,.,:: � '
<br /> � 7�— d+01832 . �
<br /> - -------__. _.._—_�_-_ .__� _ __.
<br /> ___._ . ..,.__._ .. __- --- ____..
<br /> , ,- --- __ __. __ __ __ .--
<br /> " 57-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—\A/ith Rent Asel nment �
<br /> t . ( p ) (Reviud 1982) The Huehnen Geaersl Supplr H�wae.Lu,00in.Nebr. . .
<br /> �� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Marvin Mach and Vera D. Mach I
<br /> f� �� � � � ii
<br /> ;./ f of ���- -$gj j County,and State of in consideration of the sum of � � ��.. ����
<br /> 3 ------�—Nebraska
<br /> 1 i One—Thousand and 00/100----------- ------------------C$1,000) U�LLARS � `
<br /> ;j in hsuid peid,do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POZNTS BANK ,
<br /> � o[ ��
<br /> ��J � H811 County,State of Nebisska the foliowing de�r."bed premises situated. �
<br /> � �n Hall County, and State of Nebraska �-�+'���
<br /> ' � S
<br /> � i
<br /> Lot Eight CS), Block Two (2), in Dale i
<br /> � Roush Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska �I
<br /> ,:.a N� i� . .
<br /> � ;� �; '
<br /> { � �
<br /> . �� � �.
<br /> � � :
<br /> # � ,:.
<br /> � � � �� ��
<br /> � � �� �� �
<br /> ; { �The intention being to cronvey hereby an absolute titte in fee simple, inciuding s21 the rightrt of homestead and dnwer. - i;
<br /> - S TO HAVE AND TO HQLD the premisea ubove described, with all the appurtenancea thereunto belonging unto the eaid f �;
<br /> � � Marvin Mach and Vera D. Mach �i
<br /> � and to tileir heirs and saeigns,forever,provided always, and these presenta are upon the expreae rnndition� that iF fI ; '
<br /> :� � . � the naid {! { � . "z�,.
<br /> ; ' Marvin Mach and Vera D. Mach li `
<br /> i
<br /> 11 � f
<br /> !� - " � � �� ��� heirs,ezecutors,administrators or nssigns ehall pay or cause to be paid to the said �f � +�i
<br /> � EIVE POINT3 BANK heira.ezecutors.ada�inietraWra or aseigns, i� �i, �'.
<br /> ' the snm of One` Thousand and 00/100-- Dollara,payable �
<br /> ' ----------------------------"----------- .
<br /> ' � j. �with n�tereat thereon at 11 per cent per annuxn,payabte monthly �axao�FSg all according to tho tenor and � �� ' -
<br /> 7 °x
<br /> � j efTect of the promissory note with interest cuupons attached of said ,� �' ��,�,
<br /> 4 bearing even date of • and shall pay �i '
<br /> all Wxes and a�sessmenta levied upon said real estate betore the eaxne becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on said � `i�,
<br /> ,��� premiaea insured for the sum of $ 8,500.00 losa, if any, payable to the saul moztgagee, then these presents to be void, ,`
<br /> ;7 �otherwise to be and remain in full force.Principal and interest payable at the off'ice of '� , �.;��
<br /> z � at ;� '
<br /> IT.IS FURTHER AGREED, (1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay euch tazes or procure such insurance, the �� G;'
<br /> �S � eaid martgagee may pay auch taues end procuze auch insurance; and the sum so advanced,with interest at per cent �
<br /> �f per annum ehalt be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage ehall atand ea security for the same. (2) It is stipulated ;
<br /> and agreed that in case of any default in any of the eaid payments of principal or mterest,taxes or insurance,or of any breach ' �
<br /> ', � oe violetion of any of the rnvenants or agreements herein contained by the mortgagor, then and in that eveat the whole of ii ' .
