<br /> : . .. . . , : , � . .. . , ,
<br /> � �
<br /> � ... _, ,
<br /> ; ,,r..� ,,•� � �
<br /> � �'�:
<br /> ' not extend or postpone the due ?dnte ot the monthly install�nents referred to in parngraphs' 1 and .2 hereof or - `a
<br /> � ckange the amount of sucl� installments. , `�`
<br /> 2Q. Bonower Not Releasa� Exteusion of the time for papinenG or inodificstion of amortization of the suins ` `" - ''�'
<br /> � secured ;by- �his 13ostgage granted :by I.ender to any successor. in interest oi Borrower shall not .operate to release, � , t' � '<� %��
<br /> in` anjr tnanner, t6e �liability of the, ariginal Borrower nnd Borrower's successors in interest_ Lender shail nat be �. �, � ��.
<br /> r �i required tiD commeace�proeeedingsagainstsuch successor or retuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify �` � ' ' ','` 'x �q,
<br /> � smortizatiori of the aums �ecured by this \Iortgsge Dy reason of any dernand msde by the original Borrower and h . '��;
<br /> ,�. , -B03'IOW8P�6SUCCCS66I6 :n�.interest. . �. �. . .:�. � ... � .: . . . � � . . . . . - . � � . . � � . : . ° � � ��,'?
<br /> �g 11. Forbe�ance by Lander Not a Waiver. Any . forbearssnce b,y Lender in exercising uuy right or rernedy „ ` � «��y�
<br /> '� hereunder, or otherwiae ufforded by applicaUle la«-; shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right � � ��' "
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurauce or the payment of taxes or other liens or chaages by Lender , �,��
<br /> I` sha12 not be a waiver oI Lender's rigl�t to a,ccelernte the mAturity of the indebtedness secured by Lhis MorEgage. ,; '. ` f� "�"'`�s
<br /> O ' 12. " Remedies Cuznulative. .911 remedies provided in t6is \4ortgage ure distinet und cumulative to any other " ' '
<br /> � � G� 'right or reinedy under-this, \Iortgage m• afforded hy la«• or eqtiity, and �na}- be exercis�-d concurrently, independ-
<br /> es i
<br /> - � +--1 ently or siiccesaively. `' : , ^`r�.
<br /> { C, 13. Swceessors �d Aasigns Bouad; J�iat card Several Liability; Captioas. The covenants ar.d agreements s ` E {, �v,
<br /> � � herein contained shall bind , und the rights tiere�mder ehssll inure to, the respectivc sucees�ors and a�signs of Lender �, '" + � y.
<br /> ,. and Borrower, subject to the provisions of I�ara�raph IF hereof. :111 covenants nnd agrecments of Borrower shalI v � ` � ��r�,-
<br /> j . T be joint snd severssL The captions snd Lcadings of ti�e purugrapl�s of tl�is \Iortgage are for convenience onIy and � ..'�
<br /> � C��O are not tobe uaed to interpret or define the provisione liereof. � . , r �,+
<br /> " � 14. Notice. Any notice to Borrower pro��ided for in thi� Jlortgage shall be gi�•en by muiling such nutice by p 3 ;,` �tE .r
<br /> " certified mail uddressed to Borrou�er nt the Property Address �tated belu«•, except far any notice required under � , :" K���'
<br /> � ' psragruph 28 hereof to be gi�•en to Borro«•er in the munner ��re�crikied by :tpplicablc law. �ny notice provided , �„r '• °,' '
<br /> , � forin this Vlortgage shall be deeineci to l�a�•c bcen gi��en to Borro+ver when gi�•en in thc manner designated herein. i � �;� �� ° '
<br /> � e �',
<br /> I5. Ua'sform Mo;tgage; Governing Law; Severability. "1'his forni o{ inortgu�e combines uniform covenants € � {r m
<br /> for national use und non-uniform coven:�nts witli limited �•xriations b�� jurisdiction to constitute n uniform secu- i ' " ` "� � ,
<br /> rity instruinent cavering real property. This \fortguge shall bc governed by the la«• of the jurisdietion in which � ` s„�'��
<br /> the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this �4ortguge ar the Note conAir.ts with F ` ta _"' Y
<br /> applicable law, such conAict shalt not uffect otl�er provisions of this � Iortgage or the Note which con be given � � "�'� ��"
<br /> � �"r �z "
<br /> effect without the r,onflicting provision , and to this end the t,rovisions of the �fortgagc rind the Note are declared j� � �,�� , -.
