� �
<br /> 78-- 001'��2
<br /> QU:ITCLA=M DF:x D
<br /> For the purpose of.. clearing titZe anci for the purpos� of �
<br /> severing Lot Six (6) of 3ac}c Vos� Horse Countryclub Subdivisian,
<br /> Iiall County, Nebraska, from tlie owner�hip and obligations of
<br /> #:he common areas, including barn, in the JacY, Voss Ilorse Countryclub
<br /> Subc;ivision and the Jack Voss Horse Countrycluh Seconcl Sul�division,
<br /> JE:RRY BOWDEN and SAL7DRA K11Y E30C�TDEIV, husband and wife, being
<br /> the present owners of i.ot Six (6) of 3acY. Voss IIorse Countryclub
<br /> Subdivision, Ha1Z County, Nebra�Y.a, for themselves and for a11
<br /> others hereafter claiming through them or their ,rantees as
<br /> a subsequent owner of tYie �aid Lot Six (6) do her�by quitclaim,
<br /> grant, bargain, sall and convey unto JACF: VOSS all of their riqht,
<br /> title, claim and interest in and to all of the 7ack Voss I3orse
<br /> Countryclub Subdivision and th� Jzck Voss FIorse Countryclub
<br /> Second Subdivision, except that pzr.t ther�of Y,nown as Lot Six (&}
<br /> of the Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision, Grand Island,
<br /> Hal1 County, T7ebraska.
<br /> It is the intention of thi� Deed that grantors hereby sever
<br /> the aforesaid Lat Six (6) from th� common areas of the Jac:.
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision anC the 7ack Voss Horse Country-
<br /> club Second Subdivision, it being spacifically understood and
<br /> agreed that the grantors and all persons claiming through them
<br /> and all of their grantees of Lot Sir. (6) shall nat as grantee
<br /> of Lot Six (6) acquire any interest of any kind in or to the
<br /> common area or barn originally established in those two subdivisions.
<br /> It is Purther understood and agreed that as consideration
<br /> for this Deed, Jack Voss agrees that th? subsequent oc�nars of
<br /> Lot Six (6) , Sack Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivi.sion, sha11
<br /> - havs no oconers:�i.p in the said common areas and s!iall have none
<br /> o£ the benefits from and nonc� of tl�!> obligations irnposed by s: '
<br /> the Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Subc3ivision Rules & Protective
<br /> Covenants for Condominium recorded in Bool: 23, Page 6I3 in tYxe
<br /> office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska or
<br /> in Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the land recorded in Booic 24, Page 593 in the office
<br /> of the Register of Aeeds of Hall County, Nek�ras�a or in JacF:
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Second Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the land recorded in 3oolc 24, Page 595 in the office
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> IN WITNESS WEiEREOF, this Deed has een executed on this
<br /> �_ day of I�lay, 1977.
<br /> STAMP TAX " Q.
<br /> P� Jerr Bow en
<br /> ��� �p 19�8 �P������
<br /> $�BY �
<br /> Sandra Kay B en
<br /> (Ss:
<br /> Before me, a Notary Public qualified for said county�, person-
<br /> - ally oame Jerry F3owden and Sandra Kay Aowden, husband and wife,
<br /> known to me to be the identical persons who signed the foregoing r
<br /> ` instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their .
<br /> voluntary act and deed. r -
<br /> witness my hand and Notarial a on t4ay311977 � '
<br /> --.- . yZ�iQ� � �
<br /> GENERAL.!'iOTARY•Sta`�.�f P�'6'f. �
<br /> RAYFAOND A.BAiC�k !� ��, Y� '�
<br /> ..� �My Comm.ExP.�pL 29,19� � . . NO tdry PUh11C . . . � :
<br /> . .. . � . . �.- . � . . � �`' ..,:�•• , .
<br />-- iKy commission expires: ,
<br /> \''� �
<br />