<br /> seid�principal aum hereby secvred, together with interest,may at the option of the holder become due and payable at oace. �� ;
<br /> .� and the sa�d prnmises sold as hereinefter pmvided; (3) In case of any default ea above epecified, the beneficiary oz holder of �a
<br /> 't . eeid indebtedneea ahall at once bernme entitled to foreclosure and sale of the premises, and shall ba entiUed to immediate (
<br /> . { poeseseioa and uae of the pro�erty,and to the rents �ssuea and proSts thereof, the same being hereby pledged and eavigned � �
<br /> � � as addttional security for the indebtedneas which ie secured by thie instrument, and the hoider of said indebtedness ahall be � � �
<br /> � entitled to a receiver of eaid property, and to the rents, iseues and profits thereof, immediately upon such default, and a ; .
<br /> .� receiver may be appointed by any court of competent �uriadiction upon ex-party epplication. and without notice, notice being
<br /> , .hereby expresaly waived,and the appointmeat of auch receiver on any auch application without notice being hereby consented I , .
<br /> ��� to by the mortgagor and all pereoas claiming by,through or under him, and ali renta and profits, inrnme and mvenuea from !� � � �
<br /> � seid property ehall be held by the receiver as additional aecurity tor the payment of the debt hemby secured. .� �
<br /> � Signed thie 29th day of March ,1978 - tf
<br /> . � .� �� ;
<br /> � �,�//� �
<br /> . � � enenceof �...�'�j1..Cr.�:..... .�.i._.Cl�L�.-'�.`.'Y.---�_��G.S..._....... �� . .
<br /> ' �� � -4- - �
<br /> � .._._ ..--�-�---�--�---...--- �.._:_.....�.--.----....--��----�--...-- �.............�..�.-.......�----.....�.��.---._...------- ,� ;
<br /> � ...--------.._...----------...-----�------....._...._......--------------........._.-------. ..................._..-------...---._....__............--�---................-�---�---.._..........._--- f�
<br /> �; /� �� � :
<br /> '� � STATE OE....._._..A�!.��_✓.�s---- •--..l.x....... ................................: `�
<br /> �-•---.._.............-• County of...-----•• � �/,,.
<br /> -- �
<br /> ��.�' Before me.�a notary public qualified for said countY. Peesonatly came ;``
<br /> � Imown-to ma to be the identical person or peraona who aigned the foregoing instrument and acknowledRed the ezecutioa �1� � � � �
<br /> �, thereof W be his, her or.their voluntery act and d d.
<br /> � ' . .. ...._ _ i� .
<br /> . ',: Witnees my hand and no ' NBTAP•X:xuf ...�� .�:. -•----J--••' f �
<br /> ..,
<br /> ��NALD E.TRA ���"� � -� ' �.
<br /> ;. My commiasion ezPires:...: . . �'.`�,�_.........�. ... '` .
<br /> , G�mm'•C�xD-Seat�- �. -••-�---••- •�'fi�`"-�.-�NotarY Public. �I �. ..._--.. �..
<br /> ': :r,.".�.�. -. . .� .. . � � � ' - ..
<br /> % 3TATE OF I ;
<br /> _......._.._... 1 � �
<br /> �, . . Entered on numerical indea and filed for record i� �� . �
<br /> 1 I ��� County ...__...... ___..__._ ._..:_.w..�� in the Register of Deeds 06x�e ot said County the . �� ' .
<br /> � �� � -_....o'clock and----_.......__ ' ��
<br /> � ._.._;. ._._..._.day.of_:.__ �. . � � � �.....,.19............. at.._-------...----.. ......minutea ----....... .........M., � �>
<br /> --...... .'
<br /> �'"� and.�iecotded in�Book::._ �__.. � �� ���� ��:� '
<br /> � ._... :._.....�_.o£.............._...._......._••••----at page.._-_•-...---...._.....----•----�--....... � ;, �:�. .,:x. �:.�
<br /> '� . . . . . . .. . . �: ..�> �
<br /> ,..� . . . _. . . . . . . � i� . . .,-
<br /> -----....._..---------------_..............._......................_...._Reu. of Decde .�.
<br /> �� . . . � . By..................................•------.._......._. .-�--•�-- �-- DePuty .
<br /> ' �
<br /> . .. � . ._.,___���.._.._-_-_"-. .. .�. _... _:-.._.�
<br /> . . __ _.�----—'---.. . . .__ . ._. ._.._.__. �.
<br /> � k � � .� � I . .
<br /> i 1 .. . :
<br />