' . . . ',��r 1
<br /> kuowu to me to be the identical persoa or persons who signed the foregoing instrnment and ac�owledged �- »� ';
<br /> ` the ezeanfaon thereof to be hie;her or their volnntary set und deed •` "'
<br /> � . Witnese my.hand and notarial�eal on ......»L:f.2:.�.fr�...._ .L3.LJ................�, 19..._.�.�..
<br /> J
<br />� �; ,. :. . (�
<br />� _ ; iuir�� .. Notarp Pnblic
<br /> -: .� � p � ..•-......._.. ..�':,`�` �s
<br /> ...J.�l.. .... . . .. ..
<br /> _ ,r c,t
<br /> . . . �.. . '¢,
<br /> ,.�,,.. ��,:r.�,.� � �.rr' , .,, * My commissioa eapires.....�.�!�,.kL.C........5�.�...., 19»..5..,....» "
<br /> Form`'42 To'be'�pptoved by ATebraska State Bar lsaociation F�b^i W°u a°..L"m",x.e�.
<br /> � ....� .. ., ...., .�..,r,., ....:,_� .w.... .� .w ,...w �..��.....,,..: �_ �
<br />