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<br /> For the purpose of clearing title and for t2:e purpose of
<br /> severing Lot Four (4) of Jzck Voss Horse CountrycZub Subdivision,
<br /> Hall County, i3ebraska, from the o�mer�hip and obliqations o�
<br /> the commoYi areas, including barn, in tlie Jack Voss itorse Count_ryclub
<br /> Subdivision and the Jac}: Voss Florse CounL-ryclub Second Subdivisa.on,
<br /> JACK VOSS and �4ILMA VOSS, husbancl and wife, being "the" nrese:it
<br /> o�mers of Lot Four (4) of Jack Voss �-Iorse Countryclub Subclivision,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, for themselves and for all others hereafter
<br /> claiming through thern or their grantees as a subsequent o�•�ner
<br /> of the said Lot Four (�) do hereby quitclaim, grant, bargain,
<br /> sell and convey unto JACY. VOS5 aI7. oL- their right, title, claim
<br /> and interest in and to all of the :Iac}: Voss FIors= Countryclnb
<br /> Subdivision and the Jac}: Voss Elor.se Count_ryclub Second S,.ibdi.vision,
<br /> e,ccept t?iat part thereo£ knoc•�n as Lot Four (4) of the Jack Voss
<br /> Horse Countryclub Subclivision, Granci Zslancl, Hall County, P7ebras'ca.
<br /> It is the intention of this Deed that grantors Yiereby sever
<br /> the aforesaid Lot Iour (4) from the cortssnon �reas of the Jack
<br /> Voss Fiorse Countryclub Subdivision and the JacX Voss fiorse Co�intryclub
<br /> Second Subdivision, it being specificaZly understood and aqreed
<br /> that the grantors and all persor.s claiining throuc�h th2m and
<br /> all of their grantees of Lot Four (4) shall not as grantee of
<br /> Lot Four (4) acquire any interest of any kind in or to the comiaon
<br /> area or barn osiginally established in those two subdivisions.
<br /> It is further understood and agreed that as consideration
<br /> for this Deed, Jack Voss agrees that the subsequent owners of
<br /> Lot Four (4) , Jack Voss FIorse Countryclub Subdivision, shall
<br /> have no o�anership in the said common areas and shall have none
<br /> o� the benefits from and r_one of the obligations imposed by
<br /> t�?e Jack Voss Horse Co�zntryclub Subdivision Ru1es & Protective
<br /> Covenants for Condominium recorded in Book 23, Page 613 in the
<br /> offioe of the Register of Deeds of Flall County, Nebraska or
<br /> in Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivis_on RllZPS & Covenants
<br /> to run with�the land recorded in Book 24, Page 593 in the office
<br /> o£ the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska or in Jac3c
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Second Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the land recorded in Boo}: 24, Page 595 in the office
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of Hall Cou.�ty, Nehraska.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOP, this Ueed has been executed on this
<br /> � day of 2day, 1977.
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<br /> Before me, a Ilotary Public quali£ied Eor said county, person-
<br /> ally came Jack Voss and Wilma Voss, husband and wife, knovrn
<br /> to me to be the identical persons who signed the foregoing instrument
<br /> and acknocaleclged the execution thereof to be their voluntary
<br /> act and deed. ,
<br /> witness my hand and Notarial eal ott May, 1977. - „f�a„, � �<
<br /> �,SNMBp� � . Y �h
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<br /> � Notar Public �
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