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<br /> j
<br />� .
<br /> STATE OF NEBEZASSA, County of ....................................................:
<br />; Filed for record on ................................. 19........at............................ dcloc3c ........................ M. ;;
<br />� . �
<br /> 7 and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ............................. :�'
<br />;
<br /> ......... ................................................................... By .............................................................................._.......... �.
<br />�' Regiater of Deeds Deputy Register of Deede �
<br />�
<br /> j
<br />; CLARENCE L. SHUDA and VERNIE S. SIiUDA, Huaband and 'ifife, eaoL ia hia
<br /> j sad ber owa rigl�t and as apovsa of escb ot]�e�r and JOE E. SETLIB snd
<br />� DOROT�Y M, SETLIS� Hnabend and Yife, eacla ia his aryd her enn rigbt
<br /> i; aad as sponae of aaob otl�er ,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />�
<br />! in considera.tion of SE�TEN THOUSAND SEVEN 1l�NflRED F=FTY AND NO/1OOTHS D03.,LARS
<br /> (i7,75o.00)
<br /> received from grsntees, does grant, bargain, sell convey aad eonfirm unto M=CHAEL L. S1�+f2TH
<br /> aad PAU3.A S. SMITS� Hosbaad and Wi!'m
<br /> ss joint tenants with right of eurvivorehip, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br /> property in .............a611................_..................... Countp,Nebraeka: . = �,
<br /> sr
<br /> �TATEMEi1Q:rq'1TACHED
<br /> Lot Nineteen (19), L/estr•ada Estatas TYi3rd k," '.;
<br /> Subdivision, Hall Coonty, Nebraska. NEBRqgKp CpCUMEN'iARY =�`�;
<br /> STAMP TAX °� -:
<br />. . . . . F:� 5'y;'
<br /> PtiAR 3 i i978
<br /> �;_ ':
<br /> � rz�,
<br /> $�BY�,,,_ �. rt r"
<br /> -�<s
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premiaes together with all tenementa, hereditameats �- j�
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging �to the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heire and assigne '
<br /> of the snrvivor of them forecer. `` '
<br /> .s
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grsatees and with their aseigns and with the heira
<br /> aad assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premises;that they ara free From 'i
<br /> encnmbrance ezeept easemeats aad restrictiona oF reoord �
<br /> ,:�
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons �r•l�omsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea,
<br /> the entire fee title to this real property shall cest in the aurvi��ing grantee.
<br /> ated Maropl� 22nd 19 78
<br /> Q p �C '
<br /> . . _....... �l_'L`-;c�:..................... . � . . . ...................................._.......... r;
<br /> ...� . ....
<br /> arsaGt�: '�1ivi�'... �oe �.....Sa��
<br /> � �'� �� _ �,
<br /> � . . ....._.... ............ ._....... . . .��: �-•.-�::�::::�..... ` '
<br /> Q'"s'r'n 's" .
<br /> '�.....fi�i'o'cla' �oro£1�y.. S'e�1i.k'
<br /> STATEOF ---....».......NEBRASKA...................... Couaty of ..._........H�l:l.........._.......»......_..»...: �
<br /> Before me, a notary publie qnalified for esid county, peraonally esme CLAFtENCE L. SIiUDA
<br /> and 7�ERNIE K. SHUDA, Hnaband and Yife, sacb ia l�ia aad her o�tn
<br /> -- riait aad ss sponse ot' saob otLer and JOE E. SETLIS and DOROTHY M. -
<br /> SETLIB� Huaband aad �life. sacL in Lis aad Ler own rigbt and as :
<br /> sp�nse of saob otber
<br /> _ ��
<br /> -.c-�.-
<br /> �town to me.Lo be the identical peraon or pereons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br /> . the`eaecution`thereof to be his,her or their volnatary act and d ed. � ?
<br /> �:
<br /> '' ` Witriess my hsnd aad notarisl aeal on.... . �!- .., 9..� ¢
<br /> r
<br /> � . ... .......... .
<br /> �.
<br /> �,, : � � � __
<br /> _ �flDOLF F."PLATE .
<br /> ;���� .....�....... . ... . ... ....... .....�. .._... '.. .. otary Fnblic �� :�"
<br /> �=a--"' My commiseion expi es .... � �� ... _ -,
<br /> �.��'J�v' �Q.........� 19.. . ...
<br /> Forni �.2 To be annroved b.v.\ebraska State`Bar asaociation p'dmn i OIt OY..LO0010.Ntbl.
<br /> J
<br /> r -.. ..,,, ...,.. ...� ,,.. , ,......: .. .. _ . . . .. . . .
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