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> k �.Kifi��4
<br /> 16. $orrower's Capy. Borrower shall be furnished a coniormed copy of this \4ortgage at the time of execu- L � ��{� ,��� ��
<br /> � tion or after recordetion hereof. �4�,�.+
<br /> � 17. ?r�mefer of the Pro rt • Aasum tioa. If all or an �art of the Yro ert � or an interest therein is aold " ° a�`�''"
<br /> Pe Y• F Y I P S � y= ;, '�"
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or eneum- , ' ' �;�
<br /> brance subordinate to this vIortgsge, ( b ) tlee creation of a purchase inoney security interest for household appli- t � `^>t y��'-�"
<br /> � ancea, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la«• upon the deatli �f a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of ; k ' � 7�'y
<br /> any leasehold interest of three yesrs or less not containing an option tn purchase, Lender may, at 7.ender's option, . r ° �"f " t „ � �
<br /> declare sli Lhe sums secured b y this Mo r t ga ge to be inrcnediatcly duc 3nd payable. Len der shss l! have waive d auc h � { * > �, �° - -
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lend�r and t12c person to whom ihe Property is to be sold ' or � „ �.��''
<br /> tranaferred reach agreement in �vriting tl�at tLe credic, of such person is ssstisfactory to Lender und that the interest � . z ,, ,;x �����
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this \4ortgage shalt be st sucli rate as Lender sliall request. If Lender has waived `T '_ ' '
<br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in this psragruph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ- � ,. :�{ "�.�
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by 7.ender, I,ender shall release Borrower from nll obiigations under a ��' ��`"
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note. a
<br /> � ; � . ..,.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucl� option to uccelerate, Lender shnll nuail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance � ` ` , `� '
<br /> witl� parsgrsph 14 hereof. Such noticc sliall provide a period oi not less than 30 days from the date the notice is ?� . *,,'�
<br /> mailed within which Borrower inay psy the suma declared due. If Borrower fails to �ay such sums prior to the � , � ;;v
<br /> ' expiration o# such period, Lender may, «�itliout further notice or demand on B�orrower, invoke any, remedies per- } ,
<br /> ` ' mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. -
<br /> � q
<br /> " s:
<br /> \Tox-l3xiaoRr.t CovExnrTs. Borro��er auid Lender further covenant and agree ati follo�vs : - , ;`
<br /> 18: Aceeleration; Remedies. Excent ns pro��ided in � �aragrupl� 17 hcrcof. upon Borrower� breach of any ; '.
<br /> � ;
<br /> eovenant oragreement of Borro�cer in this 1lort�age, including tl�e eovenants fo pay vchen due uny sums secured
<br /> by thia �lortgsge, Lender prior to acceleration sl�all muil notice to Borro�vcr as p�rovicied in pnrsgmph 14 hereof
<br /> specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; (2) the netion requimd to curc ;ucli breuch ; l31 n datc, not less tlian thirty days _ "
<br /> from the date tl�e notice is mailed to Borro�ver, b�� ���hicti �iirl � brrnch �uust bc ciu•ed ; and (41 that failure to cure
<br /> such breach on or before tl�e date specified in tl�e noticc mny resuit in accelerntion of the sums secured by this
<br /> Mortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not citred on or Uefore the date specified in t.he notice, I.ender
<br /> at Lender's option inay cleclare all of the sums eecured by this �Iortgagc to be im�nediately due and payable -
<br /> without furtherdemand und may foreclose tliis \tortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shxll be entitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosure, inclucling, but not liu�ited to, costs of documentary evidence, }
<br /> abstracts end title reports.
<br /> 19. Boaower's Right to Reiastate. Notwithstanding Lender's sscceleration of the sums secured by Lhis
<br /> '` i�Iortgage, Borrower shall have the right Lo have any proceedings begun by Lender to enfomc thia �iortgage dis-
<br /> ; c,ontinued at' any time prior to entry of a judq�nent enfqq�cing this \iortgnge if : ( a1 Borrow•er pays Lender all
<br /> sums wluch would be then due under this JIortgage, ihc Note and notes securing Futurc Advances, if any, had no ,r�„
<br /> �� scceleration occurred ; (b) Borrower cure.R nll breaches of nny other co�enants or �grcements of Borrower con- -
<br /> , , � ,
<br /> :, tsined in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable e�penses incurrccl by I,ender in enforcing the covenants ` ; `.'
<br /> ;.� . ,
<br /> and agreements of Borroccer contsined in tl�i. �[ort�;uge and iu enturcing Lender'� reuiedies as provided in para-
<br /> gap& 18 hereof, inctuding, but not7imited to, reasonabie uttornep '� fees ; ancl fdi Borro�vcr takes such action as
<br /> H � �CndeT mey reasonatily, 'require to assure .thst the lien of 'this \Iortgage, Lender'c interest in the Property and " �'r �'
<br /> �� Borrower's obligatioa to pay the sums secured l�y ihi� 1IortgnGe shall continuc unimpaire�i. i7pon such paytneat ..,, �-y; �
<br /> snd cu're liy Borrower; this Mortgsge and the obligaCion� secumd hereb�• s6a11 reinain in full force and effect as if
<br /> � no socelerat�on had'occurred: �
<br /> 2Q ' Asognmsnt ol ,Rs�s; AgF:oiatrneat. oi Receiver; Lender in Poaseasioa �s additional security hem- _ � ; '
<br /> _ � ' uader, Borrawer izerebp sa9ign§ to' I:ender',the rents of the Property. pro��ided thaf Borrower shall, prior to acceler- �:
<br /> a�on under paragraph 18 hereof 'or absndonment of the Property, ha�•c the right to collect and retain such rents �'•, 'r -
<br /> ss theydiecome due"snd' paya6le. < � , w- ` �
<br /> - ^ Ugain-acceteration under paragraph 18 hereoi or abandonment of the Yroperty. Lender, in person, by agent �"�,,;�� �
<br /> '� or bg jpdicisily,appointed ieceiver.shall be erititled to enter.,upon; take possession of and manage the Property "'"t
<br /> �„ an3 tq ,collecL the rents of the Propertyf includin� those paet due. All rent� COIIPf'{P(I }1v Lender or thc mceiver
<br /> �� ' shall be-appkied firet to payment of tfie coate of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, hut
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums an receiver's_ bondc and reasonuble attorney's fees. and then to the swns
<br /> _ ,f aecured by tliis Mortgage. .Lender snd the receiver sGall he liuble to account only for tho�e rents netuslly received . �
<br /> ,, ,� . . . � . . .
<br /> `; .sf .. . . . . : . � � . . �. � - . . . .
<br /> .. . . ..:...: . _ . . .. , , ..,_;- . .
<br /> . . �µ._.A::..—.. � » . -..,:.._, ..,..:,,,,.: �. :,. ,.:, .. . . . . . �
<br /> F .. � . � . . . . . � . . , . .. � � .
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