_ � �
<br /> Zs--, �01'7 8 4
<br /> s For the purposs of clearizg title and for the purpose of I
<br /> severing Lot Eleven (11) of Jacl: Voss FIorse Countryclub Second
<br />� Subdivisi.on, Hall County, Nebraska, from the ownership and obliga-
<br /> tions of the common areas, including barn, in the Jack Voss
<br /> Horse Countryclub Subdivision and the Jack Voss Florse Countryclub
<br /> 'Seconcl Subdivision, DxtN BUCKNER and DONNA BUCKrIER, husband and
<br /> wife, being the present os.�ners of Lot Eleven (11) of Jac}: Voss
<br /> FIorse Countryclub Second Subd.ivision, fiall County, P7�braska,
<br /> for themselves and for all others herea�ter claiming through
<br /> � them or th�ir grantees as a subsequent owner of- the said Lot
<br /> EZeven (I.Zj do hereby quitc2aim, grant, baresain, sel_I and ronv�y
<br /> unto JACK VOSS all of their rigl�t, title, claim and interest
<br /> in and to all of the J1C:Y Voss Fiorse C.ountryclub Subdivision
<br /> and the Jact� Voss Aorse Countryclub Second Sub�livision, except
<br /> that part thereof known as Lot Eleven (11) of the Jack Voss
<br /> Horse Countryclub Second Subdivision, Gxand Island, Fiall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> It is the intention of this Deed that grantors hereby sever
<br /> the aforesaid Lot Eleven (11) trom th� common areas of the Jacic
<br /> Voss Horse Countr}roZub Subclivision and tha Jack Voss Horse Countryclub
<br /> Second Subdivisioxa, it being specifically understood and agreed
<br /> that the grantors and all persons claiming through them and �
<br /> a11 of their grantees of Lc�t Eleven (11) shall not as grantee
<br /> of Lot �leven (11) acquire any interest of aay kind in or to
<br /> the common area or barn originally established in those two
<br /> subdivisions.
<br /> It is further understood and agrePd that as consideration
<br /> £or this Deed, Jac2c Voss ayrees that thA subsequent owners of
<br /> Lot Eleven (11) , Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Second Subdivisian,
<br /> shall have no ownexship i.a the said comnon areas and shall have
<br /> none of the benefits from and none of the obligations imposed
<br /> by the JacY. Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision Rules & Protective
<br /> Covenants £or Condominium recorded in Boob= 23, Page 613 in the
<br /> ofPice of the Register of Deeds of F3a11 County, Nebr�:.ska or
<br /> in Jack Voss FIorse Countryclub Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the land recorded in Boolc 24, Page 593 in the office
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of FIall County, Nebraska or in JacX �
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Second Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the land recorded in BooY, ?4, Pa_qe 595 in the office
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebras!:a.
<br /> �IP7 WITNLSS LdHEREOF, this Deed has been executed on this.
<br /> � day oP biay, 1977.
<br />- STAMP TAX ,�P�'
<br /> P
<br /> PIlAR 3 0 19�8 ���,r�� n suckner
<br /> �y �7�� �,�Q� ,} �`
<br /> $_�BY � �����u,.- "a:_3 �GL.v�f.�
<br /> Donna Bucfiner
<br /> smAz� or• NEIIT2ASK� y
<br /> (ss:
<br /> COUNTY OF PIAI,L ) -
<br /> Before me, a Notary Public qualified for sazd county, person- �
<br /> ally came Ddn Buc}cner and Donna Buckner, husband and wife, known
<br /> ,,. to me to be the identical persons who signed the £oregoing instrument .:.:.- r "" �►�'+
<br /> and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary �.��, } :
<br /> `act and deed. �.. ,
<br /> k
<br /> �
<br /> witness my hand and iSotarial Seal on r1ay, 1977. �
<br /> �1PRY E.40FGREEN ' �'�'
<br /> .. . ��S�: . �Na1uY-SbL of flehy� � . � �� " .�.
<br /> MY L n^tisSlOrt ExP�ros `e ��� �� �
<br /> .:���=f.t�ta. ( � ...::it.
<br /> � �Mzrch�21,1978 ��<<"`'�-�'✓�-
<br /> Notary, u�ia.� —'
<br /> My commission expires: ��j2� .�/./�l���
<br /> . �
<br />