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<br /> QUITCLAIt�t D���
<br /> For the purpose of clearing title and for the purpose o£ �
<br /> severing Lot Thir.teen o� Jacic Voss Horse Countryclub Second
<br /> Subdivision, Flall Coun-ty, T7ebra.,ka, from the ownership and obligl-
<br /> tions of t21e conunon areas, including barn, in tlze .7ac1: Voss
<br /> Iiorse Countryclub Subdivision and the Jac}: Voss FIorse- Countryclub
<br /> Second Subdivision, DAVSD VOSS, being the present owner of Lot
<br /> Thirteen (13) of Jack Voss fIorse Cou�tryclub Second Subdivision,
<br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska, £or himself and for a12 other� hexeafter
<br /> claiming through him or his grantees as a subsequent owner oE
<br /> the said Lot Thizteen (13) does hereby quitclaim, grant, bargain,
<br /> sell ancl convey unto JACR VOSS all o� his ri_ght, title, claim
<br /> and interest in and to all of ttie Jack Voss FIors� Countryclub
<br /> Subdivision and the 7ac7: Voss Horse Countryelub Second Subdivision,
<br /> exc�pt t2iat part �thereof knoc��n as Lot 2'hirteen (13) of the Jack •
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Second Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska,
<br /> It is the intention of this Deed that grantor hereby severs
<br /> the aforesaid Lot Thirteen (13) from the common ar�as of the y
<br /> Jacic Voss Horse Coun�.ryclub Subdivision and the Jack Voss Horse ..�
<br /> Countryclub Second Subdivision, it heing specifically understood
<br /> and agreed that the grantor and all persons c2aiming through
<br /> 12im and all of their grantees of I,ot Thirteen (13) sha11 not s
<br /> as grantee of Lot Thirteen (I3) acquire any interest of any
<br /> kind in or to the common area or barn originally establi�hed 4.
<br /> in �those two subdivisions. '
<br /> It is further understood and agreed tl-iat as consideration �`
<br /> �
<br /> for this Deed, Jack Voss agrees that the subsequent owners of �;
<br /> Lot Thirteen (1�} , Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Second Subdivision,
<br /> sha2.l have no ownership in the said common areas and shall have k:
<br /> nona of the benefits fron and none of the obligations imposed
<br />- by the Jac}c Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision Ru1es & Proteotive
<br /> Covenants for Condominiun recorded in Book 23, Page 613 in the
<br /> office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebrasl:a or
<br /> in Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run �aith the land recorded in Aoor: 2�1, Page 593 in the office
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska or in Jack
<br /> Voss Fiorse Countryclub Second Subdivision �ules & Covenants
<br /> to run wa.tYi the land recorded in Book 24, Page 595 in th� o£fice
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> IN S4ITNESS WHEREOF, this Deed has been executed on this
<br /> 7.y day o£ J•iay, 1977.
<br /> � STAMP TAX
<br /> David Voss
<br /> rAAR �o �s�$ �
<br /> STATE OF NEBR�SZCA ) � �.� (��'� _ �
<br /> (ss: $�Y /��_
<br /> COUNTY qF HALL )
<br /> Before me, a Notary Public qualified for said county, person-
<br /> allg came David Voss, known to me to be the identical person
<br /> who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />- thereof to be his voluntary act and deed. -
<br /> Witness my hand and idotarial Seal on bSay, 197�.
<br /> �c• N E�R�S"',i. �G( ���i��i%.(./ ,
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